Please take a moment to introduce yourself. My name is Douglas Newson, Katter Australian party candidate for the seat of mount ommaney.
What are your thoughts on coal seam gas? If it is not located on prime farmland AND it leaves absolutely
NO CHEMICALS in the ground, then dig it up.
What are your thoughts on the dredging of the great barrier reef? I personally am against it, i think the
brisbane river used to be beautiful stream till they turned it into a muddy pollute river. What value do you
put on something that is irreplacibly beautiful, once it is gone it is just a shadow, a weeping memory.
What are your thoughts on water? We don’t have another planet to move to, so lets keep the water clean.
What are your thoughts on climate change? Carbon emmisions are only part of the problem, we are turning
our world into a desert of cities, cities produce thermals, heat, climate change, i’m afraid just getting electric cars won’t cut it.
What are your thoughts on renewable energy? we have limitless energy a couple of miles beneath our feet,
thermal energy.
What are your thoughts on nuclear energy? why spend a billion on nuke when you can dig a hole and put
in a steam pipe.
What are your thoughts on public transport? we need to think outside the square, instead of big buses mini buses, mini trains on off peak. If we could stop centralising and make suburbs mini cities?
What are your thoughts on public education? I don’t agree with putting grade 7 with older children, in fact i personally think there should be three levels, a childcare junior, a midcare formative, and a directional age grouping system.
What are your thoughts on the National Broadband Network? what a waste of 26 billion bucks.
What are your thoughts on High-Speed Rail? do we need to keep wasting money.
What are your thoughts on abortion? Everybody should butt out, the governments, religious groups, interested parties. A woman and a doctor should discuss it and then let them decide. Do you think
all these people have to live with the pain of the decision or should have a say.
Do you support or oppose gay marriage? You can marry a chair for all i care, just don’t do it in a church, don’t get a minister to do it and don’t expect a government handout or favorable tax treaments.
Do you support or oppose the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia? Nobody wants to die but living in
pain can be worse than death..can’t it. I don’t even want to go to the dentist.
Do you support or oppose the legalisation of marijuana? Oppose, we have enough mental patients as it is.
What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure? I don’t consider it a democracy where the two parties are only there because they have the most money. You should vote for each person as an individual and what they represent, can they make the decisions that will enhance your society.
Do you support or oppose the reading of prayers to start each Parliamentary day, and why?
Many good religious men enter politics, and I believe in God so why not ask Him to keep us out of trouble.
On your particular electoral ticket, where are your preferences going, and why? I don’t think either
the liberal LNP or labor party is deserving of being elected.
Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign? I would like to highlight our need for another train station and hospital.
What do you think about the media’s coverage of the election so far? boring. Newman is boring, bligh is boring, all they can do is spend spend spend. But i suppose thats what politics is about, how we can spend taxpayers dollars and then say, ‘oops, theres no money left in the treasury’.
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