Katter’s Australian Party – KAP State MPs Call for Immediate Moratorium on CSG

KAP State MPs Call for Immediate Moratorium on CSG in QLD Following 4 Corners Expose on Monday 1 April

KAP State Leader, Ray Hopper, Shadow Minister for Trade and Treasury, Rob Katter and Parliamentary Leader, Shane Knuth, have all called on the Queensland Government to initiate an immediate 12 month moratorium on all new coal seam gas projects after an expose on ABCs 4 Corners last night highlighting the flawed process in which many of the approvals were given.

“The slap-happy way in which the ALP and LNP are treating this industry is becoming more and more obvious that there is no transparent approval process undertaken” State Leader Mr Hopper said, “And the ever-increasing gas bubbles occurring in the Condamine River is anything but natural”.

“When you look at the sale of assets, job cuts and the blinding support for coal seam gas at all costs, there is no difference between the ALP and the LNP and the people of Queensland are seeing this more and more as each week goes by” Mr Knuth stated. “Katter’s Australian Party is the only party in the Queensland Parliament fighting for prime agricultural land and it’s about time the former Nationals stood up for what they were originally voted in for – to represent the interests of their regions”.

Mr Katter said, “This industry has been rushed through without any thought of future economic stability with the cost of living rising as a result of the huge expense of infrastructure and the compensating substitute on the bottom line and it’s starting to give the rest of the mining industry a bad name”.

“This industry has been rushed through to capitalise on the economic stimulus in the short term without due consideration to the inadvertent effect the opening up of the gas market could have on domestic industry. With no domestic supply retained for industry on the East Coast this is likely to precipitate price rises and supply issues. We should be very concerned that the blows to Australian Industry could off-set the benefits of CSG development.”

In the lead up to the Queensland State Government election, KAP called for a 12 month moratorium on any new Coal Seam Gas Projects as a result of the outcry from the agricultural industry and the direct attack of overseas companies on the state’s aquifers. In light of the 4 Corners revelations, KAP has strengthened in its resolve and will stand strong to put the interests and prosperity of the Australia and its people first.

“The fact that the LNP government is endorsing the ALPs past mistakes just goes to show that the two major parties are prepared to jump at a very short term gain for a very, very long term pain for communities right across this State” Shadow Minister for Environment, Luke Hargreaves said.

Further media enquiries:

Ray Hopper: 0400 358 834

Shane Knuth: 0429 497 469

Rob Katter: 0428 394 371

Shadow Minister for Environment, Luke Hargreaves: 0449 147 063

Shadow Minister for Mines and Natural Resources, Jeff Knuth: 0407 263 799

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