LDP Candidate for Petrie, Gabriel Buckely, responds to our questionnaire

You can view our question list for all candidates here.


LDP Candidate for Petrie, Gabriel Buckely, responded :

“G’day BKOP Team

What are your thoughts on asylum seekers?
First and foremost they are people and as deserving of dignity and liberty
as any other. If making a claim for asylum then they should be treated as
legitimate asylum seekers until such time as there is compelling evidence to
the contrary.

What are your thoughts on public transport?
Mass transit is a useful alternative for many people. However, as with most
things, private entities have an advantage over government in being able to
respond quickly to the changing needs of the communities they serve. Ending
government monopolies on transport also opens up the transport sector to
increased competition which drives prices down and service levels up.

What are your thoughts on renewable energy?
Renewable energy will become more commonplace in the near future. The price
of traditional fuels will become more prohibitive and advances in renewable
technology will make renewable energy a viable replacement for fossil fuels.
This will happen without government intervention.

Do you support or oppose the introduction of the R18+ rating classification
for video games?
Adults should be able to make their own choices as to which video games they
wish to purchase and play. Classifications should be used as a guide and not
as a mechanism for censorship, nor as a means for people to abdicate their
own responsibility for their choices.

Do you support or oppose the proposed internet filter?
I oppose the proposed filter on two levels. Firstly on the basis that
filtering internet content results in the government taking away both the
right of adults to decide for themselves what constitutes appropriate
reading material on the internet, and the responsibility of parents to
exercise control over the material that their children access. And I oppose
the filter on the grounds that the proposed solution simply will not work
and thus is a gross waste of taxpayers’ money.

Do you support or oppose gay marriage?
As much as I support or oppose non-gay marriage. I believe that only the
people involved need concern themselves with anybody’s marriage. I don’t
think that it is any of the government’s business if two people wish to
proclaim themselves married and I certainly don’t support any laws that
treat homosexual people differently to heterosexual people.

What are your thoughts on abortion?
I think it would be an incredibly difficult decision for any individual to
make. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that it is an individual’s
decision to make, not the government’s.

Do you support or oppose the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia?
I believe that the right to life contains within itself the right for an
individual to choose to end their own lives in a painless and dignified
manner. It is certainly not the government’s place to seek to prevent an
individual from exercising that choice.

What are your thoughts on stem cell research?
I think it has the potential to produce some significant advancements in
medical technology.

What are your thoughts on education?
I think the current system, dominated by government monopolies ensures that
choices in education are a luxury only the wealthy can afford. A more
streamlined system, fostering competition and diversity in schooling would
offer parents and children a better range of education options.

What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure?
I think it is important that voters are able to know who they are voting for
and how they are funding their campaigns. Anybody seeking to be elected
should be prepared to disclose pertinent financial information.

What are your thoughts on climate change?
I don’t think it should be a political issue. Government intervention rarely
results in a net benefit to society, so dealing with global issues is
probably not best left to governments.

What are your thoughts on water?
The management of water resources should be based on supply and demand. The
complex requirements inherent in responding to people’s water needs are best
served by private enterprises engaged in competition to provide better
service and lower prices.

Do you support or oppose standing order 50?
I support the notion of separation of church and state and feel that while
all individuals are entitled to attend or participate in any religious
ceremonies that they might be interested in, no-one should be compelled to
do so.

Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign?
The proposal by the Australian Greens to close off 30% of Australian
waterways could have a devastating impact on both commercial and
recreational fishing in my electorate, as well as ripple effects throughout
the tourism and service industries that deliver a large number of jobs to

What do you think about the media’s coverage of the election so far?
Way too focussed on the Tony and Julia show.


Gabriel J. Buckley

Liberal Democratic Party Candidate for Petrie

Phone: 0423 847 372
e-mail: gb@gabrielbuckley.com
web: http://gabrielbuckley.com


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