Democrats – Anniversary sparks a call to bring our troops home


Wednesday, 6 August, 2010

Anniversary sparks a call to bring our troops home

With the 65th anniversary of the devastating atomic attacks on Hiroshima (August 6), and Nagasaki (August 9), bringing the horrors of warfare back into the spotlight, Tasmanian Democrats Senate candidate, Tim Neal, called for an ending of Australian military involvement in Afghanistan, “Its unconscionable that we ask any more of our men and women to pay the ultimate sacrifice. Its time to end this conflict.”

The Democrats have a clear direction on Australia’s role in Afghanistan, ‘…canvas solutions that engage rather than fight the Taliban and the military insurgents. Australian troops should have only a limited engagement there in peace-keeping roles.’

Mr. Neal, whilst praising the bravery and commitment of our armed service people, questions why our previous federal governments allowed us to be drawn into this war in the first place, and why we are still there, “I have the utmost respect for our troops but enough is enough. The Australian Government needs to say no more Australian lives will be lost. We can’t ask any more of our Men and Women to risk their lives for a conflict that has no end in sight. ”

Paulene Hutton, our number one Senate candidate, believes that there are new threats internationally, with many nuclear weapons vulnerable to falling into the wrong hands, “There are terrorists and rogue states keen to acquire nuclear weapons. Many existing nuclear stockpiles are poorly defended, especially in the former Eastern Bloc countries. We need to ensure these weapons are secured or, ideally, dismantled.”

Ms. Hutton will advocate for a reduction in nuclear weapon stockpiles, “Many of the nuclear weapon delivery systems were built forty, fifty or more years ago. These systems are now a great threat due to their age. We must ask those countries with aging nuclear weapons to implement programmes to disassemble these archaic, destructive, technologies.”

Mr. Neal emphasised the cost of our intervention in Afghanistan, “How much blood can our troops be expected to shed before we bring our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, our friends home? How much before they come home?” Ms. Hutton reiterated Mr. Neal’s call, “With the very possibility that DU [Depleted Uranium] weapons have been used in Afghanistan[*], should we be risking the health of our troops, our fellow citizens, by having them potentially exposed to damaging levels of radiation?” This is a chilling reminder that nuclear weapons continue to be used, which should be a major concern for every Australian.

Paulene and Tim will be present in support of Target X Hiroshima Vigil,Parliament House Lawns Hobart, 10.00 am Saturday, 7 August.

Tasmanian Democrats Senate candidates, Paulene Hutton and Tim Neal will be present and in support of The National Day of Action on Marriage Equality Rally, 1pm, Saturday August 14th, Tasmanian Parliament House Lawn, Hobart.

* Source:

One comment to Democrats – Anniversary sparks a call to bring our troops home

  • Ygfi

    why do we still have a standing army? i think reserves are all that the major powers have needed in a very long, long time.

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