Push poll determines that a majority of voters don’t understand the Westminster system.


  • Chris

    Head, meet desk.

  • Karellen

    Officially the dumbest thing I’ve read all day. A poll of 1000 people is hardly a good sized sample to begin with and then they’re dividing that into men and women and by states, completely ridiculous.

  • David

    I honestly don’t see a problem with the sample size, but posting results without posting the questions in the poll always makes me wonder.

    A question like “Would you rather have another election or more uncertainty?” is likely to get this type of response as it’s a leading question with a negative connotation if you do not want another election.

    Classic push-poll, and I’m (even more) saddened by the fact that our media doesn’t bother with this shit.

  • Chris

    The sample size is pretty appalling, at least for the 12 (or maybe 16) groups they’re breaking it down to.

    But yeah, the absence of question-asked is suspicious, at best. As loosely as they describe it, they could have asked “Would you prefer another election or indefinite deadlock with nothing getting done?”

    Plus, telephone poll means landlines only, so there’s a demographic bias inherent in the results.

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