Liberal Democrats – Liberal Democrats say no to big government climate schemes

Liberal Democrats say no to big government climate schemes

Issued 6 August 2010

The Liberal Democrats are calling on the next federal government to stop distorting the energy market and do nothing about climate change.

“We accept the climate may be changing, and we acknowledge there is evidence to suggest human activity is contributing. However, we do not regard these as justifying government action. Even if they are proven to be both true, it does not mean governments should respond,” said Queensland Senate candidate Jim Fryar.

The policy of the Liberal Democrats is that governments cannot do anything that will make a material difference but their efforts will divert resources from more needy and realistic goals, causing immense economic damage.

“Much of human history has been subject to the effects of global warming or cooling. Humans have adapted before and there is no reason to believe they cannot do so again, if they need to, without massive government schemes,” Mr Fryar said.

“Our current standard of living relies on energy being available at the lowest cost. Government intervention such as subsidising renewables or penalising certain sources, raises the cost.

“That means Australia has less money to spend on R&D, infrastructure, or to help poor countries adapt. Spending money on boutique energy sources wastes the very money we need for a properous society,” Mr Fryar said.

The Liberal Democrats believe the free market is the best mechanism to deal with climate change.

“Wherever government planning or intervention has been tried, it has failed at great cost to society. Unrestricted market competition will keep energy costs low while also allowing for the market to respond to climate change concerns if they are reflected within the community.

“The Liberal Democrats would end all subsidies for carbon sequestration, ethanol, solar and wind power, carbon forestry, and the climate change industry,” said Mr Fryar.

“It would also remove regulatory barriers to nuclear power generation, to allow it to compete with other energy sources.”

“Only the Liberal Democrats oppose taxpayer dollars being wasted on renewable energy projects. Voters opposed to this waste should consider voting for the Liberal Democrats in the Senate to oppose the Green/Labor alliance,” he said.

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