Sex Party – Alleges First Dirty Tricks of Election Campaign

Sex Party Alleges First Dirty Tricks of Election Campaign
Written by Rebecca Lanning
Sunday, 18 July 2010 13:41
Within a fortnight of announcing his candidacy for the seat of Warringah, the Australian Sex party’s candidate, Austen Tayshus (aka Sandy Gutman) says he has been advised by the Australian Tax Office that he is to be subjected to an ATO audit. “Last Thursday I had a Godwin Gretch-type character call me from the Tax Office and tell me that over the next five weeks of the election campaign and for no particular reason, I am to be audited”, he said. “I currently have an agreed arrangement with the Tax Office which has been signed off on by both of us so I don’t know what has caused this to change”.

Yesterday afternoon his long-running website, suddenly vanished off the world wide web. “Neither I, nor my service provider, have any idea what has happened here”, he said. “If this is what happens when you run for public office, imagine what it will be like when I win the seat. I’m going to call Tony Abbott today and ask him if he’s having problems with his web site or with the ATO”.

Austen Tayshus said he was a hard-working stand-up comedian who paid his taxes and led a sober and celibate lifestyle. “I’d like to ask the Tax Office how many other candidates from the Liberal and Labor party will be audited over the election period and indeed whether this is a reasonable thing to pull on someone at this time”, he said. “Could this even be considered a contempt of parliament as my reading of the Contempt rules makes it an offence to threaten a candidate who is running for public office”. “I’m feeling pretty threatened at the moment and I’m going to write a letter to the head of the Priviliges Committee – if they’ve still got a job at this time”.

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