Greens – Labor, in reverse, adopts Greens high speed rail proposal

Labor, in reverse, adopts Greens high speed rail proposal

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Thursday 5th August 2010, 8:51am

in Public transport Sustainable Cities
Within months of voting down a Greens Senate proposal for a study into High Speed Rial between Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne, Labor has done an about turn and adopted the Greens proposal.

Greens Leader Bob Brown who has been vigorously advocating High Speed Rail throughout the election campaign, is delighted with Labor’s back flip.

“However the first phase should be between Sydney and Melbourne (including Canberra), the world’s third busiest air route, Senator Brown said.

Senator Brown said the Labor announcement comes despite Lindsay Tanner likening the Greens proposal to putting an Australian on the Moon on SBS Insight on Wednesday night.

3 comments to Greens – Labor, in reverse, adopts Greens high speed rail proposal

  • David

    This actually looks like a case of “a vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens”.

    I’d rather get on a train to goto Sydney for the weekend, than have to deal with the clusterfuck we call domestic air travel.

  • Ygfi

    woo! now all we need is to make it properly, and we might start to look like we’re living in what used to be the future.

  • It’s about time Australia joined the rest of the developed world, and get high-speed rail service.

    Now, the only question is: how long until we actually build it? :|

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