Australian Greens – Solution to coal ship queues: no new coalmines

MEDIA RELEASE – 25 June 2012

Solution to coal ship queues: no new coalmines

Commenting on the impacts of the coal industry in the Hunter and Australia’s responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Greens Senator for NSW Lee Rhiannon has called for the proposed T4 coal loader to be cancelled not postponed (Newcastle Herald, 25/06/12

“The coal and shipping companies executives who are pushing for a fast turnaround of coal exports out of Newcastle Port are ignoring the serious health and environmental impacts the coal industry is having on the people of the Hunter,” Senator Rhiannon said.

“Shipping Australia chief executive Llew Russell should take note of the burden coal exports are already imposing on locals before he pushes for coal export expansion out of Newcastle Port.

“The way coal and shipping companies are colluding is another example of these companies working to boost their company profits with no regard to community well-being and the environment.

“I am yet to hear of any CEOs living near the coal port or the coal rail line.

“Coal dust is already a health issue and if the T4 coal loader goes ahead at least 40 more coal trains would travel through Newcastle and Maitland every day.

“The greenhouse gas emissions are huge. If T4 is built, an additional 120 million tonnes of coal would shipped out of Newcastle each year. When burned this coal would generate more than 280 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.

“This latest push to keep the T4 on track comes just a month after it was revealed that the Port Waratah Coal Service has not provided the public or the ACCC with any evidence that they have the 176.6 million tonnes per year in take or pay contracts that is required before T4 is built.

“This was revealed by the competition commission when I questioned ACCC representatives in Senate Estimates.

“Now that the economic justification for T4 has been thrown into question, the shipping and coal industry are stepping up their public pressure to get their way,” Senator Rhiannon said.

For more information – 0487 350 880

Jemma Bailey
Media adviser (p/t)
Office of Senator Lee Rhiannon | Australian Greens Senator for NSW
m: 0487 350 880 | p: (02) 9211 9523 | e:
72 Campbell St, Surry Hills NSW 2010


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    Mit diesem Ansatz, auf der einen Seite stilvoll und exklusiv, auf der anderen Seite ungezwungen und unprätentiös zu sein, hat es Ruffini, Präsident des Aufsichtsrats und Kreativdirektor in Personalunion, weit gebracht. Moncler steht in den Startlöchern für den Börsengang. Es wäre das größte Debüt auf dem Mailänder Parkett 2013.
    Das Unternehmen, an denen neben Ruffini noch die Private-Equity-Gesellschaften Eurazeo, Carlyle und Mittel beteiligt sind, hatte es schon einmal 2011 versucht, damals aber wegen des schlechten Marktumfelds kurzfristig einen Rückzieher gemacht. “Wir sind bereit”, sagt Ruffini. Entschieden sei hingegen noch nichts. “Wir haben keine Eile.”
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    Moncler ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie sich die gesamte Luxusindustrie verändert. Weil Zukunftsmärkte wie Asien und Südamerika weit entfernt von der Heimat liegen, brauchen die Unternehmen Kapital für die Expansion. Einige Eigentümer bringen ihre Gesellschaften an die Börse. In Italien vorgemacht haben das der Schuhhersteller Salvatore Ferragamo, Prada und der Kaschmirkönig Brunello Cucinelli.
    Wer den Weg ans Parkett scheut, der schlüpft bei einem starken Partner unter. Der französische Luxusgüterkonzern LVMH übernahm den Juwelier Bulgari und in diesem Jahr den Kaschmiranbieter Loro Piana sowie die Mailänder Edelpatisserie Cova. Der LVMH-Konkurrent Kering, früher bekannt als PPR , schnappte sich 2013 das Schmuckunternehmen Pomellato.
    Wer über Kapital verfügt, kann rasch expandieren. Seit seinem Antritt verzehnfachte Ruffini den Umsatz. Im vergangenen Jahr setzte die Marke Moncler 489 Millionen Euro um. Die Gewinnmarge betrug stattliche 33 Prozent. Die anderen Marken der Moncler-Gruppe wie Henry Cotton’s und Marina Yachting sind weit weniger einträglich. Bei einem Umsatz von 135 Millionen sprang nur eine Gewinnmarge von knapp über sechs Prozent heraus. Ruffini plant deshalb, die anderen Marken in eine eigene Gesellschaft auszugründen. Dafür sucht er Partner. Auch ein Verkauf ist denkbar.
    Weltweite Expansion geplant
    Moncler breitet sich rund um den Globus aus. Weltweit zieht Ruffini Boutiquen hoch. 115 eigene Shops gibt es inzwischen. Vier davon befinden sich in Deutschland. Berlin und Hamburg sollen dazukommen. Zehn Boutiquen seien ohne weiteres denkbar, sagt Ruffini. Russland reizt in, die Ukraine und auch Brasilien. Das heiße Klima halte die Brasilianer nicht davon ab, Daunenjacken zu tragen: “Die Brasilianer reisen viel.”
    Das trifft auch auf ihn selbst zu. Ruffini steigt häufig ins Flugzeug und düst durch die Weltgeschichte. “Fast die Hälfte des Jahre bin ich unterwegs.” Es sei wichtig, nicht nur im Büro zu sitzen. “Dann kommt nur etwas Statisches heraus, etwas, was den Kunden nicht interessiert”, sagt er.
    Seinen Managern vor Ort gibt er freie Hand, die Auslandsgesellschaften sind eigenständig. Seine Heimat Italien ist entscheidend für die Produktion, hat aber sonst kein besonderes Gewicht. Ruffini sagt trocken: “Ich fühle mich als Weltbürger.”
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    Fort Bragg foster father accused of killing 5 month old takes the stand By TIFFANY REVELLE Posted:

    10/02/2013 11:53:33 PM PDT
    Click photo to enlarge « 1 » [b]ティファニー[/b]
    Ukiah Daily Journal[b][url=]ティファニーアウトレット[/url][/b]
    A Fort Bragg foster father accused of beating to death a 5-month-old baby girl took the witness stand in his own defense Wednesday in Mendocino County Superior Court.[b]ティファニーのジュエリー[/b]
    Wilson L. “Josh” Tubbs III, 39, faces a charge of child abuse resulting in the death of baby Emerald Herriet, who had been in his care for a month when he brought her to the Mendocino Coast District Hospital not breathing and bruised all over her head and face Dec. 2.[b]ティファニーと共同[/b]
    Tubbs’ defense attorney, Public Defender Linda Thompson, reminded him on the stand that investigators who were investigating the case had described baby Emerald’s injuries by telling him it looked like they had been caused by a car accident.
    “Did you inflict those injuries?” she asked.
    “No, I did not,” Tubbs replied.
    Prosecutor Paul Sequeira had on Tuesday shown the jury a recorded interview between Fort Bragg investigators and Tubbs, during which Tubbs described how the baby fell from a 21-inch high changing bench the night before he took her to the hospital to explain how she was injured.
    Later in the interview, after investigators tell him the fall doesn’t account for two skull fractures, bruising all over her head and face and severe subdural hematoma (blood accumulated between the skull and brain), Tubbs tells them he slapped the side of the baby’s head with an open palm and shook her so that her head twice whipped back and forth. Advertisement
    Thompson asked Tubbs on the witness stand Wednesday if he had done those things to baby Emerald, and, when he said he hadn’t, asked him why he had told the investigators that he did.
    “I knew they were looking for a specific thing, and if they didn’t get it from me that they were going to get it from somebody else, so I told them what they wanted,” Tubbs said.
    Tubbs spent much of the court day Thursday on the witness stand under Thompson’s direct questioning, describing how he stayed home with his premature daughter, now 18, when she was born, how he cared for his elderly parents when they could no longer care for themselves, the events that led up to Emerald being placed in his and his wife’s home and the events that led to the baby’s Dec. 4 death.
    Tubbs said he had left baby Emerald briefly on the bench to move some items from the table where he usually changed her and “got one step into the den” when he heard the baby’s “serious cry,” meaning she was hurt.
    He didn’t see it, he said, but believed his approximately 60-pound dog, Leroy, had run through the room where he had left her on the bench briefly and knocked her off.
    The dog, Tubbs said, is “kind of like a bull in a China shop,” and said he had previously knocked down his daughter, his wife and almost himself.
    Asked by Thompson why a Fort Bragg Police Officer who later visited the home to investigate didn’t see the dog walk by that bench to get to his food, Tubbs said, “I talked to him really stern, and he won’t go near that bench ever again.”
    The night of the fall, Tubbs came back into the room to find the foam changing pad on top of the baby on the floor. The fall bloodied the baby’s nose, he said, as she had landed face-down with her arms at her sides and slightly under her body.
    Thompson also asked Tubbs where the baby’s swing had been in relation to the bench that day, and Tubbs said it had been in an unusually close position to where the baby landed because he’d been sweeping.
    Tubbs said he had cleaned baby Emerald up and decided not to take her to the hospital.
    “She didn’t seem like she was seriously injured,” Tubbs said.
    He told the jury that he had watched her bruises appear and darken until throughout the night until they were purple the next day.
    Previously, doctors and other medical professionals who examined baby Emerald at Mendocino Coast District Hospital and at Oakland Children’s Hospital, where she was flown, testified that a fall from the 21-inch high replica of the bench Sequeira showed them could not have caused the severe injuries Emerald had.
    A child abuse pediatrician at Oakland Children’s Hospital said there had been at least 49 bruises on the baby’s head and face, two skull fractures, severe brain bleeding and retinal hemorrhages — all consistent with violent shaking.
    Tubbs’ wife, Marte Tubbs, had finished her testimony earlier Tuesday. She told the court that Emerald’s eyes had strayed and “floated.” That and the fact that the baby began holding her fists to her eyes and crying when they were removed soon after coming to live with the family, coupled with baby Emerald’s relatively slow development, gave her cause to be concerned that the baby had a neurological disorder.
    Early Start experts had recommended the Tubbs take baby Emerald to University of California, San Francisco, but Mendocino County Child Protective Services social worker supervisor Chuck Dunbar had told her to go back to the baby’s pediatrician instead, Marte Tubbs testified.
    Wilson “Josh” Tubbs resumes his testimony today.
    Tiffany Revelle can be reached at, on Twitter @TiffanyRevelle or at 468-3523. Print
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    [b][url=]lv[/url][/b]  関係筋によると、仏高級ブランド、LVMHモエヘネシー・ルイ・ヴィトンのベルナール・アルノー最高経営責任者(CEO)は業界指導者としてのジェイコブス氏の将来をめぐり交渉している。この交渉の結果、ジェイコブス氏が自身の名を冠したファッションハウス「マーク・ジェイコブス」に注力するためルイ・ヴィトンを去ることになる可能性もある。LVMHはマーク・ジェイコブスに96%出資している。
    [b][url=]lv[/url][/b]  関係筋によると、ルイ・ヴィトンに新たな創造性を吹き込むため、アルノーCEOはバレンシアガの元デザイナー、ニコラ・ゲスキエール氏の起用を検討している。アルノーCEOの娘、デルフィン・アルノー氏は最近ルイ・ヴィトンの上級幹部に指名されており、ゲスキエール氏の大きな後ろ盾となる。デルフィン氏は、父親の経営する高級ブランドの世界に、これまで世界の優秀な人材を引き入れるのに重要な役割を果たしており、LVMH傘下のクリスチャン・ディオールのデザイナーとして(現クリエーティブディレクターの)ラフ・シモンズ氏の起用を呼びかけロビー活動を行ったことでも有名だ。
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    L VMH、靴ブランドのニコラス・カークウッドを買収
     高級ブランドのヘッドハンター、フロリアン・ドゥ・サンピエール氏は「クリエーティブな人材はブランドを高める。(そうした人材は高級ブランドが)ピラミッドの頂点にとどまることを確実にする」 と指摘する。サンピエール氏はルイ・ヴィトンの契約の交渉には関与していない。
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    Miley Cyrus Halloween Costumes: Who Wore It Best?
    Celebrity News
    October 31, 2013 AT 7:00PM
    By Allison Takeda
    Kelly Ripa, Paris Hilton, Jenny McCarthy, and Hugh Hefner’s wife Crystal Harris all donned Miley Cyrus Halloween costumes in 2013 — whose is best?
    Credit: Kevin Mazur/ for MTV; Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic for MTV
    Paris Hilton
    Crystal Harris
    Kelly Ripa
    Jenny McCarthy
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    Paris Hilton
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    [b][url=][/url][/b] They’re just being Miley! This year’s “It” Halloween costume is, without question, Miley Cyrus ‘ MTV Video Music Awards performance outfit, which became instantly iconic after the “Wrecking Ball” singer’s raunchy duet with Robin Thicke back in August. Several celebs, including Paris Hilton , Kelly Ripa , Jenny McCarthy , and Hugh Hefner ‘s wife Crystal Harris , have gone the “twerk or treat” route in 2013 — but who did it best?
    [b][url=][/url][/b] PHOTOS: Miley’s raciest outfits ever
    [b][url=][/url][/b] Hilton, 32, donned a replica of Cyrus’ gray teddy bear leotard for Playboy Mansion’s annual Halloween costume party on Saturday, Oct. 26. Like the 20-year-old former Hannah Montana star, she styled her blonde hair in little buns on top of her head. Unlike Cyrus, she added sky-high silver stilettos, diamond jewelry, and shiny tights.
    Paris Hilton wears a Miley Cyrus Halloween costume Credit: Benne/Broadimage
    [b][/b] Playboy model Harris, 27, also attended the Playboy party as the “We Can’t Stop” singer. With Hefner clad in a black-and-white striped suit a la Robin Thicke, she rocked a minidress version of Cyrus’ nude latex bra and hot pants set, complete with a foam finger. Her 87-year-old Playboy mogul husband shared a photo of the getup on Twitter, with Harris twerking in front of him and sticking out her tongue.
    [b][url=][/url][/b] PHOTOS: Celebs in matching Halloween costumes
    Hugh-Hefner tweets a picture of himself and his wife Crystal Harris dressed as Miley Cyrus & Robin Thicke for Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 26 Credit: Twitter
    Ripa, 43, recreated the same moment with her Live! With Kelly and Michael co-host Michael Strahan , who channeled Thicke in a black-and-white striped suit and sunglasses. (The costume was one of many for the duo; they also dressed up as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West , Lindsey Vonn and Tiger Woods , and Breaking Bad ‘s Jesse Pinkman and Walter White.)
    PHOTOS: Kelly Ripa’s best Halloween costumes
    Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan dress as Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke for Halloween Credit: David Steele/Disney-ABC Domestic TV
    Ripa’s getup was a hit, certainly, but View co-host McCarthy had perhaps the most original of the Miley Cyrus costumes. She went as Cyrus’ tongue, which the singer sticks out on pretty much every red carpet she hits. “Yes indeed I am Miley’s tongue,” she captioned a photo of herself in costume. Then, referring to the star’s “Wrecking Ball” video, she quipped, “I craved sledgehammers all day.”
    PHOTOS: Miley Cyrus, then and now
    Jenny McCarthy dresses as Miley Cyrus’ tongue for Halloween Credit: courtesy of Jenny McCarthy
    Tell Us : Which celebrity had the best Miley Cyrus Halloween costume?
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    Danvers High School teacher Colleen Ritzer is seen in this undated picture provided by Ritzer's family.
    AP Photo/Courtesy of Dale Webster via the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
    [b][url=]uggs on sale kids[/url][/b] Blood found in a second-floor school bathroom helped lead investigators to the body of Colleen Ritzer, a 24-year-old math teacher at Danvers High School who was reported missing when she didn’t come home from work on Tuesday, Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said. “She was a very, very respected, loved teacher,” Blodgett said. The suspect, Philip Chism, was arraigned on a murder charge Wednesday and ordered held without bail. The teenager, described by classmates as soft-spoken and pleasant, also did not come home from school on Tuesday and was spotted walking along Route 1 in the neighboring town of Topsfield at about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. “We have no reason to believe that any other suspects are involved,” Blodgett told reporters during a Wednesday morning news conference. Officials didn’t release a cause of death and haven’t discussed a motive in the killing.
    Philip Chism, 14, stands during his arraignment in Salem District Court in Salem, Mass., Oct. 23, 2013.
    AP Photo/Boston Herald – Patrick Whittemore
    A court filing said Ritzer and Chism were known to each other from the high school, but it did not elaborate. The arrest was made based on statements by the suspect and corroborating evidence at multiple scenes, investigators said in court documents. Ritzer’s family said they are mourning the death of their “amazing, beautiful daughter and sister.” “Everyone that knew and loved Colleen knew of her passion for teaching and how she mentored each and every one of her students,” the family said in a statement provided by her uncle Dale Webster. Riley Doyle, 14 and a freshman in Ritzer’s geometry class, told that her teacher “was always really upbeat and positive and excited about math.” “She made every lesson like you wanted to learn it,” Riley said. “For the first time, math became one of my favorite classes.” Riley said Ritzer’s students thought highly of her. “She was always very courteous to her students, and she would never talk down to them,” Riley said. “She treated them like people.” Riley’s sister Regan Doyle, 17 and a senior at the high school, told that she didn’t have Ritzer as a teacher, but she had “never heard one bad thing about her.” “My sister would always come home from school saying how she was her favorite teacher,” Regan said. Regan said Ritzer’s death came as a shock to the school. “It’s just a tragedy, and it’s so bad because she’s so young,” Regan said, “and you could tell that she really loved her job and the kids, and it’s sad that this had to happen.” At his arraignment in adult court in Salem, Chism’s defense attorney, Denise Regan, argued for the proceeding to be closed and her client to be allowed to stay hidden because of his age. The judge denied the request but granted Regan’s request for the teen to be given a mental-health evaluation. A not-guilty plea was entered on Chism’s behalf and he was ordered held without bail. The tall, lanky teenager had moved to Massachusetts from Tennessee before the start of the school year and was a top scorer on the school’s junior varsity soccer team, said Kyle Cahill, a junior who also plays soccer. He said the team had been wondering where Chism was when he skipped a team dinner Tuesday night. “We’re all just a family. It just amazes me really,” Cahill said. “He wasn’t violent at all. He was really the opposite of aggressive.” Ritzer had a Twitter account where she gave homework assignments, encouraged students and described herself as a “math teacher often too excited about the topics I’m teaching.” She was a 2011 graduate of Assumption College in Worcester, a school spokeswoman said Wednesday. She graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor of arts degree in math, a minor in psychology and a secondary education concentration, according to the college’s 2011 commencement program. “I just remember seeing her in the hallway and she always had a smile, like ‘hi’ to everyone, and she was just an amazing person,” Megan Papagelis, a Danvers High graduate, told CBS Boston station WBZ-AM . “It’s just shocking to see that this could happen,” Papagelis told WBZ-AM. “Unbelievable.” One of her former students, Chris Weimert, 17, said she was a warm, welcoming person who would stand outside her classroom and say hello to students she didn’t teach. He said she had been at the school for two years. “She was the nicest teacher anyone could ever have. She always had a warm smile on her face,” he said.
    Ritzer liked to post homework assignments and words of encouragement on Twitter. In August she tweeted: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”
    Ryan Kelleher, a senior, said students related to the young teacher, who liked to wear jeans and UGG boots just like the teenagers she taught. Kelleher, who also plays soccer, said the arrest of the soft-spoken Chism didn’t make sense to him. “From what I know about him and seeing him every day, it just doesn’t add up that he would do such a thing, unless this was all an act to fool somebody,” the 17-year-old said. Ritzer lived at home with her 20-year-old brother and her sister, a high school senior. The close-knit family was often outside, barbecuing, spending time together and enjoying each other’s company, neighbors said. Mary Duffy has lived next door to the Ritzers in the suburban neighborhood in Andover since the family moved there more than two decades ago. She had known Colleen Ritzer from the time she was a baby and said the Ritzers’ oldest child had just one life ambition: to be a high school math teacher.
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    “All I ever heard is that she loved her job,” Duffy said. All public schools in Danvers, about 20 miles north of Boston, were closed Wednesday. Hundreds of people gathered Wednesday night to mourn Ritzer at a candlelight vigil in the high school parking lot. Many wore pink, the slain teacher’s favorite color.

    Classes were canceled at Danvers High until further notice, but grief counselors will be available at the school from 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday. School will be held as normal for kindergarten through Grade 8. Ritzer is the second teacher allegedly killed by a student in the U.S. this week. A Sparks, Nev., middle school teacher was allegedly shot by a 12-year-old student on Monday. © 2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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    345 Comments Add a Comment link icon report icon email icon Question_Stupidity999 says: What kind of a quiet monster was this boy using a box cutter to murder someone. What a horrible death. He deserves the death penalty despite his age. I doubt bleeding heart MA progressive has the death penalty. reply link icon report icon email icon eroteme2 says: It is past time that we do something about these box cutters. reply link icon report icon email icon julesarcher1 says: I’m actually glad a gun was not used. I’m tired of the gun control/no gun control discussions around here. Anyone want to blame it on video games? reply link icon report icon email icon samuelhuddleston says: It does not matter who is black and who is white! The kid deserve life in prison no matter color he is. Get over this black and white non-sense! What matters is one human being murdered another being and thats it! And if you didn’t know it – murder is illegal. Clear it up any morons ? reply julesarcher1 replies: link icon report icon email icon That’s not how it works around here, DD. Proven in court is the standard. Civics lessons needed maybe? link icon report icon email icon legalbutunjust says: EEngMark replies: LEGALBUTUNJUST: “What a dumb comment. Highly ignorant.” Perhaps things were poorly expressed, but the issue raised is valid. Had this teacher posessed any form of personal protection (i.e. gun, mace, pepper spray, stun gun), she might have had a fighting chance to save her own life. As a public school teacher, however, she’s in a “gun free zone”, so really she would have been breaking the law had she been in possession of anything. In MA, it’s really inconvenient to legally carry a weapon for protection. Even if you want to just have pepper spray, you still have to apply for a Firearms Identification (FID) Card at your local police station. But then there’s a whole raft of laws that make it nearly impossible to have it with your during normal life. So there you have it. If you’re a teacher alone at school, you’re on your own. Maybe if you’re quick, you can call 911 in an emergency and hope that the police arrive in time to help. —– I see that we aren’t disagreeing. Thanks for your reply. reply EEngMark replies: link icon report icon email icon It’s good that we can agree on things. Keep in mind that the original poster suggested that the teacher might have saved her own life if she were armed in some way. Calling that person ‘dumb’ and ‘Highly Ignorant’ doesn’t seem warranted. It might be nice to revisit state laws which prevent teachers from protecting themselves. Surely there is a safe way for a teacher to guard against violent threats, either from students or adults. The laws and policies should be revised to accommodate the threat that this tragic incident illustrates. legalbutunjust replies: link icon report icon email icon I made those remarks in reference to the comment, not the commenter. link icon report icon email icon legalbutunjust says: ZannZelsVictoryDance replies: I just wanted to make it clear – I’m not defending the kid or condoning murder. But PLEASE try to remember Innocent until PROVEN guilty! Newspapers have forgotten innocent until proven guilty and they need to re-learn it!!!!!!!!!! —– “Innocent until proven otherwise (guilty)” is a load of crap and has been since at least the 1970′s. It was up until the feds began no longer going after local criminal justice regimes for their corruption that that canon held any merit. These days, as like for a long time now, it is PURE bullsh@t. reply legalbutunjust replies: link icon report icon email icon The press doesn’t work for free. Nor do criminal defense lawyers. It’s innocent IF- and until, the money gets paid. link icon report icon email icon skiimaan says: The old days are gone with Verdict: Guilty. Penalty: Death by guillotine. reply link icon report icon email icon Sonsof_liberty says: The reason is as simple as looking in the mirror, and these comments here. reply link icon report icon email icon Peipsi says: She disrespected this thug by turning down his sexual advances and paid for it with her life. End of story. She could have saved herself if she had had a gun like George Zimmerman, but she didn’t. reply legalbutunjust replies: link icon report icon email icon What a dumb comment. Highly ignorant. I can’t imagine there is any similarity between the Zimmerman/Martin case, and this one here. Pathologically, they are completely different. The circumstances are not the same. She probably could have only saved herself with a gun, if she was carrying concealed on school grounds AND on her person. And that’s a thing that I would be certain state law simply would not have permitted. Unless an attack leading to a cause of death had happened off of school property, just how in the world would a gun have made a difference? She would have been clearly breaking the law to save herself- and only possibly save herself, yuh dimwit! legalbutunjust replies: link icon report icon email icon Think about things, here. She could have saved herself after shooting him to death, all after anticipating grave bodily harm, illegally bringing a handgun into the school, prepared for an assault with intent to cause serious injury…. Do you really think this sounds practical, or realistic? She’d be the one facing serious charges in all likelihood- even if the shooting was later ruled in some way justified. Nimwit. link icon report icon email icon ErectWeiner says: Poor kid, had he been white, they would not have released his name, changed his minor status to adult, and now he is screwed. They’re going to charge him as an adult. I’m sad for he victim. Family, but charging this kid as an adult tainted this story for me. The kid, no matter what age, must pay for his crime. But to change his status from minor to adult is just plain wrong. No white kids ever been charged as an adult at age 14. Something stinks here. Good luck kid. reply Peipsi replies: link icon report icon email icon I am sure that Nancy Grace, that HLN resident race hustler, will weep for this killer likes she wept for Trayvon Martin. Come back to reality. A 14-year old white kid in my small Iowa town killed both of his grand parents and he is being charged as an adult. EEngMark replies: link icon report icon email icon Just look up Jordan Brown, who at 12 years old is being charged as an adult. Name and photo were prominently mentioned. Protecting a child’s identity is fair when they are involved in a youthful indiscretion. But for a wanton murder like this one, the adult system is more appropriate. 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    Благодаря ноу-хау украинских программистов подлинность товара можно проверить еще до его приобретения
    [b][url=]угги[/url][/b] Ирина РЫБИНСКАЯ, «ФАКТЫ»
    [b][url=]угги в продажу детей[/url][/b] 06.11.2013
    [b][url=]дешевые угги[/url][/b] Размер текста: Абв Абв Абв
    В украинских супермаркетах и магазинах появились товары, защищенные новой программой проверки их подлинности. Теперь прямо в магазине можно узнать, действительно ли товар, который вы держите в руках, является брендовым, как заявлено на упаковке.
    Секрет фирмы в том, что на каждое изделие наклеиваются специальные стикеры с открытым и закрытым кодами. Отправив с помощью sms-сообщения открытый код на короткий номер компьютерной системы, покупатель получает сообщение: товар настоящий, а не подделан, или наоборот. А закрытый код отправляется для получения бонусов и призов.
    Сейчас этой системой уже пользуются несколько отечественных обувных фирм, а также четыре крупных производителя органических продуктов питания .
    «На любой товар клеится стикер с двумя девятизначными кодами — открытым и закрытым»
    Кроме откровенно некачественных товаров, сейчас в магазинах очень много подделок. Одно дело, когда на троещинском рынке китайцы продают дерматиновый пояс «Дольче Габбана» за 30 гривен — сразу понятно, что это грубейшая, даже китчевая подделка. И совсем другое, если человек покупает органическое молоко, которое дороже продающегося в супермаркетах по меньшей мере процентов на 30. Нам хочется быть уверенными в том, что это настоящий продукт.
    [b][url=]угги выходе продаже[/url][/b]
    *Так выглядит стикер, который наклеивают на органические продукты. Получив от покупателя указанный на стикере код, компьютерная система сразу даст ответ: поддельный товар или нет
    Разные системы защиты товаров придумывали уже неоднократно. Так, Госинспекция по вопросам защиты прав потребителей еще в январе прошлого года презентовала журналистам специальную маркировку-наклейку для обозначения качественных украинских продуктов питания «З турботою про українське!». Однако массовой эта инициатива не стала, потому что право наклеивать такой знак на свою продукцию получают предприятия, продукция которых прошла лабораторные исследования. По словам председателя Госпотребинспекции Сергея Орехова , такие исследования обходятся предпринимателям в сумму от 500 до 1500 гривен, не считая расходов на саму наклейку.
    Свой знак качества ввел в мае 2013 года и Укрметртестстандарт. Право размещать этот знак на своей продукции получают производители, прошедшие сертификацию на этом государственном предприятии.
    Есть бесконечное множество знаков качества и прочих сложных маркировок у производителей из ЕС, России. Для бытовой техники — это трилистники, а для продуктов питания — всевозможные флажки или пирамидки, несущие какой-то свой тайный, глубоко скрытый от потребителя смысл. Людям сложно разобраться в этом обилии маркировок. К тому же украинцы уже не доверяют различным знакам качества.
    Интересный выход из ситуации придумали украинские айтишники. Как рассказал «ФАКТАМ» основатель проекта «Территория успеха» Ярослав Завьялов , сложность состояла в том, чтобы придумать не просто очередную наклейку, а механизм, позволяющий покупателю мгновенно удостовериться в подлинности товара.
    — На любой товар клеится стикер с двумя девятизначными кодами — открытым и закрытым, — пояснил Ярослав Завьялов. — Эти коды разные. Достаточно отправить sms-сообщение на короткий номер, указанный на наклейке, и компьютерная система сразу же, проверив наличие кода, отправляет ответное sms-сообщение с подтверждением или предупреждением, что данный код отсутствует, а это значит — товар поддельный.
    Можно купить товар и проверить его через наш сайт — для этого также вводится открытый код, и покупатель получит быстрый ответ системы. Мы не являемся гарантами качества, а выступаем лишь идентификаторами производителя, то есть человек может удостовериться, что приобретает продукцию именно той фирмы, которая его заинтересовала. Качество обеспечивает непосредственно производитель.
    — А для чего нужен закрытый код?
    — Чтобы покупатель мог получить бонусы, скидки или подарки — в зависимости от того, какая акция будет проводиться продавцом товара.
    — Это ваше ноу-хау?
    — Австралийские угги, сумки «Луи Витон», некоторые известные бренды имеют собственный внутренний код. Но, как правило, он закрытый и не дает возможности проверить подлинность товара до покупки. Есть еще открытые коды, ввести которые очень сложно. Наше ноу-хау — это два кода и математический расчет, позволяющий расценивать товар как будто уже купленный.
    «Наша система способна выдерживать 94 миллиона запросов в сутки»
    — Расскажите подробнее о математическом расчете.
    — Всех нюансов мы не хотели бы раскрывать, но наша работа заключалась в том, чтобы учесть: sms-ку с открытым кодом может отправить человек, который и не собирается покупать товар — просто из любопытства или чтобы проверить его подлинность. Причем так могли сделать одновременно несколько посетителей магазина. В этом-то и была сложность. Мы разработали компьютерную программу, решившую эту проблему.
    — Насколько такая наклейка повысит стоимость товара?
    — Получается дополнительно около 16 копеек на каждой наклейке. Голографическая — с 11 степенями защиты — обойдется значительно дороже.
    — И многие производители уже используют вашу систему?
    — Мы ее только недавно создали, но уже заключили договор с Ассоциацией производителей обуви. Несколько украинских фирм на каждую пару обуви прикрепляют ярлык с кодами «Территории успеха». И это несмотря на то, что у ассоциации есть свой «знак качества»: на каждую пару обуви наносится логотип «Производитель с надежной репутацией».
    Кроме того, мы сотрудничаем с четырьмя крупными производителями органических продуктов. Отправили свои предложения заводу «Массандра» и еще некоторым украинским производителям.
    — Органические продукты, привезенные в Украину из-за рубежа, стоят неоправданно дорого, а к украинским производителям есть много вопросов. Люди опасаются покупать, потому что не до конца верят в то, что продукция натуральная. Как вы определяете, действительно ли производитель честный?
    — Мы не являемся специалистами в области проверки качества органических продуктов. Поэтому работаем с экспертами. В Украине есть ряд компаний, занимающихся сертификацией органических продуктов. Мы сотрудничаем с компанией «Органик стандарт» и отправляем к ней обратившегося к нам производителя за заключением. И только после этого выдаем свою маркировку. Если продукция не органическая, то и наклейку даем другую.
    — Вы используете наклейки единого образца или по желанию клиента?
    — Для органических продуктов мы используем символику, принятую в Европе: на зеленом поле звезды, образующие так называемый евролисток. «Органик стандарт» совместно со швейцарским FiBl (Исследовательский институт органического сельского хозяйства) ведут проект по созданию и расширению в Украине внутреннего рынка органических продуктов. Мы принимали участие в одном из заседаний этих организаций, где было решено использовать европейский знак. А в случае с другими фирмами мы учитываем пожелания заказчика.
    — Насколько масштабен ваш проект?
    — Сейчас наша система способна выдерживать 94 миллиона запросов в сутки. Мы получили сертификат по надежности от взлома системы фирмы «Информационные технологические системы», работающей с банковскими организациями по IT-технологиям.
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    [b][url=]омега[/url][/b] 10.10.2013
    [b][url=]Реплика часы[/url][/b] Размер текста: Абв Абв Абв
    Осенью, когда холодно и мало солнца, всем нам хочется есть гораздо больше, чем в теплое время года. Но, поглощая булочки и конфеты, очень быстро можно прибавить в весе. По мнению диетологов, в холодное время года практически все переедают, то есть едят примерно на 500 килокалорий больше, чем следовало бы. Из-за этого к весне многие поправляются на два-три килограмма.
    Недостаток солнечного света плохо сказывается на нервной системе. Многие люди начинают страдать сезонной депрессией, поэтому и поглощают сладости и другую углеводную пищу, утверждает доктор Курт Краучи из психиатрической клиники Базельского университета (Швейцария). Специалист советует применять фототерапию (лечение светом) или другие методы для борьбы с депрессией, которые подберет врач-психотерапевт. И рекомендует составлять свое меню так, чтобы в нем были максимально полезные продукты.
    Для улучшения настроения полезны бананы и твердый сыр, которые помогают организму вырабатывать гормон радости — серотонин. Считается, что жирная рыба, особенно лосось, подавляет производство адреналина и кортизола — гормонов стресса. К тому же рыба богата омега-3 жирными кислотами, которые укрепляют стенки сосудов, улучшают состояние кожи. Исследователи заметили, что сладкие фрукты повышают настроение не хуже, чем конфеты и торты, от которых прибавляется нежелательный вес.
    В холодный период рекомендуется есть больше теплой пищи. Полезны всевозможные супы. Многие пьют чай, что не очень хорошо. Лучше все же употреблять больше подогретой воды. Продукты предпочтительнее отваривать, тушить, готовить на пару или запекать. В межсезонье обостряются хронические заболевания органов брюшной полости, так что лучше это предотвратить.
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    4 января произошел пожар в пристройке к Государственному академическому центральному театру кукол имени С.В. Образцова в Москве. Площадь пожара составила 15 квадратных метров. На момент возгорания представления в театре не шло, в здании был только персонал. Никто не пострадал.
    24 декабря в ночном клубе города Мемфис в США на вечеринке, организованной местным рэп-исполнителем Yo Gotti, неизвестный устроил стрельбу .
    Один человек погиб, четверо были госпитализированы.23 декабря три человека пострадали в результате массовой драки между посетителями одного из ночных клубов в украинском городе Николаев. В драке участвовали несколько десятков человек.
    В ночь на 21 октября в ночном клубе Havana Club в Краснодаре шестеро молодых людей развязали конфликт с охранниками после того, как те не пустили некоторых из них в клуб. Они ворвались в клуб и открыли огонь в потолок, затем мужчины битами и монтировками избили охранников и скрылись . В драке пострадали четверо охранников заведения.
    11 октября в Москве в помещение клуба по адресу Милютинский переулок, дом 6, корпус 1 вошла группа граждан, устроившая конфликт, который перерос в драку . Были госпитализированы три человека. В клубе проходила вечеринка, посвященная международному дню камин-аута (Coming Out Day) — празднику, призванному привлечь внимание общества к проблемам представителей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации.
    2 октября произошел пожар в старом здании Театра юного зрителя в Саратове , построенном в 1910 году. Никто не пострадал. В первые часы пожара кровля театра площадью 500 квадратных метров обрушилась в зрительный зал. Общая площадь пожара составила около 3 тысяч квадратных метров.
    В ночь на 27 сентября в клубе “Дикая лошадь” в Иркутске в результате драки были ранены четыре охранника заведения . Между посетителями возник конфликт. Его участники были выдворены на улицу службой охраны.
    В ночь на 17 августа в ночном клубе Tiger Pub на курортном острове Пхукет в Таиланде произошел пожар . Возгорание произошло в результате удара молнии в трансформатор напряжения. Погибли четыре человека. 20 человек были госпитализированы.
    В ночь на 10 августа в ночном клубе Teaser’s в городе Дотан американского штата Алабама три человека погибли и трое получили ранения в результате стрельбы, устроенной неизвестным.
    В ночь на 20 июля в городе Аврора штата Колорадо в США 12 человек погибли и 58 пострадали в результате стрельбы, устроенной Джеймсом Холмсом . Он вошел в зал кинотеатра после начала фильма “Темный рыцарь: Возрождение легенды”, распылил там слезоточивый газ, а затем начал стрелять по зрителям.
    В ночь на 8 июля десять человек получили ранения в ночном клубе “Вамос” (Vamos) возле города Камбре на севере Франции. Вооруженный мужчина открыл огонь из охотничьего ружья по клиентам развлекательного заведения и случайным прохожим после того, как охрана клуба отказалась впустить посетителя. Сделав несколько выстрелов в холле клуба и на улице, подозреваемый скрылся на автомобиле. Его регистрационный номер успели записать свидетели.
    В ночь на 1 июля два человека погибли, еще пять получили ранения в результате стрельбы, которую открыли неизвестные в одном из ночных клубов французского города Лилль . Двоим злоумышленникам удалось скрыться с места происшествия.
    17 июня группа молодых людей ворвалась в ночной клуб “Пурга” в Мурманске и открыла стрельбу по посетителям , в ходе перестрелки погиб один человек.
    3 июня посетитель ночного клуба в селе Идвор Южно-Банатского округа автономного края Воеводина (Сербия) взорвал гранату в холле заведения, после того как сотрудники охраны не разрешили ему и его троим друзьям пройти внутрь. В момент взрыва в клубе находилось около 150 человек. Три человека, среди которых владелец гранаты и один из его друзей, погибли, восемь получили ранения.
    4 апреля прогремел взрыв в Национальном театре столицы Сомали — Могадишо. На представлении присутствовали премьер-министр Абдивели Мохамед Али и другие официальные лица. Взрыв был осуществлен террористкой-смертницей. Погибли четыре человека, премьер не пострадал.
    5 марта произошла драка в клубе “Б-2″ в центре Москвы . После драки в клубе три молодых человека были госпитализированы с ножевыми ранениями и другими травмами. Один из пострадавших после оказания помощи сбежал из больницы.
    27 февраля перестрелка произошла в ночном клубе американского города Джексон в штате Теннеси. В результате ЧП один человек погиб, 18 пострадали.
    По предварительной версии, между посетителями заведения завязался спор . Во время словесной перепалки кто-то достал оружие и открыл огонь.
    В ночь на 22 января пять преступников, вооруженных автоматическими винтовками M16, ворвались на дискотеку “Эль Ранчон” (El Ranchоn) в городе Вилья-Нуэва (Гватемала) и открыли беспорядочную стрельбу . В результате перестрелки восемь человек погибли, 20 были госпитализированы. Бандиты скрылись до прибытия полиции.
    22 октября в городе Новокуйбышевск в культурно-развлекательном центре “Планета” житель Самары во время ссоры с одним из посетителей выхватил пистолет и сделал несколько выстрелов в своего оппонента. Получив ранение в голову, 27-летний мужчина скончался на месте. В мае 2012 года приговором суда города Новокуйбышевск преступник был приговорен к восьми годам лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в колонии строгого режима.
    19 февраля во время показа фильма “Черный лебедь” в кинотеатре Citadele Риги Латвии во ходе конфликта 27-летний докторант юридического факультета Латвийского университета Николай Зыков выхватил пистолет и четыре раза выстрелил в оппонента , который скончался на месте на глазах у дочери. Убитым оказался руководитель Отдела по управлению активами и пассивами, заместитель начальника Отдела управления ресурсами банка Citadele Айгарс Эгле — отец четырех детей.
    31 января во время празднования карнавала в одном из танцевальных клубов города Тукеррес на юге Колумбии неизвестный открыл огонь по толпе. Погибли пять человек, десять получили ранения.
    В ночь на 4 июля 14 человек получили ранения в результате взрыва самодельной бомбы в ночном клубе Рио-де-Жанейро (Бразилия). Инцидент произошел в северном предместье города. Неизвестные привели в действие самодельное взрывное устройство в момент, когда в ночном клубе были сотни посетителей.
    В ночь на 6 января взрыв произошел в развлекательном центре “Дусти” на южной окраине Душанбе (Таджикистан). В клубе было приведено в действие самодельное взрывное устройство . В результате ЧП пострадали семь человек.
    5 декабря в Перми в ночном клубе-кафе “Хромая лошадь” во время юбилейной вечеринке произошел сильный пожар. Клуб выгорел практически полностью. Сразу погибли 102 человека, пострадало более 140. Пострадавшие были доставлены в больницы Перми, Челябинска, Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы. Большинство жертв ночной трагедии в пермском кафе погибли от отравления угарным газом.
    Позже часть пострадавших скончалась, в результате количество жертв возросло до 156 человек . Всего в ночном клубе было более 200 человек. Причиной пожара стало неосторожное обращение с пиротехникой и нарушение правил пожарной безопасности.
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    Many wedding dress designs accommodate brides with baby bumps
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    Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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    Posted: 11/13/2013
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    Jenna Kooi
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    [b][url=][/url][/b] INDIANAPOLIS – Many brides try to slim down as their wedding day approaches, but what if a bride knew she’d be getting bigger?[b][url=]pandora jewelry on sale[/url][/b] Martha Plager and Helene Massey — at their Broad Ripple bridal salon, MH Pomander’s — said pregnant brides are finding limitless wedding dress options these days.[b][url=]pandora charms cheap[/url][/b] Plager and Massey don’t carry specific maternity wedding dresses, because they say any dress can work.[b][url=]pandora charms sale[/url][/b] “They definitely are looking for gowns that are like regular gowns, and we’ve been able to modify them so they can have the look they want,” Plager said.[b][url=]pandora jewelry on sale[/url][/b] Shoppers can search the seemingly endless racks at David’s Bridal , but they won’t find any wedding dresses labeled maternity.[b][url=]pandora charms cheap[/url][/b] And Rebecca Rivers, with David’s Bridal, said that’s the point.”Lots of brides are coming in — more than usual — expecting, and they want to feel beautiful just like any other bride,” she said.Rivers said wedding dress designers are making dresses that can work for any woman, even if she’s expecting.”Just in the shape and silhouette of the dress, I think they are keeping that in mind, because it’s the time we live in,” Rivers said.The wedding dress experts do have some recommendations for pregnant brides, such as a princess gown with a high waist.”(It) can accommodate a pregnant belly easier,” Plager said.Rivers said a fuller skirt can give more room for the bride’s belly to grow.A dress with an illusion back still gives a bride that romantic feeling while thicker straps give more support, and lightweight fabrics can give added comfort.Alterations will require a little more attention, and pregnant brides should expect more fittings, even up to the day of their wedding.”You can achieve the look you want on your wedding day, whether you are pregnant or not,” said seamstress Erin Young. Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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    quotare sul listino il 30% circa del capitale (inclusa l’opzione
    di greenshoe).
    [b][url=]moncler outlet store[/url][/b] E’ quanto si evince da due term sheet che Reuters ha potuto
    [b][url=]comprare moncler[/url][/b] Le date esatte del collocamento non sono state stabilite ma,
    dal pre-marketing al debutto in borsa passa, in genere, circa un
    mese. Nel weekend, in effetti, alcuni quotidiani scrivevano che
    lo sbarco a Piazza Affari del produttore di piumini è atteso per
    il prossimo 10 dicembre.
    [b][url=]moncler Cappotti[/url][/b] “Penso che ci sarà parecchio interesse per il deal e lo
    faranno in fretta… in base a quello che ho sentito dagli
    investitori”, ha commentato un trader.
    [b][url=]outlet moncler[/url][/b] Secondo quanto riferito da alcune fonti nei giorni scorsi,
    il deal dovrebbe avere un controvalore di circa 750 milioni di
    euro, sulla base di una valutazione del 100% di Moncler pari a
    circa 12,5 volte l’Ebitda 2012 (170 milioni di euro).
    [b][url=]moncler kieds[/url][/b] Global coordinator dell’operazione sono Goldman Sachs
    , Bank of America Merrill Lynch e Mediobanca
    . Banca Imi, JP Morgan, Nomura
    e Ubs svolgono il ruolo di joint
    book-runners, mentre Bnp Paribas, Equita Sim e Hsbc
    sono lead manager.
    L’attuale azionariato di Moncler vede Eurazeo al
    45%, Ruffini Partecipazioni al 32%, Carlyle al 18%,
    Brands Partners (Progressio Sgr) al 5% e Sergio Buongiovanni
    allo 0,3%. Venditori nel quadro dell’Opvs, si legge nei
    term-sheet, saranno solo Eurazeo, Carlyle e Brands Partners.
    (Isla Binnie e Massimo Gaia)
    Sul sito altre notizie Reuters in italiano.
    Le top news anche su
    © Thomson Reuters 2013 Tutti i diritti assegna a Reuters.

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    Festa della Castagna Sia domenica 3 che domenica 10 novembre in Piazza del Grano a Pescia (PT) il Rione di San Michele, con il patrocinio del Comune di Pescia, organizza la “Festa della casta stagna”, con frugiate e necci. Classico appuntamento d’autunno.[b][url=]outlet gioielli tiffany[/url][/b]
    Carriera di San Martino La festa di San Martino, organizzata dalla Pro-Loco di Sinalunga (SI), ormai da oltre venti anni, è aspettata da tutti i sinalunghesi con grande trepidazione per lo svolgimento della “Corsa dei Carretti”. I nove rioni in cui è diviso il paese si disputano la corsa, dall’8 al 10 novembre, con quattro equipaggi composti da due persone. I due concorrenti hanno compiti diversi, il primo imposta la traiettoria del carretto, veicolo in legno, privo di ruote, che si muove su cuscinetti, il secondo dà la spinta iniziale (la partenza è in leggerissima discesa), si siede di rincorsa dietro al compagno e frena nei momenti in cui la pendenza si fa maggiore. Tra il sabato e la domenica mattina si creano le griglie di partenza, e la domenica pomeriggio si entra nel vivo della gara, fino alla finale che premia il carretto (anche privo di equipaggio) che per primo raggiunge il traguardo.[b][url=]tiffany posizioni di uscita[/url][/b]
    Diladdarno in festa e Florence Wine Event Tutto pronto a Firenze per l’annuale manifestazione che vedrà in festa tutta la zona antica dell’Oltrarno fiorentino, una tra le più storiche della città gigliata. Come sempre saranno due le kermesse che si affiancheranno per far conoscere il quartiere simbolo di Firenze: il Florence Wine Event e Diladdarno in Festa. Il Florence Wine Event, che si terrà il 9 e 10 novembre, è l’ormai consolidato appuntamento, giunto alla sua ottava edizione, dedicato ai vini di eccellenza da tutta Italia. Questo evento di promozione enologica prevede sia la partecipazione di grandi che di più piccole aziende contraddistinte, entrambe, dall’ottima qualità dei loro prodotti. Da questa ottava edizione porteranno in degustazione i loro prodotti anche alcune aziende di olio extravergine di oliva, che presenteranno le nuove annate, di grappa, di pane e di salumi toscani con un’attenzione particolare alla cinta senese, razza autoctona della regione. Alle postazioni, come da tradizione del Florence Wine Event, saranno presenti gli stessi produttori che racconteranno al pubblico i loro vini, la loro storia ed i loro territori per far conoscere e apprezzare al meglio ciò che si gusta nel bicchiere. Ai banchi sarà possibile acquistare tutti i prodotti presenti. Mercoledì 6 novembre sarà la data di anteprima del Florence Wine Event con una cena speciale aperta al pubblico: ai fornelli lo chef Luca Cai. Diladdarno in festa si protrarrà fino a domenica 17 novembre.[b][url=]a buon mercato Tiffany & Co[/url][/b]
    Festa del Buco Unto A Civitella Marittima (GR) sabato 9 e domenica 10 novembre, ottava edizione della Festa del Buco Unto, evento per festeggiare l’olio nuovo ed il vino novello. Stand gastronomici, degustazione amatoriale dei vini delle aziende del territorio, manifestazione mercatino artigianale, musica itinerante e cantine aperte. Nelle cantine si possono gustare: pappa, zuppa di pane, bruschette di alta qualità, castagne arrosto, dolci tipici, castagnaccio, donzelle, crepes. Specialità allo stand gastronomico: pinci al sugo di vino novello e ciambellini co’ l’unto.[b][url=]economico tiffany[/url][/b]
    Festa dell’olio nuovo La Festa dell’olio 2013 si terrà il 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 novembre nel centro di Montemurlo (PO) e nell’antico Borgo della Rocca. La festa si propone di far conoscere e valorizzare, anche al di fuori del comune, il Castello di Montemurlo, noto a tutti come la Rocca con i suoi elementi caratteristici (l’antica Pieve, i resti delle mura, le porte, la piazza, il frantoio). Con la festa dell’olio si vuol mantenere viva la tradizione delle feste legate all’olio nuovo, da sempre svoltesi vicino ai frantoi e di permettere a tutte le associazioni di Montemurlo che lo desiderino di pubblicizzare il proprio operato.
    La Domenica dei Mestieri Nel centro storico di Pietrasanta (LU) si tiene il 10 novembre “La Domenica dei mestieri”, veri e propri incontri di manualità creativa, occasioni durante le quali, oltre all’esposizione di prodotti, vengono riproposti al pubblico gli antichi mestieri, le antiche tradizioni ormai quasi del tutto scomparse. Durante l’esposizione trovano spazio e voce tecniche antiche come la forgiatura del ferro, la lavorazione e decorazione del vetro, attraverso la realizzazione di monili o oggetti in Tiffany, vetrofusione, decorazione di oggetti di uso quotidiano. Ma anche l’antica tradizione ceramista, eseguita con varie tecniche di modellazione quali il colombino, tornio ecc. Senza dimenticare poi la lavorazione del marmo e la realizzazione di numerosi oggetti artigianali con conchiglie e oggetti trovati nel lungomare di Piestrasanta.
    La Soffitta in Piazza La Soffitta in Piazza, il mercatino dell’usato e dell’artigianato, torna a Seano di Carmignano (PO) domenica 10 novembre. E’ l’appuntamento con l’ormai tradizionale mercatino che si pone come scopo principale quello di dare una seconda vita alle cose evitandone lo smaltimento, con grande soddisfazione di curiosi e ricercatori di anticaglie.
    AgrieTour 2013 Dal 15 al 17 novembre Arezzo Fiere e Congressi torna a essere la capitale dell’agriturismo e della vita in campagna con la 12° edizione di AgrieTour, il Salone Nazionale dell’Agriturismo, l’unico salone dedicato a quello che è il comparto del turismo meno colpito dagli effetti della crisi; un fenomeno ormai di massa, che muove circa mille milioni di euro l’anno e che coinvolge quasi 20mila strutture sparse in tutte le regioni italiane. Partecipano al Salone dell’agriturismo i territori delle regioni italiane con le proprie offerte di turismo sostenibile, le realtà imprenditoriali del settore, ma anche le aziende che producono attrezzature specifiche da proporre a chi inizia o vuole rinnovare il proprio agriturismo. Confermate anche le iniziative dedicate alle Fattorie Didattiche, con “AgrieTour Bimbi”, un intero padiglione dedicato alla scoperta della campagna da parte dei più piccoli, Agriener, il salone nel salone dedicato al mondo delle energie da fonti rinnovabili e Api@tour, il focus espositivo dedicato ad un settore complementare all’agriturismo e quanto mai attuale: l’apicoltura. Ma la vera novità della 12° edizione di AgrieTour è “Vivere in campagna”, salone dedicato a tutti coloro che amano e vivono la campagna, e che fanno del country life il proprio stile di vita.
    La soffitta sotto il campanone A Pontremoli (MS) appuntamento imperdibile per gli appassionati di oggetti di antiquariato e della vintage-mania: il mercatino “La soffitta sotto il campanone” si tiene domenica 17 novembre ed è organizzato dalla Pro Loco.
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    [b][url=]timberland boots kids[/url][/b] Police found an open bottle of beer, empty beer cans, and a driver not wearing shoes, after stopping a vehicle on Tashmoo Avenue, Saturday, police say.
    [b][url=]shoes[/url][/b] Officers stopped the car around 1 p.m., near LaSalle Road.
    [b][url=]shoes[/url][/b] Police said they smelled alcohol and the driver was unsteady on his feet when police asked him to step from the car.
    A breath test at police headquarters showed a reading of more than 300 mg of alcohol, police said. A second showed slightly less.
    A 44-year-old Sarnia man faces impaired driving charges and will appear in court Dec. 3.
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    November 24, 2013
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    Jones vows to make Tennessee tougher
    Updated: Mon 9:15 PM, Nov 04, 2013
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    [b][url=]watches[/url][/b] KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP/UT Sports) — Tennessee coach Butch Jones is challenging his team’s toughness amid concerns the Volunteers are wearing down as they play their fifth straight game against a ranked opponent.
    [b]all brand watches[/b] The Vols (4-5, 1-4 SEC) will face a fifth consecutive team ranked 11th or better Saturday when they host No. 7 Auburn (8-1, 4-1). According to STATS LLC, Tennessee is the first team since Pittsburgh in 1993 to play seven ranked foes in a span of eight games within the same season.
    [b][url=]swiss watches[/url][/b] After losing 45-10 at No. 1 Alabama and 31-3 at No. 9 Missouri, Tennessee will play a third straight top-10 foe Saturday for the first time since 1964.
    [b][url=]swiss watches[/url][/b] Instead of going easy on his team , Jones is turning up the intensity and having the Vols work out in full pads.
    [b]replica watches[/b] HEAD COACH BUTCH JONES
    [b][url=]swiss Mechanical movement replica watches[/url][/b] (Opening Statement) “Good afternoon, thanks for coming out. Just a quick recap on the Missouri game, spoke about it in the postgame press conference, I think first off getting off to a fast start is critical in every game but especially on the road, we had great field position and we were never able to do anything with that field position. I thought that really set the temperament of the game. The next thing which I also briefly spoke about is it is a line of scrimmage game and I thought we were dominated on both sides of the line of scrimmage. It is what it is. That will not be tolerated here at Tennessee. I thought that anytime a team can rush the football against you for over 300-yards and we had less than 100-yards rushing, makes it extremely difficult.
    “I said the formula for this team to win is pretty simple, we have to over achieve. We can’t beat ourselves. We aren’t going to be, talent-wise, the best team we play but that doesn’t make us the best team. The best teams for that given day win, not just best individuals, athletically or individually. So we have to be a team that overachieves, plays disciplined football and we weren’t able to do that. Inordinate amount of penalties which is unacceptable. We spend too much time in practice with a full officiating crew, we are talking about the discipline it takes to win football games. We have done a really good job at most stages of the season and that wasn’t us Saturday night.
    “Everything is based on how you play, how you compete, how you strain, how you play for ’63,’ which we talk about in our program. It is how you are able to play with the discipline that it takes to play winning football and our players understanding that. That is what we went back and really studied that, how we played the game, how we competed, the fundamentals, the fine details, that is something that we will continue to stress just like we do each and every week.
    “I think right now we are dealing with the realities of building a football program and we are dealing with the realities of a football season. There are natural adversities that the game and the process presents itself and that is what we are dealing with right now. Whether it is injuries and being on your third quarterback, whether it is the schedule that we have, the nicks, the bruises, the mental grind that it takes, the lack of depth. Whatever it is. Those are natural adversities that occur throughout the course of the season. Everything is going to be based on how we finish. We put ourselves in position to play meaningful games, every game is meaningful from here on out. Everything is going to be defined on how we finish.
    “Another great opponent, another talented football team coming in here. Uptempo, team with a mentality to run the football, great, great challenge. I will tell you this, it is great to be home and playing in front of our crowd this week.”
    (On the similarities of Auburn and Missouri’s offense) “I think there are some similarities but there are some mark differences as well. I think it is the different personnel groupings that they get in with. The miss term used in college football is the spread offense, everyone has a different definition of what the spread offense is. It is kind of the evolution of the west coast offense back in the day, everyone spoke about it. What is a spread offense? Is it shot gun? It is no huddle? Is it uptempo? Is it 10 personnel with four and five wideouts on the field? What is it? Where they challenge is they are able to get multiple personnel groupings and they play with a high level of physicality.
    “The dimension that Nick Marshall brings to their offense, he is a dynamic football player. He can run it, he can pass it. Jeremy Johnson does a great job for them as well. They cause you a lot of matchup problems.”
    (On moving on from a tough loss) “I am always concerned but we have great character in our football program. I am going to appeal to their competitive character. Pride and heart matter. I met with our players staff yesterday and everyone is obviously disappointed, and they should be. We didn’t play well. That is all of us. Everyone has to be accountable for their self-determination. Everyone is accountable for their preparation and how they perform. We talk about pride and performance all the time, it starts with the coaches, it starts with everyone in our football organization and our football family. I know everyone was extremely disappointed but not discouraged. We are playing for a lot. I liked the way our kids, the feedback I have received from them, we will come back today and we will be ready to go. There is no reason to be. We are fighting for a bowl game. We have an opportunity to play 102,455 in Neyland Stadium. It is an honor and a privilege to play at Tennessee. That should not be an issue. But you always talk about that with your team,”
    (On if he thought the team was mentally prepared for Saturday) “I did. We had a great week of preparation. I thought we were emotionally ready to play. But so much of it is creating your own opportunities and your own momentum. We were never able to do that. We dropped a touchdown pass. That flips the game, which flips the momentum. We didn’t have very many explosive plays. Generating three-and-outs. We did a great job to start the game. It is 7 nothing with 12 or 11 minutes to go in the second quarter. It is being about to sustain, it is the overall focus. We didn’t have anyone step up and take hold of the football game. That is what you have to do. These are all learning experiences. When you look at all the experiences that we have had to this point of time, both positive and both negative, they should really enforce what we are building here. The mentality that it takes to play week in and week out. The toughness that is required. The team chemistry, the competitive character, the effort, the energy, the passion which you just spoke about, and the discipline to do the little things correctly. I think what separates teams, what separates people is the willingness to do the things that nobody else wants to do. Everyone can do them but nobody else wants to do them. Those are the small details, those are the little things. Like I said, we are going through the realities of building a football program, really teaching our players the standard and expectation. That is not going to be a crutch. We want passionate people who expect and deserve to win week in and week out. I know we have a great group of kids and they will be ready to go.”
    (On Joshua Dobbs improving from his experience) “I think you take a lot of things from it, you know how cerebral he is. Just like we as coaches, he dissects every single play. Some really good experiences and some experiences that we need to correct and move forward and not make them twice, which he will. There is one where we were in the one-minute drill, run out of bounds and stop the clock, there comes a point in time where is two-yards more important than getting out of bounds and stopping the clock, and we turned the football over. Another one, we throw a deep ball and the receiver is covered, throw it out of bounds, it is first-and-ten. Learn from it, play the next down, put the play on the shelf, and now we have second-and-ten and away we go. Those are all little things that you can rep in practice, kind of replicate it in game like situations but when they are live reps you grow up and you learn from it. I think the experiences that he gained will obviously should continue to move him forward.”
    (On using four or five receivers at Missouri) “It was a combination of a lot of things. It was trying to put the best 11 players on the field to win the football game. I think some of it is, we don’t have a lot of competition unfortunately at some positions. We have a standard in performance here at Tennessee and if we don’t perform up to that standard we have to find alternate ways of different personnel groupings. I think the next thing is trying to play to the skill set of the quarterback. I think there is a number of things that went into that decision, some of the different formations that you saw and we will continue to evolve with Josh as our quarterback.”
    (On the difficulty of the season) “Well if you deal with the realities you know it is what it is and the schedule is the schedule and we have to play it and we expect to win every football game. Is it a grind? Yes, it’s a grind not only mentally but physically and getting yourself up to play your best performance week in and week out versus the best of the best. A lot of those have been on the road in hostile environments but that’s not a crutch, that’s not an excuse, that’s life in the SEC and that’s life at Tennessee. But it does, the reality that it does take its toll but it’s a great learning process.
    “I talked about this last week and that’s part of the process I spoke about is we’re youthful. Not only in 24 now freshmen playing but youthful in the learning curve of really what it takes. I think the other thing is when you play well against Georgia and you beat South Carolina, you’re not sneaking up on anybody. Everybody watches those games and that’s all learning curve and for a lot of these individuals it’s the first time being in these situations and that’s what I talk about you know we’re going through the realities of building a football program.
    “I want it now, let’s make no mistake about it I want it now, our players want it now, our former players – our Vols for life want it now, our fan base wants it now, our administration wants it now, we all want it now but I see the positives each and every day. People in our industry that really study the game see it. I see it each and every day. Some days larger than others but I see improvements and sometimes you don’t see it in the win column. As head football coach I have to take the emotion out of it and I have to look at it. Are we doing the right schemes? Are we putting the players in positions to be successful? Are we getting the most? Are we extracting every ounce of value that we have in every single one of our players and then where do we need to improve? Where are our deficiencies? We have to correct those through development and through the recruiting process.
    “You know, It is what it is but we’re going to do it right and we are. We’re making great strides. We have to put our heads down, eliminate all the clutter and just keep getting better as a football program. I’m just as encouraged right now as I’ve ever been. I see growth, I see maturation, I see attracting the best of the best student athletes who have great competitive character that want to be in the process of getting Tennessee football back so I’m extremely encouraged. Do we have a lot of work to do? You guys see what I see but I’m also encouraged by where we’re going.”
    (On the offensive line penalties) “You know, I think it’s the combination of a lot of things. I think we put a lot of pressure on them and we should because they play a lot of football here and I said it when we walked in the door, I said it after spring football, I said it in August and I continue to say it, we have to be more physical as a group. We talk about the power position and you look at when you’re building your program, most of these individuals played as true freshmen so they’re already set back on year in the development phase of the strength and conditioning area – the mentality. Our players are up four days at 6 a.m. doing developmental lifts. That’s were a lot of your toughness, that’s were a lot of your strength is born and developed in that area so then all of the sudden it’s competition as well and we’re going to get back to doing what we do.
    “Full-padded practice, live practices and we’re going to be a tough football team and I know this: those individuals understand that they didn’t perform well and I think you’ve got to give your opponent credit as well. Also they’re playing against some very, very talented defensive fronts. Everybody recruits in the SEC. All the teams that are successful they have great defensive fronts that’s what I’ve come to find out relatively quick – you win with a defensive front. They’ve been challenged going up against the best of the best. Sometimes it’s not all them. It may be a back missing a read, it may be the quarterback not getting us in the proper play. It may be where the play is blocked for four yards and we get four yards and we need to have the ability to make somebody miss at the second level. It may be a tight end, it may be a wide receiver on the perimeter. Everyone wants to point to the offensive line but really it’s the same thing, its 11 players so I think it’s a combination it’s being in predictable down and distances. When you don’t win first down proficiency I think it’s the combination of a lot of things that go hand and hand but they’re great competitive young men. They understand what they need to do to get better and they’re hungry. They were all in my office on Sunday and they understand and they know. They’ll continue to get better and we still have a lot of football left to be played.”
    (On Josh Smith) “I think he has to just continue to progress and I think he’s going through the maturation phase of a true freshmen. Josh needs to take his practice to the games. Josh, I’ll tell you right now, has the best hands on our football team. He’s extremely competitive. He brings it every day in practice. He’s extremely difficult and hard on himself which we want, that’s a mark of a great competitor. Now it’s taking the practice field to the game field and he’s a young man with a tremendous amount of upside and he’ll be fine. It goes through those things where he’s trying to make a play and he doesn’t catch the ball with his eyes, you know he tries to run before he catches the football. Those are all, unfortunately those are all growing pains that we’re going through with all of our players and not just Josh but a lot of the true freshmen. It just so happened that his mistake was magnified because he was in the open field and it was a touchdown. I believe in Josh Smith, he’s going to be fine.”
    (On motivating) “Absolutely… There are some individuals – you treat everyone in your football program fairly but every individual reacts to different things so one way you motivate one man may not be the same for the other so you have to find ways to get them to perform at their optimum levels so you’re right. There are some individuals that I can get after, I can challenge them and they’ll respond. There are other individuals there is a different way of challenging. Especially with the guys up front I challenge them because I have high expectations for them and like I said, the offensive and defensive lines of any program are really the poster child for your toughness and your program.”
    (On full-padded practice) “It’s the standard and that’s the way we’re going to play football here. We’re going to be a physically tough, a physically tough minded football team in everything that we do. We call it Tennessee tough and it’s not just a fancy slogan and we have to get much tougher as a football team and I’m not going to tolerate it as a head football coach, as the caretaker of Tennessee football. Tennessee football is not going to be soft. As we know, building toughness is a process, it just doesn’t happen overnight.
    “There is a cumulative effect that occurs in your winter strength and conditioning program to spring football to August camp to the season and you have to live it. You know, been through this journey before in developing toughness and it takes a while but the great this is with our players, in meeting with them they embraced it and what’s that saying, if you want to learn to swim you’ve got to get in the pool? We’ve got to get in the pool.”
    (On Marlin Lane) “You’ll see his role continue to increase. Now he’s back to 100% health wise. The thing we need from him is burst at the second level and really finishing runs. The one run on our sideline he tried to finish but you’ll see his work load start to increase a little bit this week.”
    (On how to have success on the road) “I just know that we’re going through a process of what it takes to play winning football on the road. Jimmy and I were talking in the car on the way over here. I believe every road opponent we’ve played has been a top 20 opponent and every road opponent we’ve played has been ranked in the top 10 at some point or some stage in the season in great venues and there’s a toughness, there’s a mentality that goes into it. I talk about creating your own momentum, your own opportunities when you play on the road, just like playing Auburn at home this week, we’re going to have to create opportunities. I think it’s a mindset of going on the road and I think there’s a lot that goes into it and it takes a mature football team mentally and physically to go on the road and win football games.
    (On being tough) “Absolutely, I’ll give you the greatest example – two of the greatest examples. We were blessed and fortunate my last year at Cincinnati to basically have a first round draft choice at defensive tackle and a third round draft choice at defensive tackle. Derek Wolf and John Hughes both start. One starts for the Cleveland Browns and one is a good friend of Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos. Their junior years, I think they’d chuckle if they heard me saying it but if one was to my left and one was to my right they’d tap me and chuckle and say they were both soft mentally and we challenged them and the way they developed in a year’s time is probably the most development I’ve seen in two individuals and Derek Wolf is tough, he’s physical, he’s tough minded and John Hughes is a young man we spoke about a couple weeks ago who wasn’t even being considered for the National Football League. His senior year he made a decision mentally and physically and we challenged him and Steve Stripling does a great job and again that’s just something that doesn’t happen overnight.
    “You have to live that each and every day. You have to live toughness every day in your football program and you just can’t talk about it, you’ve got to be about it. It’s got to stem in practice. It’s got to stem with all the different things that we talk about and a lot of it is strength and the strength and conditioning. Some is will; some is technique. Some is being in great shape. You can’t play physical if you’re not in great shape. And a lot of it is the way you use your hands. A lot of it is body position; some of it is the way you run your feet. So there’s a lot that goes into the definition of being tough.”
    (On how Dobbs did on the zone-read) “None of them were predetermined calls, and you’ll see some different quarterback runs slowly be implemented into our offense. I thought there were still a couple of times there were some yardage out there where he could’ve pulled the football, but I thought for the most part he did a very, very good job from that aspect.”
    (On how much he will benefit from 42 pass attempts) “I think a lot, and I think that shows confidence in him, confidence in the players around him, but I do. He just didn’t go in against a great opponent and hand the football off. We asked him to throw play-action, spread them out. Every kind of route combination you can think of, all kinds of depths from deep to intermediate, short to controlled passing game, quick gain. So, we’ve asked him and it’s just the overall level of consistency. We’ve talked about starting a game off fast. We have fourth and four at the 38-37 yard line, and we have a completion play for first down, he overthrows it. Why? Because he over strides in the pocket. Those are all things that he’ll continue to develop and get better.
    “On another note for everyone, Nathan Peterman will practice and he’ll be full go this week. He’s done an exceptional job. Jason McVeigh, our entire training staff, has done a tremendous job and so he’ll be full go. I think the other individual I’d be remiss if I didn’t speak about, is Michael Palardy and the job that Jason (McVeigh) and his staff did as well in terms of, we didn’t think Mike was going to be able to kick Saturday. You talk about the stress and the life of a head football coach and coaches; he comes to practice on Thursday with major back spasms. He couldn’t even walk. Friday it was touch and go and then Saturday he has one of his best performances of the year. We talk about consistency in performance. When you talked about the seniors, when you talked about all the stuff of this football team, and when I met with them I used the greatest illustration.
    “I can sit here and tell you John Hughes illustrations and Derek Wolfe stories, but let’s talk about our players, Michael Palardy. Here’s an individual for whatever occurred in the past, it occurred in the past. He’s the same individual physically, gotten stronger, but mentally he’s completely different. When I looked at them, I said, `Tell me the difference in Michael Palardy in one year’s time.’ On his field goal attempt, I walked over to him and I said, `What are you thinking range wise? Tell me where we need to get to.’ He (Palardy) goes, `Coach, I can make it from there.’ Through experience I know anytime you ask a kicker, they’re going to tell you he can make it. I’m like, `No, talk to me. Where do we need to get to?’ He says, `Coach I got ya.’ He had the one poor punt then he has a great punt and JR Carr does a tremendous job of downing the ball on the two inch line. He (Palardy) comes up to me and says, `I got your back. That was for that missed punt the previous snap.’ He’s playing with a lot of confidence and belief right now and that’s a great illustration for every player in our football program, that development process.
    “That’s part of when I talk about we want it now, that’s part of the evolution of our football program from the APR to academics. You want to know why Alton Howard’s playing well? Alton Howard’s doing well at school. Alton Howard is one of the first individuals in the building. He’s early in meetings, he’s asking questions, he’s leading, he has accountability not only to his self but he’s holding now the other wide receivers accountable. That’s growth. That didn’t happen in August. It didn’t happen in September. That started to formulate in October. Those are all great stories that nobody else sees because we see it every day.”
    (On Antonio Richardson playing right tackle) “We’ll continue to move him around, but for that particular game that was a short yardage plan. Really, that was an unbalanced set. We had him and Ja’Wuan (James) on the same side. So, those are just different game plan scenarios on our goal line and short yardage packages. Next week you may be sitting in here and he may play fullback. Heck I don’t know, maybe he’ll be in the gun doing the `Volcat’ package, I don’t know we’ll see.”
    (On if Nathan Peterman is the No. 2 quarterback) “It’s all based on preparation. I think Riley (Ferguson) has done, it’s hard for Riley. He’s a competitive young man and he wants to be out there and only one quarterback can play right now. Just like we speak about every week, it’s whatever individual has had the best week of practice. They’ll put them in positions to play in the game.”
    (On if Auburn is an example of growing a program) “Yeah, they’re a different team. They have great team speed. They play with a high level of physicality. They have great wide outs. Defensively, tremendous effort to get to the football and they’re tough and they’re physical. Nick Marshall brings a-whole-nother element to their football program, but so does Jeremy (Johnson) as well. They have a ton of confidence. They’re a top ten football team and very deservingly so.”
    (On picking up recruits after losses) “I think, first of all, I think people around the country feel it and they see what’s going on. Sometimes the results aren’t measured on the field but people see what’s going on here. They can feel the energy, they can feel the vision, and it’s Tennessee. We’re a national brand and we have a great product to sale. Better yet, we have great people here. We have a passionate fan base. I’m all in. This is the best place in the country. I firmly believe it and I’ve been around, now, all over the country.
    “There’s only one Tennessee. So, it’s an opportunity to build something. It’s an opportunity to be a part of something extremely special. It’s going to mean more when we get back to being the Tennessee standard of football that we all come to expect. It’s a work in progress and we have three games left. We’re playing for a lot right now in our program. We have to go back to the fundamental aspect that I talked about in August when I sat up here before you. Focus on the process and the results will come.
    “What does it really take to play winning football? Developing our football program minute by minute, day by day, hour by hour, week by week, and month by month. I know you guys get sick and tired of hearing me say that, but really that’s the only way you get it. You have to keep things in perspective. I know this, love is conditional and praise and blame, it’s all the same. You’ve just got to put your head down and keep plugging. A good friend of mine, a former boss, who said you always find out who’s really in. When you win, everybody text messages you, but when you lose, you really find out who your true friends are. Your text messages are about cut in half. On the positive, you don’t have to respond to as many, but I’d rather be responding to them.”
    (On the run defense against Auburn) “We better get tough. We better get more physical in a hurry. The thing that we didn’t do a very good job of is getting off blocks. We call that the junction point. There were a number of times where our three-technique got led. Anytime the three-technique gets led, you’re in trouble. Everything about playing great defense and great run defense is gap integrity. When everyone’s being responsible for a gap and holding your assignment. It’s our linebackers taking their run-pass read off the EOL and man on the line. There are a couple of times where, we’ve done it over and over again, and the tackle’s blocking down and our linebackers taking a pass drop. Those are the small details and we’ve done it over and over again and they can come to the sideline and tell you.
    “Football’s a game of quick second decisions. Football is a game that’s played off of instincts and trusting what you see with your eyes and your eye discipline. Those are the things that we have to get corrected: getting off blocks, maintaining our gaps, not being a gap short because you let a guard reach you as a three technique or the center reaching our one technique. That’s inexcusable. That has to deal with your hand violence, your pad level, and your overall strain to get to your gap. We better get it corrected in a hurry. I think they threw eight passes last week and they have a mentality to run the football. The thing about Auburn is they can beat you with quick screens, they can beat you with deep balls, and they can beat you with quarterback runs. If they decide to line up and run power offense at you, they can beat you. Like I said, they’re a good physical football team.”
    (On full-contact practices) “I just feel like you have to be smart about it, but at the same time, you have to realize that it is the only way to go out there and play as physical as you want to play. You have to practice it at full speed and contact. I feel like Coach Jones is going to be smart with it, and he will get us going with full physicality.”
    (On Joshua Dobbs’ first start) “I have been talking to him and letting him know that the offensive line has his back. He showed incredible poise and overall had great communication between him and us. I saw a lot from him on Saturday night.”
    (On watching tape from Saturday) “The entire offensive line got together and watched the film. It was tough and disappointing to see our performance like that. We need to be leaders for our team, but we didn’t perform to our abilities or what our team expected from us.”
    (On why performance was so low) “I just feel like guys weren’t ready from the emotional stand point, but I don’t think the focus was completely there either. We had uncharacteristic penalties. Those are in excusable from the offensive line stand point.”
    (On what caused penalties) “It was a combination of things. I can’t give you an exact reason why we had those penalties. That is uncharacteristic of us, and it is something that we really try to focus on being disciplined in practice. When it doesn’t show up on Saturdays, you know it will be addressed and fixed with the coaches that we have.”
    (On being back home) “I think the team has a great atmosphere when we are at home. When we play at Neyland, it gets the team going. That is where our big performances have come this season. I think the team is really looking forward to play at home again in front of our crowd. It helps us too by playing these meaningful games in front of our crowd.”
    (On Coach Jones’ message yesterday) “He basically told us that we didn’t play our brand of football out there, and we’re not going to represent Tennessee like that. We’re not going to go out there and continue to represent Tennessee that way like we did Saturday night, especially on the line of scrimmage. That’s another one of the reasons for getting back to the practices, getting more physical, and everybody recommitting and focusing on this process, and finishing these last three games strong.”
    (On why Tennessee plays better at home) “When you’re playing in front of that crowd, it’s a lot easier to get your energy going, your emotions going, something for us to work on as a football team and as a mentality this year. Guys are more comfortable playing at home.”
    (On needing to be more physical) “Playing in this conference is playing out of the trenches, running the ball, or the inside drill. This will definitely be something to help us prepare for our next opponent.”
    (On being back home) “I think every SEC team has an advantage while playing at home. It is something that we need to continue to learn especially when playing on the road. As we push forward to the Auburn game, playing at home is definitely going to be an advantage to us.”
    (On containing Missouri’s Maty Mauk) “He is a read-pass quarterback. If he doesn’t see anything open, he will run the ball. The majority of the time we thought he was trying to throw the ball, but he was just looking for gaps and holes in our defense to run the ball.”
    (On Auburn’s rushing attack) “I watched their game against Arkansas at 3 a.m. when I got home. Auburn is pretty sound at running the football and that’s something that we’re definitely pertaining to this week in practice. That’s exactly why we’re going back to full pads. We’ve got to get more physicality in our defensive line play, and we definitely have to stop the run this weekend.”
    (On what makes Auburn’s run game so good) “They have a very talented offensive line from what I’ve seen. They’re a type of offensive line that strains really hard, and they won’t allow you to get off the block. As a defensive line, that’s something we have to do better with is fundamentals and getting off our blocks, staying in our gaps and setting our points and having gap integrity like Coach Jones said before.”
    (On Tre Mason) “He’s a very good running back. I think he’s one of the leaders in the SEC. He’s had a few good games that I’ve seen. He’s a good back, but we’re not worried about Tre (Mason). We’re more worried about what we can do as a defensive line to get ready to attack Auburn.”
    (On why Tennessee plays better at home) “It’s the support of our fan base. To play at home in a place like Neyland, it’s always special. Neyland Stadium to me is one of the most special places that you could ever play the game of football in. I love playing here with our fans and the excitement we have on the Vol Walk. It just pumps me up to go out there and give my all for Tennessee.”
    (On the difference in Jeremy Johnson and Nick Marshall) “From that aspect, he’s (Johnson) more of a pocket presence, and the Marshall kid, he can definitely beat you with his feet from what I’ve seen. Almost an exact replica of what we’ve been seeing the last few weeks. A guy that, if nothing’s there to throw at, he’s going to take it and run, so with our defense, we’ve got to have gap integrity, we’ve got to have all of our points on the quarterback as a defensive line, and we’ve got to get better at shedding blocks. That’s something that we must get better at and that’s something that we will [get better at] coming this week.”
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    Timeline: Justin Bieber visits brothel and his most controversial moments
    5 Nov 2013 06:51
    He was a squeaky clean popstar but now it seems Biebs can’t do anything right…
    Why so serious? The moments Bieber will regret
    [b]watches[/b] He just can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble, can he?[b][url=]best replica watches site[/url][/b] Justin Bieber was accused of spanking a stripper, visiting a brothel, kicking a Brazilian flag during his performance before storming off stage after being hit by a bottle.[b]swiss watches[/b] And all that happened in just ONE weekend.[b]high quality replica watches for men[/b] Go back seven years and Biebs was a complete dork, with a terrible fashion sense, even worse hair but a huge future in music.[b][url=]swiss replica watches[/url][/b] It’s unfortunate that testicles drop and voices break because since growing up the Justin Bieber has been on a free-fall of popularity.[b]replica watches[/b] In recent months, he’s been cleared by cops for hit-and-run incidents, accused of speeding and caught on camera peeing into a restaurant’s mop bucket,Add to this allegations of spitting on his own fans and reportedly being caught smoking weed, here’s what happened to the teenager since 1994.
    Look at how harmless he is!
    1994 When Justin was born on March 1st 1994, Mariah Carey was number one with her tune Without You. We wouldn’t judge if you stopped reading for a moment to go and relive this song on Spotify.He didn’t have a traditional upbringing and his mother was just 18-years-old when she gave birth to Baby Biebs.His parents were never married but they maintained a close friendship to focus on giving Justin a future in music.Which is just as well because it would be a few years before Jeremy Kyle arrived on the scene to help save dysfunctional relationships. 2006/2007 His manager Scooter Braun spotted him on YouTube six years ago and tracked down Justin’s mum – or mom in this instance – Pattie to ask about signing him to his record label co-founded with Usher.It’s amazing that anyone can spend longer than four minutes on the video website before watching clips of animals being absolutely hilarious, so the record executive deserves a hat tip for his commitment to find a star.There was so much hype about Biebs that even Justin Timberlake tried to snap up the baby-faced singer for his own record label but lost out to Usher and ultimately a gazillion dollars (or something, we’re not accountants).And here’s one of the videos that we can thank/blame (delete where appropriate) for Justin Bieber’s fame.
    2008 By now he had released his debut album My World which immediately went platinum so things were going well. Too well, if anything.Gone were the days of busking on steps in a tiny Canadian town or singing RnB songs to a webcam to his webcam.And so the incredibly contagious and sometimes nauseating condition of Bieber Fever began to spread. December , 2008 Just a year after he became a signed artist, Justin performed at the White House – you might have heard of it, it’s where big Prez Obama works from home.We can just imagine Barack and Michelle making cocktails and taking turns to sing lines of Baby.
    Singing for the President, not a bad gig to get
    2010 He released his first full-length studio album My World 2.0 and soon after he accounted for 3% of the traffic on Twitter. That’s more traffic than the M25 in rush-hour.He was also tipped as more influential than Barack Obama and The Dalai Lama by digital website Klout.Add to this a bit of puberty, some mood swings, a deeper voice and a world tour via business class to exotic places and sooner or later going to have SOME effect.
    July , 2010 Justin’s mum is obviously very proud of growing such a rich, famous and successful human inside her womb.And she was probably equally as chuffed that her son wouldn’t have any Baby Biebers with horny groupies ( more on THIS later ) after telling E!: "He’s expressed his desire to stay pure and honour women and treat women with respect."
    Biebs and mom Pattie
    Which is fine – and it was quite a trendy thing to do a few years ago.All the young celebs in LA-LA-Land said the same old tosh about banning hanky panky until the wedding night – even Britney Spears, who you might remember got married in a boozy Vegas wedding. February , 2011 The tiny star was always sweet and smiling when speaking to fans and media but he sparked controversy following an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, where he gave his views on abortion and abstinence.            He said: "I don’t think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them."            Justin continued: “I really don’t believe in abortion. It’s like killing a baby,” before expressing a naive confusion over cases of rape.It’s not his fault, he missed high school because he was singing for the President. March , 2011 But hold on, who’s this lovely lady?            Justin, 16 at the time, started dating Disney queen Selena Gomez, who was 18, and immediately everyone assumed they would be doing IT but no – far from it.It just so happened that Selena’s favourite bling was a purity ring.However after a few months of holding hands and possibly some over-bra topping action (try not to picture it too vividly) the ring came off! Gasp.            A family friend told The National Enquirer:  “When the ring came off, Selena’s parents became unglued. Selena got the ring at 12 and never took it off.            “But when things started getting hot with Justin, suddenly she was wearing it less and less. They’d be heartsick if she did something with him that she’d later regret.”
    Splashing around with Selena
    Justin wasn’t single anymore and his baby (baby, baby, oooh) face was morphing into one of a puny man.He started to dress like a confused Michael Jackson and developed a difficult relationship with paparazzi. S till March… He was celebrating his 17th birthday with girlfriend Selena and felt the snappers were harassing him.So naturally, he hit back with a middle finger and some choice words that we can’t repeat unless it’s written in asterisks or Wingdings which is utterly pointless.It was a new side to Justin. An attitude that has been fuelled by ‘yes men’ and people telling him over and over again that he’s the best thing to grace the planet since sliced bread, David Attenborough and booze.
    How things have changed…
    N ovember, 2011 But the biggest shock of all came when Justin was slapped in the face (not literally, that would be really uncalled for) with a paternity test from a woman who he claims to have never met. Woah.            When the allegations were made things were going pretty darn well. The singer was in a happy relationship and was searched for on Google more than ‘God’ – although he was beaten to top spot by ‘Porn’.But this scandal nearly pushed him over the edge.
    Mariah wrongly claimed Bieber fathered her baby
    He was accused of being the father of a 4-month-old baby boy with Mariah Yeater who later dropped the claims after a month of wild rumours and bizarre source stories in the US media.           Naturally, Justin complied with a paternity test and sent off his famous DNA in a little tub and in classic fashion said: "I know that I’m going to be a target, but I’m never going to be a victim."           2012 Justin was given a pack of crayons and some blank paper to write his autobiography.And in his book (which is mostly pictures) he explains his relationship with the people who chase him around the Hollywood hills: "There’s a misconception that I hate the paparazzi – I don’t, I simply don’t like the aggressive paparazzi."Whenever you see me getting angry or upset in the media what you don’t get to see on camera is how those people came up to me and said things like, ‘Hey Justin, why are you such a punk lately?’, ‘Your mom is ugly’, and, ‘Your little brother and sister are ugly babies’."All we can say for certain is that his mother bear definitely isn’t ugly. M ay, 2012 In the same month he SENSATIONALLY admitted to “having a beer” despite being under the legal drinking age, Justin got into an altercation with a tabloid snapper when he left a cinema with Selena.It all kicked off when the pap allegedly blocked Justin’s car and according to TMZ a lawyer had advised him to call 911 and file a police report against the popstar.The photographer went to hospital after complaining about chest pains which begs the question: How weak do you have to be to lose a wrestle against Justin?
    A shoe came off in rage
    To be fair, with the pockets hanging out of his trousers looking like dollar bills Justin was probably committing a crime against fashion.It was the start of Justin’s negative public reactions, public breakdowns and in one case offending the public. J uly, 2012 Justin lacked social awareness and was apparently being a bit sweary on a flight.A mother-of-two reportedly was forced to ask him to "stop yelling curse words and using that kind of language on a plane."A spokesperson for Justin later admitted that he was deeply ashamed and embarrassed for making a scene and offending other passengers.Two months after the incident Justin was interviewed on radio show Mojo in the Morning and when asked about One Direction star Harry Styles’ famous string of older conquests, he replied: "I don’t think you should worry about me [and my mum with Harry Styles] – worry about your mum, bro."
    Mojo told him that his mother had passed away causing Bieber to hang up on the call and end the interview. Now is that awkward or what?Then it was Justin’s turn to call the cops on the paparazzi…
    A familiar friend for the LA cops
    Still July… Justin was accused of driving over speeds of 80mph during an incident where he called 911 to complain about chasing paparazzi.He told the responding officer his surname was “Johnson”, before he explained: “I was going to go fast so I could lose these people and then I got pulled over and the police told me that if they kept following me to call in.”He also filed harassment documents against those pesky paps following him.It’s alleged Justin was charged with another driving offence and TMZ reported a separate occasion when his speed peaked at 100mph.
    Told police his surname was Johnson
    The year ended in a scary and bizarre way for Justin after it emerged he was the target of two would-be hit men who planned to ‘murder and castrate him’. Read more about that over here and put the kettle on because it gets complicated.
    October , 2012 Well, that’s what you get for drinking lots of milk, Justin! He was performing on stage when he was actually sick in front of thousands of fans.He blamed it on too much semi-skimmed. Sure.
    November , 2012 In this time he lost his title as Most Viewed on YouTube to viral dance crazy Gangnam Style.Which is utterly soul destroying and depressing for the entire world so it must be properly heartbreaking for Justin. January , 2013 The year started with some serious news when sadly his fame – and the paparazzi obsession with him – led to a tragic accident. Justin has called for a change in law to protect celebrities and photographers after a member of the paparazzi was killed while chasing his famous car.            The incident happened in January and Justin was not in the white Ferrari at the time, but it’s thought that one of his friends was driving when the photographer was struck down by an oncoming vehicle in LA.
    The infamous white Lambo
    Still January… Well, well, well. Mr. Bieber. You’ve been a naughty boy.Completely unaware that he was being snapped on a mobile phone, Justin was caught smoking a suspicious looking roll-up cigarette.US reports claim that Justin was with his mate Lil Twist when he was seen allegedly smoking a spliff. February , 2013 He told chat show host Jimmy Fallon about his constant run ins with the law: "You know what, the police really like to pull me over. I don’t do anything, I promise.”In a sketch for hit show Saturday Night Live, mocking himself in character as a Miley Cyrus fan he said: "I also heard he got busted for smoking weed."And he’s really sorry about it. And people make mistakes. And he’s never gonna do it again."At this stage in his career he’s already got enough platinum discs to relaunch his own branded HMV but it seems that the Grammy folks aren’t impressed by Biebs.Justin received NO nominations for the awards bash and manager Scooter ranted on Twitter: “I just plain DISAGREE."The kid deserved it. Grammy board u blew it on this one.’ But of course he would say that.
    He feuded with the Black Keys
    Following the ceremony he had a full on Twitter feud with Black Keys drummer after a few bitchy comments.JB said the rocker should be "slapped around" for his making a dig at the popstar.After winning a  Grammy  for Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Album, The Black Keys drummer Patrick told TMZ that  Bieber  didn’t deserve any recognition.He said: “Grammys are for like music, not for money.”
    Trouble for the teen lovers
    The following days were shamed by rumours he had cheated on long-term girlfriend Selena after their relationship appeared to be over for good.They have split and made-up again more times than Ross and Rachael.One person Justin was alleged to have had a fling with Rihanna. Read more about that gossip over here. March 1st He was ironically burning the birthday candles at both ends on his 19th .It was reported that the swanky London club he hosted the party – Cirque du Soir – refused his mates Jaden Smith (of Will Smith spawn fame) and his latest accessory Ella-Paige Roberts Clark for being underage. There was also talk that the venue stank of marijuana which led to staff evicting the party members.
    Disturbing London
    JB got himself a McDonalds and headed home, dubbing the night his ‘worst birthday’.He later hit back at the “weak ass” club and denies trying to take underage Jaden Smith in. March 4th Fans booed their hero after he turned up nearly TWO HOURS late on stage in London – on a school night.The doors opened at 6:30pm and eager fans furious when he failed to appear at the advertised time of 8:30pm.
    Many of Bieber’s fans are young kids and teens who don’t have the luxury of late nights and many had to leave before the show.Furious parents and schoolchildren tweeted their frustration when he failed to appear on the first of four O2 shows until just after 10:20pm.A punter inside the O2 said: "He’s two hours late and Bieber is still not on stage. Kids are having to leave as it’s so late. Not fair – bless them." March 5th The tiny popstar was branded “arrogant git” after he made young girls wait THREE HOURS in the cold for a meet and greet on Monday – but then barely acknowledging them.Furious dad Phil Hurn said: “They were told they were getting 30 seconds each but he didn’t even talk to some of them.“He was an arrogant little git. They were promised goodie bags and a signed album but they didn’t get that either.”Ironically, he was pictured wearing two Rolex watches earlier in the week so he doesn’t have any excuse to be late.
    And he still struggles to tell the time
    Justin later tweeted an apology , blaming the delay on ‘technical issues’, but that didn’t stop the local council fining him £300,000 for the late-running show (that’s £10,000 per minute, FYI). March 6th More signs of a meltdown emerge as Justin takes to Twitter to rant about the past few days of scandal and drama. It’s basically an essay but worth reading in full.’Rumors rumors and more rumors. nothing more nothing less. might talk about them 1 day. [Right] now I’m just gonna be positive. cant bring me down.’I'm focused on the good things in life. I’m blessed and not forgetting it. I’m giving back every day for it. cant phase me.’Fake stories to sell papers i guess are part of the job. but I’m a good person. i know that. u cant tell me different. we know the truth.’As long as my family, friends, and fans r with me u can say whatever. we are all equal in God’s eyes & we have a responsibility to each other.’Say when i came out of my show with my shirt off because after performing for 2 hours i might be sweaty i was going into a club (really?).
    He seems to have forgotten his clothes
    ‘Or any girl i stand next to is my girl or that i don’t care, or that i don’t feel, or that a 19 year old going to a club in europe is wild…’I understand it is part of the job to be judged…but judge me on the facts, judge me on the music, and be careful of the judgement u pass.’But know this… I’m only judged by one power, and i serve him.’So yeah I will continue being me. i will continue to serve, to perform, to care, to love, to smile, to dance, to play, to sing…’And u are welcome to join, because i carry no hate. We got to much love for that. I’m about the music.’Gonna enjoy the day and keep smiling. so should all of u. Much love. i see u ?#beliebers? = i love u.’He might need to have a chat to Nicole Scherzinger too, because she’s really not happy with him either. M arch 7th Justin’s week got a whole lot weirder last night as the singer went out to dinner wearing a gas mask. The Bieb donned the rubber mask as he headed to Mr Chow in London for a spot of posh nosh.He styled it out with a pair of leather trousers that matched the mask (we can’t seriously believe we’re writing this), as well as a baseball cap, some funky floral trainers and a cream cardi with the hood pulled up over his head.
    Well this is completely normal
    Weirdly, this isn’t the first time that Justin’s been snapped sporting the unusual headwear – he also wore it to go on a shopping trip when he first arrived in London two weeks ago, prompting people (well, us) to compare him to Darth Vader . M arch 8th Justin was rushed to hospital after suffering breathing difficulties on stage at London’s O2 Arena.The singer was initially treated by doctors backstage for up to 15 minutes before returning to finish the show.However, after the gig ended, he was taken to an undisclosed London hospital for a thorough medical examination.Some fans at the arena claimed to have seen the 19-year-old faint and others believed he’d hit his head on a speaker.However, the star singer managed to leave the stage himself with help from staff and members of his management team.Manager Scooter Braun stepped up to the microphone to explain the situation to the worried crowd.
    He said:"Justin got very light of breath, the whole show he’s been complaining."He’s backstage with the EMTs (emergency medical team) and the doctor."They’re telling him they want him to go and see somebody and find out what’s going on with his lungs, he’s just told me that in five minutes, if it’s OK with you guys, he’s going to come out and finish the show."So he might not be jumping around as much and everything else, you guys need to be patient with us, we’re not trying to be disrespectful, we’re not trying to get you guys home late, we’re truly trying to put on a show for the people who love him." March 9th Justin wrote to his 35 million followers on Twitter that he was "getting better".He tweeted: "thanks for everyone pulling me thru tonight. best fans in the world. figuring out what happened. thanks for the love."
    Justin on a drip after suffering from exhaustion
    Justin Bieber / Instagram
     Manager Scooter added: "tough kid. proud night. once again he always finishes the show. full out. true pro."Now get better and rest up! strange night but proud nt. tough as nails."A source close to the star said he was "just very tired from a long week" and was in hospital "for precautionary reasons".An official spokeswoman said he had not been suffering from any health issues prior to the show. April Swedish cops ‘found drugs and a stun-gun’ on board Justin’s tour bus. Police spokesman Lars Byström says officers were suspicious over a “strong smell of marijuana” coming from the vehicle outside the Grand Hotel in Stockholm on Wednesday night. Byström said the drug squad were alerted and a search on the empty bus took place at Stockholm’s Globe Arena just 30 minutes before  the popstar  was on stage for his gig. He added that they have no suspects and no one has been arrested. He declined to identify the drug, saying it had been sent to a laboratory for an analysis but did confirm a "small amount of narcotics" were confiscated. A source close to Justin confessed the tour bus was searched but insists nothing was found and there were no violations. May Biebs was the victim of a sophisticated Ocean’s Eleven style robbery while performing in South Africa.Just a matter of hours after he finished performing at the Johannesburg FNB football stadium a gang gained entry through the room using hardware tools.They broke into the venue’s secure cash storage room and robbed three million rand (£215,000) in cash, according to local media and police reports. July 10th A video of Justin and his friends has been posted on US website TMZ – and it shows the Biebs being too celebrity to use the loo like a real person.In the video, the singer is leaving a nightclub in New York through the kitchen at the back. He’s caught short, but instead of going back to the nightclub toilets, he whips his bits out in the kitchen and wees in the mop bucket."Quick piss break, this is the quickest place for a bathroom break," someone says in the video, which shows Justin wee-ing in front of all his friends and laughing. "We swagger man, that’s the coolest spot to piss. You’ll remember that forever," one of his mates adds. Seriously, Justin is friends with people who think going for a wee in a mop bucket gives him "swagger". July 11th Justin was reportedly removed from a Chicago nightclub after police were tipped off alcohol was being served to underage revelers. The singer, 19, and his friends visited Bodi and police allegedly swooped on the club after they were told people under the legal drinking age of 21 were inside and had been served.The pop star and his entourage were then said to have been asked to leave the nightspot with a police spokesperson telling TMZ cops did visit the venue. July 18th A police report has been filed against Justin Bieber by a DJ who claims the singer spat at him in a nightclub.Addison Ulhaq was performing at the Social Room in Columbus, Ohio on July 13 when the pop star’s minders are said to have approached the disc jockey on a number of occasions throughout the evening demanding he not take pictures of the star. He claims he did not take any photographs of Justin but says Justin used insulting language towards him.
    July 25th The Biebs has the support of his family and one of his closest Beliebers has got his back – his grandmother.Diana Dale has spoken out to defend her grandson and has called for people to give him an easier ride as he’s doing the things a normal 19-year-old would do but Justin just happens to be in the public eye. Well, we don’t know about you but at 19 we weren’t peeing in buckets while our mates filmed it. We were very well behaved, you see. Practically angelic.Justin’s gran told Canada’s CTV News Ottowa: "It’s totally crazy. I feel sorry for Justin all the time because paparazzi pick on him all the time."Anybody else’s kids have done the same thing but nobody says anything."
    Still touring the world, trying to find his T-shirt
    July 27th He’s branded "disgusting" and "revolting" in latest stunt – and now faces yet another backlash from furious fans.Pictures published by US website TMZ showed the troubled teen star spitting from the top of his Toronto apartment.Hordes of dedicated fans were gathered underneath his window, and the confused singer had only just put a video message on Instagram.He wrote next to a clip of delighted fans waving at him from below his window – "I wake up this morning to this :0 Best fans in the wotrld. #beliebers #sexyfans." July 29th A bus connected with Justin Bieber’s tour was reportedly stopped by police on Sunday night after it was suspected marijuana and drug paraphernalia was on board.The vehicle is said to have been held at the border between the American state of Michigan and Canada with Chief Customs and Border Protection Officer Ken Hammond telling TMZ a sniffer dog sensed there was marijuana on board. The Baby singer was not on the bus which was held at the Ambassador Bridge which separates Windsor in Canada and the US city of Detroit.
    July 31st The singer was accused of hitting a paparazzi photographer in June while driving in the city of Los Angeles.The paparazzo claimed Justin pinned him between his white Ferrari and a parked car before driving off without getting out of the car. At the time Justin claimed he had no idea there were allegations anyone had been hit by his expensive vehicle. The pop star was originally cleared of the charge but police decided to take another look at the case and sent it to the LA County District Attorney but now the case has been rejected a second time, according to TMZ.] August 1st One fan threw her phone at  the singer  during a concert, and instead of typing his number into it (like she probably expected) he shoved it down his trousers, walked about for a bit, pulled it out and threw it off … in the other direction.Say goodbye to your phone, little girl!Let’s have a watch of Justin being a bit gross with a fan’s phone then shall we?It’s around 1:20 if you don’t want to listen to the full song …
    August 5th Justin’s night out ended in a bloody brawl, according to reports.The bratty teenager allegedly “went nuts” at another guest inside a New York club before being escorted out.Shortly after Bieber’s raging exit it’s claimed his friends and members of his security were "involved in a fight", and an eyewitness reported seeing blood.A source told the New York Daily News: "He ripped his shirt off and went nuts. He was screaming."The incident unfolded in Southampton club South Pointe as his security team are accused of being “heavy handed” and “intimidating” to other party-goers. His spokesperson denied the story. August 8th
    That’s one way to pick out a lady
    Via Instagram
    Well it’s certainly a new way of attracting girls – Biebs was seen using a torch he shines on their faces to handpick who he wants. He used the flashlight to handpick two sexy cocktail waitresses at South Pointe club in the Hamptons.According to the New York Daily News Diana Bhokasub, 24, and Sophia Rayo, 32, were chosen to accompany him back to the private home where he was staying.A source said: “Justin gets mobbed wherever he goes so his new think is to use a flashlight to look for ladies.“He shines it around so girls look up and then if he likes the look of them he leaves the light on them."His minders and friends then know who he wants and go and ask if they want to join Justin in the VIP section of clubs and bars. Most girls don’t seem to mind.” August 12th Pictures of Bieber posing completely naked emerged online showing him cover his dangly bits with a guitar.What’s more, the photos of nude Biebs obtained by TMZ were taken in October last year and show his near-tattooless body . Double naked, basically.Naturally it led to some LOLsome individuals making jokes about strumming his wood but admittedly it does feel a bit intrusive seeing him in the buff.Apparently the 19-year-old knocked on his grandma’s door covering his sausage and scrotum with the plucky instrument and starting mumbling lyrics like, "I love you grandma, how are you, hello grandma." August 23rd
    It caused a Twitter meltdown – Baby crooner Bieber was hugging and kissing teen star Ariana Grande in a raunchy selfie.Dozens of Beleibers lashed out, accusing Ariana of stealing another woman’s man and/or having the audacity to touch the pint sized pop star.Cue cute redhead Ariana deleting the picture (too late love, it was retweeted 27,000 times in just three hours) and then said Justin forced her to post the picture.Basically the pair ran into each other backstage and Biebs wanted a snap with the lovely Ariana.She told MTV: "Justin was like, ‘Yo, let’s take a picture’, and so I took out my phone… I was just smiling and he kissed me on the cheek."I didn’t know what to do. I just walked out of the room. I got shy. And then Scooter [Justin's manager] came to me and said, ‘Justin says you have to post that picture’, and I said, ‘I will not’."I was like, ‘I can’t do that because I don’t want the drama that’s going to come with that’."But she was eventually persuaded after Justin reached out to her on Twitter.The Biebs told her: “Post that pic and tell your grandma she is a cutie,” alluding to the kissy snap. Is this normal? October 3rd After a quiet September, it seems like things are on the up for Justin after a string of charges for his bad behaviour are cleared.The singer allegedly threatened to kill and spat at his neighbour in March, after the resident confronted him for driving recklessly around his gated community.The neighbour had reportedly saved evidence of Bieber spitting on him, but the star denied that the incident ever happened.The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office concluded that that charges should be dropped, as it was a case of one person’s word against another.Could this be the start of a new JB? Possibly… but probably not. October 14th Pfft. Who were we kidding? He’s dragged into fresh controversy after apparently having a heated row with a DJ who refused to take the singer’s hip-hop music requests..Peeved Brit DJ and producer Michael Woods, who was working at the club in South Korea during the alleged incident, took to Twitter to address the spat.He claimed Bieber "muscled" his way into the DJ booth."Next time u wanna take a cheap shot at my Tour Manager @justinbieber stick around to follow it thru instead of runnin off like a lil p****.""Story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop…"Woods also claimed there was a scuffle, saying: "So when I told @justinbieber to f*** off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and fled behind a wall of security." October 20th
    Dollar bills
    Lira Galoe/Twitter
    Now it gets a bit saucy! Justin apparently groped a stripper’s bum at a gentleman’s club in Texas and left a bundle of cash as a tip for the dancers.A dancer wrote on Twitter: "He touched my Ass I Almost fainted, He Was Like Its Real !!"Another post read: "I’ve Danced For A Lot Of Celebrities And They Normally Don’t Phase Me But Justin Just Had Me In Shock !"Naturally pictures show Justin topless in the club and Lira Galoe tweeted the snap of dosh above, which apparently Biebs and his entourage left as a tip. Nice. November 3rd
    Is that you Justin?
    The nuisance has been pictured trying to sneak out of popular Brazilian "brothel" Centaurus with the help of his burly minders who covered him in a white sheet.The 19-year-old jumped into the back of a waiting car and was joined by two females from the club, according to various local reports.An insider says Justin believed he was a guest at a private club. Which is probably fair enough.But according to one website, Centaurus is listed as the "Top 4th" brothel in the world, and says "$210 buys you 40 minutes with any girl".Oh. November 4th
    Can’t the kid catch a break?He stormed off stage in Sao Paulo without saying goodbye after being struck by a water bottle thrown from the crowd.Earlier the Canadian star had sparked fury after kicking a Brazilian flag which had been thrown onto a walkway through the audience.And Bieber, who was kicking off the Brazil leg of his Believe tour, had already irritated fans after arriving one hour 20 minutes late to the Anhembi Arena.He was also more than three hours late for a meet and greet with fans who had paid up to £1000 to spend some time with their idol. Some things never change.—-If you want more gossip about Justin Bieber – look over here . Or click this way for the rest of celebrity news.

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