One Nation responds to our questionnaire

You can view our question list for all candidates here.


One Nation, responded :



One Nation supports CIR as a system that allows all members of society to have a direct say in Government decision making. Representative Democracy only allows individuals or parties the right to decide for the rest of us.
One Nation believes in not only upholding the right but the need for all Australians to effectively raise debate on issues of concern and have the mechanism to democratically pursue those issues to produce an outcome of legislative change.


One Nation believes the most fundamental and foremost responsibility of any government is the provision of physical security for the protection of the nation and its citizens.The conventional means of affecting this is through the maintenance of a capable defence force to combat any threat to our sovereignty . Fully supported by police and well trained reserve forces backed by a strong sound competitive manufacturing capacity. History reinforces the logic that the only country that any one can depend on in a time of security crises is itself.


One Nation is committed to a fundamental level of education which encompasses at the very
least, writing, reading, spoken skills and expression combined with essential mathematics.
To ensure this we will replace the UNESCO “PROGRESSIVE” system with a full “SYLLABUS” system. Emphasis on responsibility, competition and discipline. We will reinstate School Inspectors, ensure Christian Values, Patriotism and Morality. Aptitude tests will be conducted to ensure students are directed towards an education in line with their capabilities.


One Nation believes that re-industrialisation is the best way of creating lasting full time employment with positions for skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers. This, combined with training Australians rather than importing skills, tax and economic reform, rescinding of
harmful treaties and implementing an industrial relations policy based on fairness and equality for all Australian employees and employers, will enable our manufacturing, business and rural industries to compete on truly level playing field.
One Nation will make creating employment and reducing unemployment and all its associated social ills our major objective.

One Nation’s Industrial Relations policy is based on fairness and equality for all parties concerned, with emphasis on protection of employees and contractor entitlements while also protecting employers from dishonest, disruptive, unsuited employees, or abuse of power by
Unions or union officials. The important role of unions have played in Australia is recognised,
and the continuing need for workers to have access to assistance to negotiate their wages and conditions is acknowledged; membership of unions will continue to be voluntary.



One Nation is committed to ensuring that Australian’s have access to their abundant supplies of energy, without the price impacts of OPEC, foreign exchange, excise taxes & flawed Kyoto accords. We will control our energy resources, encourage the use of true renewable energy and
cleaner autogas and remove deadly aromatics from petrol, reducing liquid fuel prices to a reasonable cost and provide nation wide uniform fuel pricing.


One Nation will ensure the protection of the Australian environment, including National Parks, oceans, waterways and atmosphere, for the benefit and enjoyment of all Australians, now and in the future. There will be no Debt-for-equity swap to expunge part of the national debt with the IMF/World Bank for Australia’s national parks & wildlife. We will foster the development of advanced efficient cleaner energy technologies, encourage the use and conversion to Autogas, and low sulphur diesel, and remove deadly aromatics from petrol. We will not ratify the Kyoto accords and withdraw from agenda 21 and other treaties, which are essentially negative, counter productive and a disaster of international pseudo-science, and dangerously interfere in the climate system.

There is no escaping the fact that Salinity has become an urgent environmental problem.
In states like western Australia and South Australia and areas like the Murray-Darling Basin, it is probably the number one environmental concern, if ignored, any longer the term will become environmental disaster. Salinity needs fixing, and it needs fixing now.
One Nation will strive to repair the damage of the past and minimize negative impacts into the future. Solutions to our current problems need a comprehensive, holistic plan, One Nation will start implementation of these plans immediately.

One Nation will prioritize Watering Australia.


One Nation rejects Globalisation, Mass Immigration, the Destruction of our industries, the export of our jobs, the sale of Australia and the Planned Ruination of the Rural sector and our Standard of Living. One Nation will ensure that our identity and national sovereignty are not undermined. It will see that essential services are maintained and stay in Australian hands. Bureaucracy will be directed that these priorities must be adhered to with a review of treaties, protocols and agreements undertaken to ensure this. Senator Len Harris has made a public commitment that One Nation would see Australia withdraw from GATS and will review all treaties and withdraw from those of no benefit to us. Globalisation means Australians giving up their country and we oppose it. Foreign aid will be reviewed, & provided only in Australian made products and services to those in genuine need.
In line with One Nation core values, that Health Care, should be available to ALL AUSTRALIANS. The Australian Health Care, should not only foster excellence in research and development as well as in training, it should also look to ensuring excellence in its delivery system. Medicare (Universal health care) and bulk billing are the corner stones of such a system.
We support the development of an equitable, efficient and high quality care system that is accessible to all Australians regardless of means, reinstatement of public hospital boards as elected by the community. Public funding will be directed to consultation fees for GP’s, ensuring the survival of their practices, in lue of corporate funding.


One Nation will take a tough line on all crime. Distribution and use of drugs are a criminal offence and will be treated as such, free needles and other forms of encouragement will cease. We will have truth in sentencing and equality in justice. We will ensure its the criminal that suffers not the victims, and people have the right to defend their property, and to be safe in their homes or on the street, especially our seniors. One Nation believes in restoring the authority of the family and that responsible parents should not have their authority eroded by frivolous legislation or UN treaties. We recognise that the best support we can give to any family is support that keeps the marriage and family unit intact.


One Nation will abolish multiculturalism and the Racial Discrimination Act, promote assimilation, nationalism, loyalty and pride in being an Australian.
One Nation believes that migrants who choose Australia, as their permanent homeland should, as a part of their decision to migrate will embrace and enjoy Australia’s cultural values, lifestyle, freedoms and language.
One Nation believes in zero net immigration (subject to review depending on the economy) and that coming to Australia is a privilege that must not be undervalued. We reserve the right to discriminate to ensure these privileges are maintained, so protecting our economy, social cohesion and cultural heritage.


One Nation believes that our primary industries are a national asset and critical to our security, we will ensure the future of Primary Production. One Nation will support continued growth in our primary industries, encouraging environment-friendly economical sustainable production, and ethical resource use. One Nation will protect our primary industries from deregulation, native title, globalism and treaties that threaten competitiveness, energy prices and other costs of production will be reduced, with new technologies to control insect pests and ensure water supplies.
60% of the farms that existed in Australia in 1960 have disappeared; 40% of the farms which existed in 1985 have now gone. The remaining farmers have been leaving the land (1997 figures) at the rate of 35 per week. Some sources place the ‘flight from the land’ even higher,
reporting that the number of Australian farmers declined 15% between 1988 & 1996, representing a loss of 52 farmers a week. The Australian government’s response has been to put up a $500 million taxpayer funded aid package not to halt the trend, but to help farmers leave the land. In the pursuit of globalism they have managed to destroy our rural industries to the extent that we now have to borrow money to import food that we once produced here.
ONE NATION the only party to represent the farmers will reverse this.


Until it has been clearly demonstrated elsewhere that GM products are ecologically and environmentally safe, there will be a moratorium on the further use of or development of GM products in Australia. All existing GM products or products with GM ingredients will be required to be clearly labeled as such. One Nation believes that it is better to err on the side of caution than to make hasty decisions. Multinationals, technological and industrial developers must demonstrate that planned projects are ecologically sustainable and safe.

That Australians of mature age should be classified as Seniors and should be entitled to receive appropriate benefits. They should not suffer demeaning categorization such as; Pensioners, Aged, Older person etc.
Those who have contributed through the Social Security Contribution levy, upon reaching retirement age, should be entitled their full pension without assets test, with free health and medical benefits. They should also be encouraged, not hindered in developing any supplementary secure and independent source of income for their retirement.
Full Policy Details below.

29th.October 2006


This book is designed to reflect current government portfolios with ONE NATION POLICY including briefing designed to enable branches & candidates to promote them to our members & electorates. It is critical that we make people aware of our policies as the government has already adopted our policy to abolish ATSIC.
Listing is in alphabetical order & word format.

# 01 Commonwealth Parliament & Government
# 02 Communication, IT & Arts.
# 03 Defence & Security,
# 04 Education, Science & Training
# 05 Employment & Workplace Relations
# 06 Energy & Mining
# 07 Environment,
# 08 Family & community Services
# 09 Finance & Taxation
# 10 Health
# 11 Immigration & Customs
# 12 Industry: Manufacturing, Business & Tourism
# 13 Law & Justice
# 14 Primary Industries,
# 15 Seniors & Social Security
# 16 Trade & Treaties
# 17 Transport
# 18 Water

9 comments to One Nation responds to our questionnaire

  • David

    Yeah! Why bother responding to the only place likely to print your spiteful, racist garbage?

    Why not just send them the same shit you send everyone else?


  • Ygfi

    cause their racists shit wouldn’t last a minute against an anarchist?

  • Ygfi

    would be funny if we establised a “first come first served” type law with being australian; then the natives decided that after we slaughtered most of them, that we wern’t the sort of people they wanted, so we had to go……
    fair sure we’d have had it comming.

  • Chris

    “We will reinstate School Inspectors, ensure Christian Values, Patriotism and Morality”
    No, you won’t. Even if you did get anyone elected. Even if you did somehow manage to get enough MPs to listen to you. Even then, you would still have to deal with the fact that any legislation requiring a certain religion being taught in schools is entirely unconstitutional.

    Suggesting an unconstitutional course of action ruins your credibility on the ‘patriotism’ front, too.

    “compete on truly level playing field.”
    There’s either an ‘a’ or an ‘s’ missing in there somewhere. Aside from that, it’s the level playing field – ie, lack of tariffs and other trade barriers – that mean Australian manufacturing isn’t viable, for the most part. You can’t have a strong manufacturing sector in a country with high wages, with a level playing field.

    “We will control our energy resources, encourage the use of true renewable energy and cleaner autogas and remove deadly aromatics from petrol, reducing liquid fuel prices to a reasonable cost and provide nation wide uniform fuel pricing”
    How? Do you have a magic wand that makes oil cheaper? How do you propose to ensure petrol costs exactly the same, everywhere, regardless of transport and other costs? Are regional petrol stations going to be required to make a loss? Or will the cost be raised everywhere else to make it even? How does this fit into your magic wand plan to make fuel cheaper?

    “dangerously interfere in the climate system.”
    Citation needed.

    Salinity “needs fixing now”
    Cool. How?

    “in lue of”

    “One Nation will abolish … the Racial Discrimination Act”
    Y’know, it’ll be kind of hard to shake the ‘racist’ label for One Nation if your policies include making racial discrimination legal again.

    “We reserve the right to discriminate”
    See above.

    “zero net immigration”
    How do you intend to deal with the inevitable worsening of the “aging population” stresses on the economy, and a birth rate below replacement rate (thus a shrinking population)?

    “1997 figures”
    Have you noticed the year now has a 2 at the start? Nothing like 13 year old statistics as a basis for policy.

    “Some sources”
    Which ones?

    “ONE NATION the only party to represent the farmers will reverse this”
    I know plenty of farmers who’d be mortified of the idea of ONE NATION representing them.

    “They should not suffer demeaning categorization such as; Pensioners, Aged, Older person”
    As someone so devoted to Australia, who loves patriotism and nationalism… why are you spelling like an American?
    Pensioner is what someone who is on a pension is called. Not all old people (oh no!) are pensioners, and not all pensioners are old people (gasp!).

    “entitled their full pension without assets test”
    See “how are you going to deal with the aging population”

  • Ygfi

    chris, i thought these guys were openly racist? seems a bit silly to say something everyone knows?
    or is that just me assuming something rarely known as common knowledge again? (like when i thought the world population was general knowledge)

  • Chris

    Everyone I’ve spoken to from One Nation in the last year has said “oh, we’re not racist, that’s just people trying to discredit us” or “that’s not who we are anymore” or “it was all Pauline Hanson’s fault, the rest of us are very tolerant”

  • Ygfi

    any you believed them?

  • David

    One of my favourite encounters with them was at the electoral commission office. Some old guy gave me a pamphlet referencing the first gulf war and decrying socialism. I never managed to read the whole pamphlet as it was riddled with logical fallacies and outright fantasy.

    The poor guy would have had a heart attack if he’d known how close he’d just come to an actual socialist. =)

  • Ygfi

    seems like half my friends have had encounters with crazy fenatics, yet the closest i came was a somewhat reasonable religious guy…

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