Logan – Troy Aggett – One Nation

Please take a moment to introduce yourself.

My Name Is Troy Aggett and I am standing for One Nation as the logan Candidate. I am 39yrs old and i am an ex Australian Federal Police Officer, currently self employed and studying BA in Counter terrorism.

What are your thoughts on coal seam gas?
I am against Coal Seam Gas as there is little research done by true independents.
What are your thoughts on the dredging of the great barrier reef?
Totally against any damage to our reef.

What are your thoughts on water?
way over priced.

What are your thoughts on climate change?
its another governement fast, new ways to extract peoples hard earned money from there pockets.

What are your thoughts on renewable energy?
I believe we should be investing in renewable energy. I dont think the providers should profit from it.
What are your thoughts on nuclear energy?
I know its a great source of power, but until a use can be found for the spent rods I am not a great believer.

What are your thoughts on public transport?
I think Public transport has alot to develop befor it becomes better than your own car.
What are your thoughts on public education?
I think public education system needs a true overhaul.

What are your thoughts on the National Broadband Network?
I think its been a budget blow out and more scrutiny is needed on governement funded projects and the price companies put in is always way over what is required.

What are your thoughts on High-Speed Rail?
absoluty we need high speed rail.

What are your thoughts on abortion?
I would need to seek feedback from the Logan People to answer this question.
Do you support or oppose gay marriage?
I would need to seek feedback from the Logan People to answer this question.

Do you support or oppose the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia?
Under strick guidlines and confirmation from the people I would agree.

Do you support or oppose the legalisation of marijuana?
Support, good enough for Canberra good enough for Logan.

What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure?
I am personally against the public funding of campaigns, we have more important issues to spend money on.

Do you support or oppose the reading of prayers to start each Parliamentary day, and why?
I support it, it reminds politicians that they are not above the law of God.

On your particular electoral ticket, where are your preferences going, and why?
I will preference the independants and the Katter Party, because Labour and Liberal parties have done enough Damage already.
Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign?
Preventing crime will be my focus, the PRC will be stopped and so will veto.

What do you think about the media’s coverage of the election so far?
most media wont cover the state ellection, as it is a really hard one to cover, due to the number of candidates, which is a shame, as people like me who believe that we truely want to make our community better and safer really struggle to be found or heard. there is no real use to have a name without a voice.
kind Regards
Troy Aggett
One Nation Candidate Logan.

Thank you for the questions I am humbled by the experience, I am truly Grateful.

This email is authorized by Troy Aggett One Nation Candidate Logan.

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