Cook – Jim Evans – One Nation

Please take a moment to introduce yourself.I am Jim Evans standing as a One Nation Canditate for the seat of Cook in the 2012 State Election I have 4 children from my first marriage, and 2 from my 2nd marriage to a lovely girl from the Philippines.

What are your thoughts on coal seam gas? There must be strigent regulations and a thorough investigation of what damage may occur to underground water supplies.

What are your thoughts on the dredging of the great barrier reef? Not in favour

What are your thoughts on water? The most important resourse we have,we must preserve as much water as we can to cover us for the inevital shortages we have in dry times.

What are your thoughts on climate change? It is a natural occurance.

What are your thoughts on renewable energy? I’m all for it if we can afford it.

What are your thoughts on nuclear energy? There is only one problem, what do we do with the spent rods.

What are your thoughts on public transport? It must be improved or people will still use their own cars

What are your thoughts on public education? Some teachers are only there to be paid, there are of course many who are dedicated and wonderful teachers,Education is the key to raising our standard of living, it should be funded accordingaly.

What are your thoughts on the National Broadband Network? It is going to be a very expensive failure as wireless internet is available even now

What are your thoughts on High-Speed Rail? I’m not sure that the narrow guage of Qld Rail can support high speed Rail.

What are your thoughts on abortion? In the early Stages of pregnancy if there is a very justifyical reason

Do you support or oppose gay marriage? No, marriage is between a man and a woman. Call any other union by another name.

Do you support or oppose the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia? It should only authourised with the complete permission of the very sick patient.

Do you support or oppose the legalisation of marijuana? Marijuana is a drug, I do not support any move to legalise it.

What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure? The major parties spend an enormous amount on election campaigns, the Party in power spends public money on it,all spending should be disclosed and a limit should be in place.

Do you support or oppose the reading of prayers to start each Parliamentary day, and why? Yes, this is a Christian Country, not an Islamic State.

On your particular electoral ticket, where are your preferences going, and why? To whoever the voter prefers, it’s their choice.

Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign? Roads, Local Hospitals, Water preservation,De-almagamation of some of the Shires that were forced into almagamating by the Labor Party with no regard for locals, and Land and Property Rights need strengthening.
What do you think about the media’s coverage of the election so far? Local media have been even handed.State wide Media gives no exposure to Minor Parties.

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