Independent Gerry Georgatos (WA) – Senate Inquiries must remedy Climate Change with 100% Renewable Energies and Zero Tolerance.

Australia needs to move forward with ecological economics and thread through its economy and industry infrastructure 100% renewable energies otherwise we will continue to allow for variable and risky impacts and consequences from climate change, aridity and rising sea levels.

The Arctic ice sheets have been melting faster than ever before in terms of a human generation.

Carbon pollution has increased the acidity of the world’s oceans.

The increasing temperatures indicative, on both logarithmic and exponential bases, of warmer temperatures that have not existed for millions of years would morph the world’s biodiversity scape and would extinguish the majority of the world’s current range of species.

Labor’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme is not a serious effort in reductive terms. No major political party has stepped up with the real solutions.

Major multinational interests with their built in infrastructure need to look into their hearts and souls and the future prospects of the Earth and its species and step up and incorporate the changes and solutions required rather than argue, as do the Tobacco companies, in their established self-interests while, like the Tobacco companies, wreaking havoc.

Coal burning is 37% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. It has to go and can quickly be phased out.

Australia must source all its power, energy from renewable sources, and they surround us and will exist for as long as the Earth will.

A safe climate target is 300 parts per million of atmospheric carbon dioxide and should be rigorously met to bring us down from the near 400 ppm and rising.

Australia is one of the world’s worst examples of global emissions per head of population. We must lead the way in remedying the Earth’s nightmare.

The changes have to be in energy efficiency, plan for universal organic farming, the protection of native forests, and reforestation, we must head to carbon-neutral.

The only way to get millions of cars off the road on a weekly basis is to increase public transport, energy efficient and ideally to make it free for all Australians, and in the very least free for pensioners and the aged. Almost 1/6th of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced by vehicular transport.

The Australian Senate must ensure Parliamentary Inquiries underwritten by acknowledged, and diverse, consultation with Scientists, Climate Change Specialists and Renewable Energy specialists and planners, Light Rail Strategists (such as West Australia’s Diana Ryan) to expedite the obvious pathways to the type of world we should be living in.

Australia must also lead the way as a good global citizen and must ensure it meets its 0.7% of GNP to foreign aid.

Gerry Georgatos
Senate Candidate WA
Ecological, Social Justice, Aboriginal Party

Media Contact: Gerry Georgatos – 0430 657 309

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