Sex Party – Angry at Angry

Sex Party Angry At Angry
The Australian Sex Party has vowed to take on Angry Anderson at the next federal election if he gains pre-selection for the seat of Gilmore. Sex Party Public Officer, Robbie Swan, said that Anderson had betrayed his rock and roll roots by running for the Nationals. “Most of his fans would have used recreational drugs at one time or another’, she said. “The National Party has a very tough drugs policy that advocates jail terms for recreational drug use. By strongly aligning himself with this, Anderson is openly saying he believes that his fans should go to jail for their drug use.”
Anderson has also claimed that he likes the moral position that the National Party takes and its ‘strong Christian component’. Mr Swan said that Anderson’s music fans would be sticking their fingers down their collective throat at this admission. “Hopefully he’ll use his new-found Christian values to help prosecute a Royal Commission into child sex abuse in the church”, she said.
‘Anderson needs to come clean now and tell his supporters what his position is on other moral and personal freedom issues is like abortion, X rated films, euthanasia and sex education in schools. What will he do to protect live music venues in Australia? What is his view on Schapelle Corby’s incarceration and the jailing of the feminist band Pussy Riot in Russia”, he said.
Mr Swan said he would like to hear from former Rose Tattoo fans who were angry at Angry’s decision to become a conservative politician and who would like to run against their old hero for the Sex Party in the seat of Gilmore. “Our drug policies seek to get abusers into the health system to rehabilitate them, rather than send them to prison”, he said. “We also believe that personal possession of small amounts of recreational drugs should be decriminalised”.

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