Independent Michael Eckford (NSW) – Be Senate Smart

Be Senate Smart
They’re the odd couple of the Senate race: Criselee Stevens, a community activist from the Central Coast with four teenagers at home; and Michael Eckford, better known as Michael Ghillar Anderson, a leading Aboriginal activist and elder who hails from the small rural town of Goodooga in the North West of NSW. Like thousands of Central Coast people, Criselee commutes to Sydney for work everyday while Michael farms sheep and beef on his rural property.

Drawn together by a desire to make a difference to the ugly political circus of a federal election, Criselee and Michael urge people to make their vote work. ‘Be Senate Smart!’ said Criselee ‘don’t allow any one political party to have complete control of the government. It’s the biggest mistake we can make: it’s how we got Workchoices.’

As possibly the only Central Coast Senate candidate, Criselee urges people to consider how they can use their vote to give the local community a voice.

‘There is so much apathy in the community, many people do not want to vote for either political party, it’s the same old stuff! Here on the Central Coast, we have a vibrant culture and need to work on addressing the increasing costs of living and hardships facing our community. We need a local voice that is Independent to tell the Federal Government what’s important to us as a community, and peoplle can do the by being Senate Smart.’

‘Like thousands of other Central Coast residents, I face the long commute into Sydney everyday, and struggle to maintain a life-work balance. I live here, I grew up here, and I’m passionate about doing what I can to strengthen our community. I stand for family, community and a fair go. I believe in using government services and legislation to empower people, not control people.’

So what’s the Central Coast’s only Senate candidate like? Criselee, better known at Crissie to her many friends and family (‘I had to use my full name on the Senate ballot paper’ she explains) is articulate, approachable, funny and smart. A ‘people person’, Crissie cares deeply about the quality of life of everyday families, particularly those living on the Coast. She believes that for an election to be truly democratic, voters need to understand the benefit of voting for ‘people not parties’.

Criselee asks people to seriously think about how they want to live, make a change, vote with your head and BE SENATE SMART.

For all Media enquiries Michael Eckford : 0427 292 492 or Contact: Criselee Stevens 0413 742 511

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