Greens – Greens join Walks Against Warming

Greens join Walks Against Warming

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Sunday 15th August 2010, 7:42am

in Climate Change & the Zero Carbon World
Australian Greens Senators, candidates and members will join the Walks Against Warming in cities across Australia today, offering voters a strong voice for ambitious climate action at next weekend’s election.

The Greens are encouraging people in all the capital cities and many regional centres to join the walks and send the old parties a clear message for the week before the election – strong climate action is a vote winner.

“Both Labor and the Coalition want to keep the climate crisis off the election agenda, but Australians won’t let them hide behind delay and denial,” Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

“The rallying cry of the walk this year is ‘walk with the people, not the big polluters.’ The Greens offer Australians the only option to vote with the people, not the big polluters.

“The Greens have campaigned strongly for our Safe Climate Bill through the campaign.

“Our policies to plan for the transformation to 100% renewables, save energy, build high speed rail, light rail, cycleways and greener cars and protect our magnificent forest carbon stores would drive an inspiring transition to a zero emissions economy as fast as possible.

“The Australian community understands that the climate crisis is both a threat and an opportunity.

“If we grasp the opportunity with both hands and work for the fastest possible transition to zero emissions, we can create hundreds of thousands of jobs, make our cities and towns more livable and, of course, pass on a safe climate to our children.

“The Greens are the only party being honest with voters about the scale of what needs to be done, but also telling the great story of how our lives can be improved by climate action.

“Join the Greens at a Walk Against Warming near you today, and next Saturday make sure you vote for the Greens to get the strongest possible climate action from the next Federal government.”

For locations and times of walks, please see

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