Greens – Greens launch Perth Light Rail

Greens launch Perth Light Rail

Media Release | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Saturday 31st July 2010, 4:16pm

in Congestion Light Rail Public transport Transport
Australian Greens Senators for WA Rachel Siewert and Scott Ludlam will today launch a comprehensive plan for servicing the Perth metropolitan area with light rail.

“Light rail – in other words, modern, electrified trams – is quiet, clean and efficient and carries between 10,000 and 28,000 people per hour,” Greens Senator for WA Rachel Siewert said.

“It reduces congestion and speeds up travel times and is the most practical way of linking up our suburban centres with the existing train system – the Greens are proud to be at the forefront of pushing this agenda in Perth.

“The Greens, through my colleague WA Senator Scott Ludlam, have worked extensively over the past two years with lead government agencies, local governments in Perth, the transport industry, the WA Sustainable Energy Association and community groups to come up with a blueprint for how light rail would work in Perth,” Senator Siewert said.

“We are now calling on the Federal Government to start investing in this sustainable public transport option for Perth to transform this city we all want it to be in the 21st century.

“Studies from around the world show that where you have light rail, public transport use increases and investment and property values go up along the route.

“Today we urge the public and the State and Federal governments to ‘Get On Board’ the plan for Perth Light Rail.”

Senators Ludlam and Siewert have invited people to attend public meetings on light rail that they will address across Perth in the next two weeks.

“Find out the meeting dates by calling 9335 7477 or check the dedicated website at and send in your feedback,” Senator Ludlam said.

“We want to hear from the public about what they think about the routes we have proposed.

“From the 1890s onwards, Perth actually had a successful tram system but this was disbanded in 1958 with advent of cheap cars,” Senator Ludlam said.

“Now, with congestion increasing and future fuel cost increases inevitable, it’s essential that we invest in the public transport infrastructure that will serve us best now and into the future.”

One comment to Greens – Greens launch Perth Light Rail

  • Ygfi

    mm, trams are good. i’ve got one to the city (adelaide) just at the end of my road, and the only noise i ever hear is the occasional ‘ding’ they make when they’re about to go or whatever, although it’s much less noticeable then the busses/trucks that go down the main road… quick way into the city, cheaper than driving in (and the lack of parking) and the new trams we have are even comfortable to sit in, given you’re not stuck next to someone the size of three people (although the people that catch the tram seem disproportionately slim)

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