“Waah. Coalition not in charge. Wah. Something something commies”


  • Chris

    “”I want to … deliver lasting and durable improvements to our democracy,” she declared, promising something she’d never raised during the election for voters to approve.”
    Because improving democracy without a mandate is just unconscionable!

    “But that was when most thought this election would again be decided by the more than 80 per cent of voters who choose either the Coalition or Labor, with the preferences of the rest.”
    Wait, so the 80% that can’t agree should between them decide how the election turns out?
    So, 80% chose Labor or the Coalition. Who got… 96% of the seats. Actually, yeah, you’re right. If only the makeup of parliament was more reflective of how people voted. Then we’d have 57 Labor MPs and 17 Green MPs (18 after preferences, probably), and still a handful (likely 4) of independents deciding things. You’re right, that would be much more representative.

    What’s that? That’s not the kind of representative you wanted? You wanted “representative of Andrew Bolt’s desire for Tony Abbott to be in charge”?
    Oh. Sucks to be you, I guess.

  • David

    You really need to send him that in an email, or at least post it to his article.

  • Chris

    It’s stuck in the “sensible filter” he has cast over his comments.

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