Stupid voters likely to blame government for things out of government’s control


  • David

    A boomer blaming other boomers?

    I never thought I’d see the day.

  • Just a reminder about the current Labor governments promises from 2007….They promised to…..;

    fix the murray.
    fix education
    provide an ETS
    stop Japan from whaling.
    build 260 child care centres.
    build super clinics.
    lower food prices through a grocery watch.
    lower fuel prices with fuel watch.
    have affordable housing for working families.
    insulate all the homes of working families
    have a more accountable government.
    be fiscally conservative.
    tax the big miners

    Etc etc etc……….Now, could someone please tell me which have been delivered?
    Oh, OK……and you still want to vote for them? Facts are difficult bullets to dodge

  • Ygfi

    yeah, on the whole, boomers are pretty shit… they can’t even look after kids properly… hopefully my generation is going to learn something…

    but the real problem is, that labor and liberals are both shit, yet get most of the votes…

  • David

    Ygfi – You should go help the local candidate you believe in most.

    “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

  • Ygfi

    i dunno who my locals are, but i’ll be offering what help i can afford to the Soc’ Alli’ candidate for adelaide on top of uni and life (sadly, not very much). i think i’ll see what i can on election day, but sadly my electorate is very limited.

  • Chris

    Murray: no
    Education: national curriculum is a step in the right direction
    ETS: It wasn’t that great, but mostly got blocked because of Abbott being a head/sand kind of guy
    Whaling: pussies for not following up
    Childcare: not sure
    Super clinics: Yes. You should know that Darren, since there’s on in Wakefield. The place you want to represent.
    X Watch: gimmicks mostly, from the get-go
    Affordable housing: well, house prices dropped during the gfc >.> To be fair though, this one would take a while, because you don’t want to pop the housing bubble or you’ll see a lot of people losing their homes. Needs to be deflated gradually
    Insulation: for all the crap that they copped over the fires, blaming them for individual workers being completely and utterly moronic is a bit unfair. They could have done better, but it was something of a beat-up
    Accountability: Well, the removal of a Prime Minister is an example of accountable government. Though i’m guessing that’s not what you meant.
    Fiscal conservatism: Hard to judge in the midst of the biggest economic shitstorm in generations. But we’re the only western economy not to go into recession, and have the lowest debt as a proportion of GDP. And, the ‘fiscal conservative’ response to the GFC likely would have seen us go into recession, so I can live with them not delivering on this.
    Mining tax: I don’t recall them taking this to the 2007 election. I thought it was something that came out of the Henry Tax Review.

    But no, I don’t really want to vote for them. But I want Abbott in charge even less.

  • Decent answer Chris, but delivering part of a package can hardly be deemed as getting the job done. Yes they have partly delivered, and of course some things take a while as you say…but really! They have failed the Australian Public on so many issues. The alternative seems even worse as you say.. Mate the Democrats wouldn’t have allowed a lot of this to happen if we were in the game- so I ask that you vote for us.

  • Chris

    Do tell, how would you have prevented “a lot of this”?

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