Victorian Christian Democratic Party responds to our question list

You can view our question list for all candidates here.


#2 on the ticket for the Christian Democratic Party, Ben Eddy-Veitz, responded :

“> What are your thoughts on asylum seekers? Genuine asylim seekers and refugees welcome Illegal immigrants should be immediatly returned to country of origin. 97% of immigrants arrive by plane with visa why cant the 3 %
> What are your thoughts on public transport?Myki in victoria is a debarkle scrap it and put on much more staff ie ticket collecters and security. Give train drivers and tram drivers and maintenance crews financial incentives for public transport to run on time and efficiently
> What are your thoughts on renewable energy?personal decision by individuals greatest polluters like China building power station per week . They wont change and our victorian government wants to shut down our power stations but still sell coal to china.Am I missing something here?
> Do you support or oppose the introduction of the R18+ rating
> classification for video games? Support rating
> Do you support or oppose the proposed internet filter?absolutely especially for schools. Do you support or oppose gay marriage?oppose
> What are your thoughts on abortion?Contravention of human rights. Everyone has a right to exist or live. No one has the right to take another life. 90% of abortions approx are nothing more than contraception.(I used to work in an operating suite that performed abortions)
> Do you support or oppose the legalisation of volutary euthanasia? Oppose.
> What are your thoughts on stem cells research?oppose if it means ending another life to harvest the cells
> What are your thoughts on education? We have the highest rates of illiteracy and innumeracy we have ever had. Education revolution was a waste of time and tax payers money. Our children are no better of.
> What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure?People need to know that a goodly proportionof ALP finances comes from poker machines that they own in their clubs in Canberra . An absolute disgrace.
> What are your thoughts on climate change?. Its changing.and were going to have to live with it Humans are the most adaptable creatures in the world.An eskimo will survive in the Sahara but his pet polar wont.
> What are your thoughts on water?Shouldnt be a tradeable commodity. Shouldnt be taking water for agriculture for domestic use.
> Do you support or oppose standing order 50?
> Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign? no pokies, no carbon tax, no mining tax. Australian public cant afFord more taxes.
> Though group voting tickets have not been submitted yet, do you have an
> idea on where your preferences will be going?
> democratic party and liberals
> —– “

3 comments to Victorian Christian Democratic Party responds to our question list

  • David

    “Genuine asylim seekers and refugees welcome Illegal immigrants should be immediatly returned to country of origin. 97% of immigrants arrive by plane with visa why cant the 3 %”

    Sounds familiar…


  • Chris

    Ok, I know this is a bit pedantic, but really, you’re complaining about illiteracy? With spelling and punctuation like that?

    Re: campaign finance: should the same scrutiny apply to all parties, including your own, or just the ALP?

    What is your position on standing order 50?

  • Spikes To You

    “An eskimo will survive in the Sahara but his pet polar wont.”

    Hilarious in and of itself, but the obvious inability to format this gosh darned word processing mobile is just so very, very endearing.

    I leave you with this quote/campaign slogan from Ben Eddy-Veitz: “We have the highest rates of illiteracy and innumeracy we have ever had.”

    Vote CDP!

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