Democrats – Opposition to gay marriage – same old pathetic excuses

Saturday, 14th August 2010

Opposition to gay marriage – same old pathetic excuses

Bigoted comments by right wing Christians simply add credibility to the nationwide campaign being waged for same-sex marriage say the Australian Democrats.

The Australian Democrats’ candidate for Boothby, Tom Salerno, says that he is proud to be speaking at the Same Sex Marriage protest rally in Adelaide today and making a stand against their zealotry.

“It seems that every day we hear the shrill statements of one or another of these fundamentalists. Earlier in the week the lead Family First candidate in Queensland immortalised herself by claiming that legitimising gay marriage is like legalising child abuse.

“By Thursday we heard the blatant arrogance of the Australian Family Association saying that the Federal Government should provide cash bonuses to people who get married, but that should never apply to same sex couples.

“Contrary to what these scared people believe, the world would not fall apart if the Marriage Act allowed for legal same-sex marriage. It has happened without calamity in various places around the world and the Democrats have previously introduced legislation to this end.

“Unfortunately the leaders of these fundamentalist groups excel in the politics of hatred and fear.

“But examine even some of the less provocative claims they make, such as homosexuality being a lifestyle choice, and it becomes very clear that Family First and the AFA have little understanding of the issue. Why would someone choose to be vilified, abused, insulted and assaulted as a lifestyle choice?

“Same sex attracted people are fully-fledged human beings, and not a sub-class. They deserve the same rights and respect as every other human being, and to be judged on their merits, such as their human-kindness, just as the Christian bigots should be,” said Mr Salerno.

Further comment: Tom Salerno, phone 0407 860 985, after 6.30 a.m.

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