Independent Gerry Georgatos (WA) – If Greece can export a Global Financial Crisis, it will also export paralytic strikes and workers struggles.

Press Release:

The Global Financial Crisis was exported to parts of our western world because of the International monetary markets. Australia was not overtly affected by the Global Financial Crisis though multinational organisations in Australia which included the profit share marketeers of banks and mining companies argued that their stock values had devalued and therefore were at risk of depletion. However the commodities market could not affect the Australian economy because the housing industry had not peaked in its overpricing and lending/borrower equity ratios. However Australia is facing pending economic crises as will much of the rest of world that is heavily indebted. Australia is facing a housing/mortgage crisis within a generation.

On May 5 Greece, a nation of only 11 million, mobilised more than 200,000 workers in Athens to reject the Greek government’s austerity measures. The strike paralysed Greece. Unless world market economies rebuild themselves and in terms of equitable social inclusion underwritten by long term renewable energies many nations, Australia included, face paralytic crises.

We need Parliamentarians with economic credentials and foresight and they appear to be lacking. Labor, Liberal, Greens claims that Australia was touched by the Global Financial Crisis and apparently offset it with the imaginary financial stimulus package evidences that there our Parliamentarians lack economic understandings and credentials.

Gerry Georgatos
Senate Candidate WA
Ecological, Social Justice, Aboriginal Party

Media Contact: Gerry Georgatos – 0430 657 309

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