Polling still, barely, in Labor’s favour.


  • David

    The election is actually really really close. Seriously. Please continue to buy our newspapers and click ads on our websites so that you can remain informed on how close this underdog versus underdog battle really is!


  • sdh

    Chin up David!

    While it might take many more election cycles, I think the 18-35s are starting to understand the folly of this two-party nonsense we have. It is sites like this that will slowly help unravel and expose the current inept state of Australian politics.

    All it takes is a minor party getting one senate seat for the rest of the country to start listening to their ideas. It then provides an new alternative for the electorate to consider. They’ve all got to start somewhere, and until they have a seat the mainstream media will pretty much ignore them. While recent history of minor parties rising to prominence (eg One Nation and Family First) probably make the Majors look like good guys, I’ve no doubt some time soon we’ll have other voices that will provide genuinely alternative ideas to the clowns in Canberra at the moment.

    Would be nice to see the ALP and Lib senate numbers get hammered, to be replaced by one or two senators from each of the minor/micro parties. The political discourse would richer for it.

  • It would be great if any of the minor parties could get a word in sideways, the media are running this like a 2 horse race and that is disappointing to say the least. There is no doubt that the Democrats will be back VERY soon, at least we have a consistent record in parliament..Yes we have made errors (eg GST) but overall we have been staunch and did in fact ‘Keep the bastards honest’. Our ‘slogan’ if you like, is “Australians deserve better”, and we believe that wholeheartedly.
    I just hope that voters that are disgruntled with the 2 majors don’t just jump on the Green bandwagon without considering the other sensible option. Please vote smart on Saturday and bring back balance- we desperately need it.
    For more on what we stand for , go to http://www.democrats.org.au/policies/
    To reiterate, you don’t have to choose the better of two evils- Vote Democrats!

  • David

    Darren, that’s a pretty reasonable press release. I hope it’s in my inbox when I get home so I can post it to the front page.

    /I disagree with the sentiment, but I’ll give you the chance to say it, which is probably more than you’ve gotten from everyone else so far this election I’d wager.

  • David thanks for the acknowledgement. I look forward daily to the offerings on this site. They are much less insipid than the mainstream- good work.!

  • Chris

    I’m pretty sure your slogan is “Keep the bastards honest”. Diluting that with another (arguably poorer) one is a bad idea.

    Also, I think it’d be the interests of the Democrats as a whole if you just got over being eclipsed by the Greens. As it is, every reference to the Greens like that just makes the Dems look bitter.

  • Thankfully Chris, we are still entitled to individual opinions on such matters. The old’ bastards’ slogan is still very much there, but given that we don’y have parliamentary presence this election we need to alert voters to their choices. We are advising Australians that they indeed ‘DESERVE BETTER’
    Regarding the greens, we are hardly being eclipsed, although they have been dubbed the 3rd party. If you consider making any reference to another party as bitter, then that would pretty much sum up political campaigning though I see nowhere that I have made any negative reference to them. Please note that I DID say OTHER sensible option.Hardly bitter is it Chris?

  • Chris

    Calling it a bandwagon seems a bit like it, yeah. Perhaps my experience with certain senior SA Dems has predisposed me to a perception of Democrats as bitter.

    And I’m sorry, but if 0 MPs in the entire country, vs being part of a coalition government and 5 Senators isn’t being eclipsed, I’m not sure what is.

  • David

    I’d actually prefer it if you just got rid of the bastards.

    And to be fair, Darren, the Democrats are the only party that has outright told me to fuck off so far this election campaign. The ALP and the LNP may have done so by not actively sending me anything to print, so maybe there’s an honesty angle to play there.

    Chris has a point, the SA Democrats came across as overwhelmingly bitter, particularly towards people they viewed as party-jumpers. Hell, Aussie Kanck just seemed hell bent on picking verbal stoushes with people just for the laughs.

  • Mate that’s a shame that that’s happened. The less than civil behaviour of some of our members is inexcusable, and I assure you that they don’t represent us individually. I’ve taken Chris’ point(s) onboard, but again we see things through our own eyes. At least we are having intelligent dialogue..and in the process proving that we are still very much around.
    Great slogan BTW– will keep that in mind should I become elected.
    “Democrats- got rid of the bastards in Canberra!”

  • David

    Full disclosure on that slogan – it’s a Greens slogan. =)

    Now come join me on the qanda live thread.

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