Independent Paul Spencer – Policy statement

Policies of Paul and Mary Spencer
We need to build Aged Care Facilities immediately. Many beds, in our hospitals, are taken up with people who cannot look after themselves and have nowhere else to go.
We do not need to spend money on ineffectual advertising.
The Royal Australian Engineers should build a medical school and hospital at the Royal Military College. The student, doctors and nurses should be paid while training and then work in the Australian Hospital System for an x number of years after graduation. The hospital should cater to military personal and their immediate families i.e. parents, partners and children.
A set of Rules of Wellness should be written in order that patients recuperate as fast as possible.
Find out if it is possible to bring back the group of people who recommended the prices the Australian Government paid for drugs.
Partners in single income families should be able to split that income between them i.e. 50% to each partner and the tax threshold should be raised in order that a family can survive on one income. This enables one partner to be at home with the children.
Raise the tax threshold for self funded retirees.
Look at scaled taxes for companies.
Look at scaled tax deductions i.e. donations to disaster relief is 100%, however, advertising for unhealthy food is only 50%.
Fines should not be tax deductable.
Costs that are incurred through negligence should not be tax deductable.
Scaled tax deductions for salaries over 3million dollars.
We believe the GST on fuel and freight is illegal.
The need is to get rid of green house gases not to make them more expensive.
Any monies raised through a carbon tax should go to low income families who suffer from such a tax.
Government research facilities need to look for a more efficient and less toxic batteries.
The aim is to rid society of the internal combustion engine.
Look into the use of monorails.
No nuclear power stations.
Are oil cartels legal in Australia? If cartels are not allowed in Australia they should be broken up.
The Federal Reserve Bank to lend money, at their base rate, to first home buyers.
Business going into Receivership
Deposits to be held independently and returned to the depositor if the business fails.
Any goods on the property of the failed business that does not belong to the failed business be returned to the rightful owners.
Employee’s entitlements to be paid in full before any creditors are paid.
Cost savings
Stop paying political parties for the votes they receive.
Pay all politicians 10% super.
Political donations not tax deductable.

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