Australian Democrats – Don’t give the Greens Government This Election?

Don’t give the Greens Government This Election?

If the Greens get In this election we face a party that are not willing to negotiate on policy, which will see either a Labor or Liberal Government bend and pass policy based on the Greens policy or we could face another election due to a double dissolution with in the first 2 months.

These below listed policy points of the Greens are dangerous and show how destructive they will be if given the chance to hold balance in Government.

Out of 150 people that vote Greens that I have spoken to 75 after seeing this have declared they would never vote them in again.

It is a fact that 80% of Greens voters do not know the policies that they have.

How can we give a party such as the Greens that power, the power to run a country when:

After reading this please remember the good work the Australian Democrats did when in office and why they should be there again.

Please read the below Greens policies and if we can’t get the message out the Australian Democrats are the true third voice in politics and certainly the only responsible third party in politics then I am afraid the below will become a reality.

The below information is freely available on all the policy downloads on The Greens Website.

I challenge the Greens to a public debate on the below policies. Please help me in getting this message out there.

Migration Policy: Point 11:

asylum seekers who arrive without a valid visa to have their claims for asylum assessed while living in the community.

What would happen without proper screening of an individual whether it is health wise or security wise.

Drugs and Substance Policy: Point 1:

The Australian Greens do not support the legalisation of currently illegal drugs.

Drugs and Substance Policy: Point 5:

The regulation of personal use of currently illegal drugs

So it is fine to use drugs- how do you as a parent feel about this. Maybe they have not ever seen a drug dependant person and the dangers not only to themselves but those that treat them in hospitals and the dangers they present to others around them and also the physical damage they do to themselves.

Health Policy: Point 23:

abolish the private health insurance rebate and redirect funds to the public health system, including public hospitals.

Private health insurance takes the Burdon off public hospitals which is far less in expense then making public hospitals cater for everyone.

Justice Policy: Point 23:

end the criminalisation of consensual adult sex work.

This would encourage the illegal sex trade of importing overseas people for profit in the Adult Sex Trade and encourage street work across the nation in all suburbs.

Justice Policy: Point 27 & 28

prohibit the use of electroshock weapons and Tasers.

progress gun law reform, including prohibition of the possession and use of automatic hand guns in the community.

This would take away all protection the police have against criminals that possess illegal firearms and other dangerous weapons

Taxation: Point 22 and 23:

taxing family trusts in the same way as companies;

introduce an estate tax

Taxation: Point 26:

a carbon tax

other ecological taxes and charges

27. introduce a system of minimum personal and corporate tax legislation to reduce the opportunities for individuals and companies to use loopholes to minimise their tax obligations.

28. conduct a full review of the superannuation system with the aim of reducing its complexity and establishing progressive rates of superannuation taxation.

29. return the company tax rate to 33% and broaden the company tax base by reducing tax concessions.

More and more taxes that will certainly have an upward effect on the cost of living on an already overly taxed country

Employment Policy: Point 12 through to 47

facilitating industry wide collective agreements that are union negotiated and exceed the Award standards;

ensuring that workplace and union-led bargaining is the primary tool for obtaining industrial outcomes

strengthen unions’ right of entry to recruit members

increase casual loadings to a minimum of 30% and introduce the ability for casual employees to convert to permanent part time work after 3 months of continuous employment

Why would a business employ anyone if the 1950’s union rules come back into play the above mentioned coupled with the environment carbon tax will once again put massive upward pressure on the cost of living as business hike the price to cover all the above.

Like an employee has a right to be in a union an employer has the right to only hire non union members.

Global economics policy:

12. remove Australia from existing bilateral Free Trade Agreements,

This would severely harm our agreements with China and the like that in turn support our mining industry our primary industry which in turn would harm our ecnomy and put upward pressure on more taxes

Keith Darley

Keith Darley – Australian Democrats

5 Cable Place, Eastern Creek, N.S.W, 2766

Ph: (02) 9864 7777 Fax: (02) 9864 7777

Mobile: 0414 720 761

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