Nationals – Greens use scare tactics to win

Greens use scare tactics to win

Lee Rhiannon and the Greens aren’t the nice, caring political party they pretend to be, NSW Nationals Senator Fiona Nash, said.

And nor are they genuine.

“Media reports today have exposed the Greens as bullies by allegedly proposing the use of legal threats to “frighten off critics”, Senator Nash said.

The Sydney Morning Herald reveals details of an email from Bob Brown’s office, asking state branches to check if any of their lawyer or solicitor contacts would be willing to use legal means to frighten off people.

“The Greens will do anything to gain the balance of power in federal parliament,” Senator Nash said.

“It also includes using flawed information to justify their demand for extensive fishing bans by creating marine parks.”

The Daily Telegraph reported today that Bob Brown has based his policy on a seven year old scientific paper that’s been branded as flawed by a prestigious science magazine and international scientists.

“The Greens push for more marine parks will threaten the livelihood of the fishing industry in many coastal regions, their local economy and jobs, Senator Nash said.

“Just like many of their other policies that are bad for regional Australia.

“The Greens cannot be trusted.”

3 comments to Nationals – Greens use scare tactics to win

  • David

    A Nationals Senator accusing the Greens of using scare tactics?


  • Ygfi

    would like to see bob’s reply to this…

  • Chris

    His response to one of Fiona’s broadsides about preferences was hilarious. I asked him about it during his most recent (I think) visit to Adelaide.
    He basically said, if the Nationals have a problem with our preferences, maybe they should come up with some policies that help farmers instead of big business, and earn some damn preferences.

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