Sex Party’s Niddrie Candidate Makes Clean Sweep of Parliament
Written by ASP
Saturday, 03 March 2012 20:06
The Australian Sex Party Candidate for the upcoming Niddrie by election has been allocated the Spring St/Parliament House precinct in tomorrow’s Clean Up Australia Day event. Amy Myers will head up a team of Sex Party volunteers, including Sex Party President, Fiona Patten, to put a new broom through the Parliamentary precinct after first cleaning up the Matthews Ave section of Niddrie. “I can’t wait to empty the garbage bins out the back of Parliament House” she said. “It’s a beautiful metaphor for what I want to do when I win the seat of Niddrie on Saturday 24th March”.
Ms Myers said that Victorians were crying out for the Sex Party’s social reform agenda to be enacted and to sweep away the dead wood and detritus of decades of rotting social reform and mouldy old policies. “Both Labor and Liberal parties represent yesterday’s thinking on social issues and we need generational change in the parliament to bring completely different ways of dealing with Victoria’s social policies”, she said. “For a start I would work to decriminalise all drugs in Victoria, which would result in an overnight decrease of 70% of the jail population in this state. People who have drug problems are sick people and should be dealt with through Victoria’s health system – not the criminal justice system which costs the tax payer three times more to administer.”
Ms Patten said that an honest look into Parliamentary garbage bins could reveal drug use implements, wine, beer and spirits bottles, cigarette packets, steroid bottles and maybe even some skeletons. She said the savings to the tax payer from switching drug use to the health portfolio could then be allocated to a much better public transport system in and out of the city which would alleviate crime yet again, by giving people living in the suburbs adequate means to get home after a night out on the town.
“The Sex Party’s policies could result in record low levels of people in prison and going to prison – not through ‘tough on crime’ rhetoric, which is the way of the two major parties – but through an real understanding of the nature of crime and through a better understanding of young people in general”.
Ms Myers said that if elected, she would work towards getting police out of night clubs and hassling patrons, and back onto the streets where they should be stopping property and assault crimes.
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