Greens – Advocating for LGBTI Australians

Advocating for LGBTI Australians

Feature | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 17th August 2010, 11:36am

in Gay Marriage Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI)

The Australian Greens are the only party that is committed to fight for true equality for LGBTI Australians.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Australians confront complex and diverse issues.

The Australian Greens will:

Re-introduce the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill to remove the ban on same-sex marriage in Australia
Ensure that sexual orientation and gender identity are included in any national Anti-Discrimination legislation
Ensure government funding for a national peak body to represent and advocate for LGBTI Australians
There is a demonstrated need for a Government-funded national body to advocate for action in relation to these issues on behalf of LGBTI people and to act as an interface between the Government and the LGBTI community.

While it is difficult to estimate the percentage of the population who identify as non-heterosexual, 9 per cent of men and 15 per cent of women report experiencing same-sex attraction or having a sexual experience with someone of the same sex. Estimates of the number of intersex and transgender Australians also vary.

LGBTI people confront unique issues ranging from increased potential for negative health outcomes, to discrimination under federal and state law and higher risks of violence.

Mental health indicators with respect to LGBTI Australians are cause for alarm and LGBTI Australians have consistently high rates of depression, suicide and self harm. Drug and alcohol use is also greater than within the heterosexual community.

There is a correlation between poor health outcomes and access to appropriate services, with many health services ill-equipped to deal with perse health needs. LGBTI people are also overrepresented as victims of verbal and physical assault (see for more information).

State and federal legislation continues to perpetuate social exclusion, with LGBTI Australians still discriminated against in a range of areas including; marriage equality & relationship recognition, birth certificates & registrations, blood donations, appropriate health & aged care and under a range of criminal codes.

The Greens are committed to working with the LGBTI community and the representative structure already in place, to ensure the funding for this national organisation is directed to the most appropriate peak body. In doing so, we acknowledge that the LGBT Health Alliance are already undertaking many of these functions as a national sector peak and may be well placed to meet the organisation’s objectives.

The peak will represent the rights and interests of LGBTI Australians at a national and international level, promote the health and wellbeing of LGBTI Australians and provide policy advice to the government and community on issues (including identifying areas for potential law reform) affecting LGBTI Australians and the LGBTI service and representative sectors. The Greens would allocate $300,000 annually for four years to ensure the organisation meets these objectives.

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