Independent Peter Pyke (QLD) – FEDERAL ELECTION



Peter Pyke is a Senate candidate for Queensland and a former-State MP whose name appears near the bottom of the long list of individual candidates below the line on the Senate ballot paper. Peter does not have ‘Independent’ after his name on the ballot paper because he represents the new but, as yet, unregistered centre party, Republican Democrats.

The Republican Democrats Inc. launched nationally on 22 June 2010 so the announcement of the Federal Election closed off registration processes. The new party is also fielding two Senate candidates in New South Wales, Aboriginal Elder Michael Anderson (Eckford on the ballot paper) and Community Worker Criselee Stevens.
The Republican Democrats got together because they saw that the old left-right, class-warfare, chest-bumping politicking of the past no longer serves our nation well, nor does the limited single-issue focus of the Greens who seem more like an ALP far-left faction with a scary social-engineering agenda.

Peter Pyke is passionate about the future of our country
– he sees a potential for Australia to become a world Super Power; a leading nation in our global village for all the right reasons!

Peter wants Australians to share his passion and get excited, too!

If elected to the Senate, Peter Pyke will use his passion and belief in the future of our wonderful country and the Australian people to inspire others to adopt his ‘big-picture’ approach and follow his positive lead in having a nation-building attitude to all aspects of what he sees as our country’s truly thrilling potential.

Peter wants to see a return to innovation and a ‘can do’ style to make our nation a world-beater in every possible way. Peter Pyke believes in common-sense and a fair go.


Peter says he thinks Australians want politicians to lead and to engage in nation-building and he’d like the chance to play a part in awakening our nation to the opportunities that exist for Australia to become a super-power in terms of agriculture and food production, arts, banking, clean energy technologies, communications, democracy, education, ethics, finance, IT, industrial and international relations, law, niche manufacturing, sustainable mining, transport and tourism.

And Peter is no pushover! He’s been up a few dry gullies. Check out Peter Pyke’s biography:

Peter Pyke is a small business person himself, so he knows that 96% of businesses in Australia are small businesses and in many cases one-person or one-family businesses.

Peter supports the Coalition’s policy to establish a dedicated advocate for small business (a Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman); to give small business proper representation in Cabinet where it belongs; to give small business a say in taxation with representation on the Board of Taxation; and to get government off the back of small business by a return to common-sense.

Peter understands and is committed to the small business sector. As a Queensland MP, Peter established a Chamber of Commerce in his Mount Ommaney electorate. He is determined to ensure that government makes it easier, not harder, for small business to prosper and grow and to employ more people and provide more services to Australians, all across our country.

If he is elected to the Senate, small business will gain a good friend in Peter Pyke.

Authorised by Peter Pyke, 135 Russell Street, Toowoomba, 4350. MOBILE: 0427 388 598

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