#2 for Independent Group D (NSW), Nick Folkes, responds to our question list

You can view our question list for all candidates here.


#2 on the ticket for NSW Independent Group D, Nick Folkes, responded :

“1.What are your thoughts on asylum seekers?
Illegal boat people are asylum shoppers and should be deported immediately whether they are processed offshore or on Australian soil. These illegal boat people have flouted Australian law, paid organised criminal gangs to gain access to Australia and its treasure chest of perpetual entitlements.

Since the dreaded day Labor took office back in Nov. 2007 over 150 boats carrying over 7,000 illegal boat people have arrived in Australia. Due to Labor’s Minister of Immigration, Chris Evans cancelling temporary bridging visas and issuing permanent visas instead, this act of treachery has opened the floodgates to illegal boat people and smugglers.

Labor tabled the cancellation of detention debt in the Senate; Family First, Nick Xenophon and Judith Troeth of the Liberals crossed the floor and voted with Labor ending detention debt. Coupled with the Pacific Solution being abolished Australia ended iron bars policy for illegal boat people and rolled out the red carpet – a disgrace.

Illegal asylum shoppers arrive in Indonesia with their passports and identification but choose to lose these documents before before entering Australian waters illegally. Over 70% of these illegal boat people have no paperwork and use fabricated stories to coerce their way into Australia. They are criminals and should be treated as such. It costs the Australian taxpayer over $82,000 to process each illegal. The illegal’s then have access to welfare, free medical, free education, preferential housing and the right to bring their families in which puts further strain on the nation’s finances. How dare Labor give preferential treatment to illegal’s while neglecting our own Australian people living in hardship and poverty – this action by Gillard, Rudd and Evans is racist against the Australian people.

2. What are your thoughts on public transport?

Public transport in most Australian cities and towns is third world. Successive State / Federal Liberal and Labor administrations have under- invested in public transport which has resulted in antiquated infrastructure. I fully support the idea of the Federal Govt. being more involved in assisting the States with infrastructure funding and planning but not when Labor is involved. The Labor Party on a State and Federal level has proven to be incapable of management, planning or public consultation. The Government of the day should offer more subsidies to private companies to invest in public transport; private companies usually offer better management and could help lower costs.

Also the best and cheapest way to alleviate the pressures on public transport is to implement a zero-net immigration policy. It is no wonder that our public infrastructure is not keeping pace with population growth when you consider that in calendar year 2008 over 301,000 net migrants settled, in 2009 over 279,000 net migrants settled and this calendar year will also be beyond previous figures – this is unsustainable and has reduced our standard of living considerably. It is not just our public transport that is suffering but the Australian family is being pushed to the brink as living costs spiral out of control due to high levels of immigration.

3. What are your thoughts on renewable energy?

Renewable energy can play a small part in supplying the grid but it is suicidal and infantile to suggest solar and wind will replace coal powered electricity generation. At most solar and wind would be able to supply the grid with up to 25% of electricity needs. Renewable energy is intermittent and can’t be relied upon for base load power generation plus the cost is steep compared to fossil fuels.

The Greens and other anarchist Socialist parties would like to see a low carbon future where infant mortality skyrockets, life expectancy decreases, industry ceases and cave dwelling is the norm. We have low carbon economies in the world, notably in Africa and parts of Asia and the standard of living is dreadful. Spain is often held up as a Socialist Green economy with heavy regulations on carbon emissions. These ridiculous restrictions on industry have helped push up Spain’s unemployment rate to nearly 19% of the workforce.

Carbon is the currency of life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with using black Australian coal to generate electricity. A nuclear energy industry should be established without delay.

4. Do you support or oppose the introduction of the R18+ rating classification for video games?

Yes. I think many video games are too violent for our kids. Violent video games do produce side effects where teenagers are more likely to resort to violence as they see this sort of anti-social behaviour as acceptable.

5.Do you support or oppose the proposed Internet filter?

I definitely do not support the proposed Internet filter. This is one more way for the Fabians within the Labor Party to control the flow of information. Senator Conroy uses ‘child pornography’ as an excuse as to why mandatory Internet filtering should be implemented, to stop perverts accessing this material over the net. I think child pornography is disgusting and anyone caught should be severely punished for his or her actions. Labor wants to introduce China like censorship and deem what is appropriate and inappropriate, so in other words any dissent, opposition or criticism of ALP on the net would not be tolerated. The flow of information should remain uninterrupted.

6.Do you support or oppose gay marriage?

I do not support gay marriage. Marriage is an institution between a man and a woman and should stay that way. There are many in society including Gillard, Abbott and Wong who do not support gay marriage also including notable gay identities. Most institutionalised discrimination against gays has been removed in Australia. This issue is not just about gay marriage but about adoption and surrogacy rights for gay couples.

I believe gays should count themselves fortunate to live in an open secular Australia. Gay people should be very worried at Labor/Liberal/Greens continual pandering and appeasement of Muslims esp. considering that Muslims want to implement sharia law in Australia. Under sharia law it would be permissible to persecute and even stone gays to death for their lifestyle.

7. What are your thoughts on abortion?

Personally I not support abortion and find late term abortion very disagreeable. Women and also men in particular should practice sex safe to avoid these consequences. Abortion should never be accepted as a form of contraception.

8. Do you support or oppose the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia?

Difficult question as there are many ethical issues surrounding euthanasia. Personally I do support voluntary euthanasia for terminally ill cancer patients.

9. What are your thoughts on stem cells research?

I do support stem cell research. I have a sister, Emma with severe cerebral palsy; she is unable to feed herself, suffers from slurred speech, sits in a wheelchair most of the day and suffers from fits due to depleting muscles and low oxygen levels in cerebrum. My mother cares for her 24/7 and it is heartbreaking to see my sister in this condition. She still jokes and wants to marry despise her severe disability. Emma is one of the people in my life that gives me strength to carry on and be involved in politics and fight for the justice of all disabled people and their Carers. It makes me sick to know Liberal and esp. Labor couldn’t care less about the welfare of the least fortunate people in our society, they are too interested in special interest groups and giving preferential treatment to foreigners.

10. What are your thoughts on education?

The current state of Education is clearly failing Australian students. The Education Department has become a hotbed of radical leftism, which has resulted in the slow destruction of learning and replaced it with indoctrination. We need to rid the Education Dept. of Communist thought so our children grow up in a creative, open and impartial learning environment.

Many Australian parents would like to home school their children and this is something I support when done properly. Currently it costs the tax payer approx. $12.500 per year per student in the public system, $7,000 a year per student in the private system so I think there is scope for funding a monetary credit system for home schooling parents.

Tertiary education has become the domain of the wealthy and foreign. The Federal Government short-changes our Universities and TAFES so they have become dependent on foreign students, this is wrong. Australian Universities and Colleges need to be funded properly so there is no need
to go offshore for students. Factually speaking our Universities have dropped their standards to accommodate foreign students. Our Universities and TAFES have become visa factories.

11. What are your thoughts on campaign finance disclosure?

This is a necessary part of being involved in the political process. I do believe the EFA should be more understanding with minor political parties and Independents as financial resources are low.

12. What are your thoughts on climate change?

The biggest lie ever created in our modern era. The climate changes every day but anthropogenic climate change is an orchestrated attempt by the IPCC, Al Gore and the Chicago Climate Exchange to destroy commerce and make large amounts of money in the process. What happened to ‘global warming’? How can you argue with “climate change” as the climate changes every day naturally in a cyclical manner.

It is another lie to claim that Co2 is a pollutant and causing irreversible damage to our weather patterns and environment. Greenhouse gases makes up less than 1% of our atmosphere and water vapour is the major greenhouse gas at approx. 95% of 1% of atmospheric greenhouse gases. Out of the 1% of atmospheric greenhouse gases only 3.5% is Co2 and out of this 3.5% only 3% is anthropogenic. Only an insane person would subscribe to the bankrupted thought that anthropogenic Co2 is the main source of negligible Co2 increases in our atmosphere. This is a scam and slowly unfolding as the greatest threat to development. The whole industry should be shut down with Al Gore, Bob Brown, Wong and Rajendra Pacchauri being locked away for crimes against humanity.

Do not vote Labor or the Greens this Federal election or any election for that matter, as they are economic vandals. If re-elected with the anarchists Greens controlling the Senate we will see an ETS implemented – the greatest tax and price increases in living history with increased poverty. As Lenin once said, “tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth” – anthropogenic climate change is a LIE!

13. What are your thoughts on water?

Water belongs to the people of Australia and should never have been marketised. Successive Governments have sold our sovereignty to foreign interests, this is yet another example of Labor and Liberal not doing things in the national interest. I believe the national interest should always be put first and selling off water to foreign Corporations is treasonous. Food and water are intimately connected and our hard working Australian farmers need all the support we can give them esp. on this issue. We also do not harvest water and instead it is dumped in the ocean – what a waste. Water trading should end by reversing marketisation of water; it belongs to the public trust.

14. Do you support or oppose standing order 50?

I do support Parliament maintaining standing order 50. Great men and women of Judeo-Christian backgrounds and principles founded this great nation of Australia and we should be naturally proud of this fact.
In my opinion prayer is beneficial and strengthens the soul.

15. Are there any local issues you are trying to highlight with your campaign?

Yes, opposition to Clover Moore’s disgraceful cycle way project which is butchering the City and surrounding suburbs and roads. Clover Moore does not own the City. She is out of control on this issue and is acting like a Dictator by not consulting residents or business owners. She plans over 200 km’s of cycle ways with a budget of about $80 million. This money should be invested in expanding the Inner West light rail link to the City. This is yet another example of pandering to special interest groups over needs of the majority.

16. Though group-voting tickets have not been submitted yet, do you have an idea on where your preferences will be going?

Darrin Hodges & Nick Folkes Group D gave preferences to LDP, David Barker, DLP, One Nation, Climate Sceptics and CDP.

Darrin Hodges, NSW Spokesman of the Australian Protectionist Party and Nick Folkes, Sydney Organiser of the Australian Protectionist Party are running as Independent Nominees this Federal election.

The Australian Protectionist Party lodged our AEC political party registration nearly 4 months ago. Due to the early election being called political registration was put on hold by the AEC. We will be registered as a Federal political party after the Federal election 2010.

We welcome any enquiries regarding new members, possible Candidates or Aussie resistance fighters, pls. Contact:

Nick Folkes
Mobile 0417-679972
Email protectionist.nick.folkes@gmail.com

Darrin Hodges
Mobile 0431-739260
Email nsw.protectionist@gmail.com

Written by Nick Folkes
3rd August 2010.”

66 comments to #2 for Independent Group D (NSW), Nick Folkes, responds to our question list

  • David

    Just to clarify something : “In my opinion prayer is beneficial and strengthens the soul.”

    Would you be open to the opening prayer being on some kind of roster system to fully represent all Australians? For example, Monday is the Lord’s Prayer, Tuesday is a berakah, Wednesday is the salaat, Thursday is a Ramen Ceremony, and Friday is a blood sacrifice to Horus.

    Or is it just the specific Christian prayer you support?

  • Chris

    1. What exactly do you think “illegal boat person” means? Asylum seekers are not violating international law, and in fact have every right to apply for Asylum under Australia’s international obligations – regardless of how they arrive. You also complain about the cost of processing refugee claims. Are you aware that community processing costs a fraction of this, while offshore processing is more expensive?

    2. Third world? Last time I checked, most PT has air conditioning. Sure, there are problems, but “third world” is a bit melodramatic. As for immigration being a terrible problem for infrastructure:

    3. I suggest you read up on renewable energy technology from after, say, 2000. Solar thermal would be a good place to start. It can provide base load power, and pilot plants are already in operation and the technology is rapidly approaching the same cost/output as coal. As for the sensationalist claims about infant mortality, how does replacing coal power with base-load solar thermal cause babies to die?

    4. Yes? Uh, that wasn’t a yes or no question. Also: http://www.theesa.com/newsroom/esa_newsletter/august2010/index.html

    5. Fabians? You are aware the ALP is on the right of the economic spectrum, aren’t you?

    6. Most institutionalised discrimination, but not all. Like, say, a ban on marriage. As for the sweeping generalisation about Muslims:

    7. What about in cases of failed contraceptives? What about cases of race or incest?

    9. Do you consider being indefinitely imprisoned on a remote island “preferential treatment”?

    10. Care to provide some examples of the alleged ‘communist indoctrination’? Also, the ‘visa factory’ back door was closed by the Labor Government.

    11. I happen to know of a minor party that disclosed all of its financing with no trouble at all.

    12. Destroy commerce *and* make money. Huh? Ignoring all the melodramatic talk of crimes against humanity, here’s what CO2′s been doing of late:
    The contribution of CO2 to the greenhouse effect is also disproportionately higher than the amount of it in the atmosphere. Also, yes, natural sources are much higher in raw figures. But natural sources are also mostly balanced by natural sinks. That natural balance kept the concentration of CO2 at around 270ppm over for over 10,000 years. Now, as we are removing some of those sinks through deforestation, and adding to the output, that balance has been knocked out. To about 390ppm. Small numbers add up over time.

    13. So, you’re in favour of free market public transport, but when it comes to water, the market is bad? Care to explain this inconsistency?

    14. Dave pretty much covered it.

  • Nick Folkes


    Definitely not. By “prayer” I mean Christian prayer.

    For too long Australia has embraced pluralism and in the process has destroyed much of its culture.

    Why should we include muslim or pagan prayer at parliament?

    Do the muslims reciprocate and allow persecuted Christians or Jews the right to pray in their Parliaments?

  • 270 ppm for 10,000 year yeah right, where did the vikings grow their grapes for their wine mate, at that stage in history even ice core samples showed closer to 500ppm, If we all ran in one direction we could slow the rotation of the earth from that point of view…he he he he

  • Chris

    Nick: So, “they do it, so we can to” is now a legitimate excuse? As for why other prayer, we shouldn’t. He was being facetious. Section 116 of the constitution suggests in fact that there should be no prayer of any kind required of a public servant.

    Mark: What was it you were saying about ice cores and 500ppm?
    As for Vikings and wine, I’d be interested to see some kind of historical record suggesting wine production by Vikings, rather than them just pillaging/trading for it.

  • Nick Folkes


    In reply to your questions etc:

    1. What do I mean by “illegal boat people”. Have you been to school? If they are not illegal, why are they locked up in detention? There is a difference between illegals and genuine refugees and there is a process. These ilegals by-pass the UNCHR and pay organised criminal gangs to smuggle them into Australia. They have broken Australian law and they do not hold visas. Processing illegals at Club Xmas costs $82,00 per illegal. Christmas Island is an Australian territory last time I checked. Why do over 70% of these illegals lose their appropriate documents before arrival? Would you prefer these illegals to get preferential treatment over Australians?

    2. So immigration does not puts pressure on infrastructure?
    Your figures are wrong. In the calendar year 2008 over 301,000 net migrants settled in Australia and in 2009 over 279,000 net migrants settled putting tremendous pressure on housing, jobs, wages, social cohesion and the general cost of living.

    3. Solar thermal can not supply base load power – what rubbish. “Pilot plants are already in operation ans the technology is rapidly approaching coal cost” – another lie. So you would close down all the coal fired power stations and just replace them with thermal solar generation over night? How long would this transition take? I can read between your lines, you are a Utopian Communist. Infant mortality is higher in countries without electricity and most of the world’s electricity comes from coal, that’s a fact.

    4. I said “yes”

    5. Absolute nonsense. The ALP is riddled with Fabians. Tony Burke is selling Australia out on agriculture and he is a noted Fabian. Gillard, on “the right side of politics”, are you serious? There are over 14 factions within the the Labor Party, this is part of the problem. Rudd and Gillard tried to please all the factions but failed dismally.

    6. Stop being PC, you bore me. So are you saying under Sharia law gays would be protected? You don’t know what you are dealing with. “Generalisation” abour Sharia, what are the good elememnts of a parallel legal and Constituional system running in Australia?

    7. I agree with you on rape or incest. Personally speaking I think abortion under the circumstances of rape or incest should and would be permissible.

    9. “Indefinitely” – another lie. The smugglers and their clients know that detention is usually about 3 months then they have access to the perpetual gravy train of welfare. It is well known and dosumented that illegals once cleared do get preferential treatment and for you to say others is ignorant.

    10. Communist indoctrination and propaganda runs through the Dept. of Education. The Soviet education system could not be questioned. Alternative thought was not tolerated. My kids get brainwashed with rubbish like climate change day, multicultural day, refugee day and sorry day. Fortunately for them I expose the lies that are being taught as thruth. This is conditioning students to accept PC mantra and lies. The visa factory is alive and well. Most foreign students want to stay in Australia, they use their newly acquired skills to gain points to gain permanent residency, what do you call this? Foreign students should leave once their student visa runs out. Labor and Liberal should be funding our Universities so they don’t have to go overseas to prop up their balance sheets. Another example of racism against Australians.

    11. You didn’t read my answer. I said minor parties lack “resources”.

    12. Your hockey stick graph has been shot to pieces by eminent US and Canadian Scientists. Co2 is not a pollutant. there have been times pre-Indsutrial revolution when Co2 was much higher percentage of greenhouse composition. The polar bears are not dying, the glaciers are not slipping into the sea and the sea level is not rising – all lies put forward by the fraudulent IPCC. What about the fraudulent junk science being leaked from the East Anglica Climate Research Unit? The Russian hacker obtained over 1,100 emails blatantly lying about global warming.

    Deforestation is a problem but how is trading in carbon going to replenish the forests?

    So 3% of 3.5% of 1% of atmospheric concnetration is the problem? Grow up!

    13. I am in favour of subsidies being given to private companies investing in public transport and infrastructure. The State Labor Govt. is absolutely useless when it comes to management or containing costs. Labor couldn’t run a bath.

    What’s the link between water and public transport? Do you want US Corporations owning our water then leasing it back to our farmers? This is ceeding sovereignty and is not in the national interest. Water belongs to the people of Australia.

    Chris, I am happy to answer your question but this ‘cut and paste’ method bores me and exposes you as man with ideas on the run. Do you work for the Labor Party?

  • Nick Folkes


    Stop being a moron. Maybe you like to appease aggressive religons like Islam but I do not. So it seems it is ok that Chrisitians and Jews are denied rights in their now conquered lands?

    More farudulent graphs, as I said “you are a man with ideas on the run”.

    So you haven’t heard of the medical warm period?

    Or that Romans and Vikings grew grapes and made wine in the North of England?

    Or that Vikings grew all types on crops on Greenland, then suddenly the temperature changed and forced the Vikings back to Scandinavia? This was way before the Industrial revolution too.

    Stop mimicking the lies of junk science.

  • Ygfi

    hey mark, you know that little [citaton needed] imiage that was being bandered about? i think it applies to what you just said…

    but in response to nick;
    it’s sad to hear that you don’t want to see worship of [horice/ra/orisis] (who was bourn on the 25th of december, of the virgin isis, died on a cross and was resserected after…. 3 days was it?) during parliment; i mean, he was jesus before it was cool to be jesus; and i think the FSM deserves fair credit, i mean, where would we be in the world without migits?
    but on a more serious note, from what i’ve seen, the muslims have been letting you guys say your prayres in parliment on a regular basis… so, that would be a yes, to “Do the muslims reciprocate and allow persecuted Christians or Jews the right to pray in their Parliaments?”
    on other matters, $12.50 seems a cheap price to pay for the education of a child, why are we bothing with the $7000 private education, that seems to do a worse job of educating childeren to think for themselves.
    when you said “I believe gays should count themselves fortunate to live in an open secular Australia”; were you saying you believed that australia was secular? if so, then do explain standing order 50, as either you’re wrong, or i misinterprited the order.
    as for your claim that marriage is between a man and a woman, i will point you to the dictionary with no vested interests, http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/marriage
    when you said “Factually speaking our Universities have dropped their standards to accommodate foreign students”, did you define foreign as anyone who didn’t grow up on campus? because from what i’ve seen, it’s been local kids that have required the lower standards.
    Now, as for CO2 [as opposed to Co2, which would be ultimately too unstable to remain in the atmosphere while there is O2 present]; you can claim that 1% is a low concentration all you want, but given that if you had that much alcohol in you, you’d be dead [assuming you're a regular human]. Even still, while water is the major greenhouse gas, it is incredibly hard to change the concentration of, as if it gets much higher, it rains, or if it drops, water starts to evaporate, but that’s irrelivent. It’s not the greenhouse effect that is a worry, it’s the enhanced greenhouse effect, where by changing the concentrations of greenhouse gasses, we change the delicate thermal equilibria that keeps earth a nice, habitable temperature. Now, your argument seems to be that the .03% concentration of CO2 is small, but I think you should reconsider this, since a concentration of that much arsenic in your body would kill you pretty quick… (and I’d lose my licence if I drove with that much alcohol in me), and then you claim the increase in CO2 is negligible… this is outstandingly foolish, as I could list 20 biological systems where a similar increase (of about 1/3) of something would cause an instant death effect….
    while I’ve understood most of this since year 11, I can understand how someone with no knowledge in chemistry would fail to grasp the concepts. But if you desire to continue insisting that you’re more qualified then real scientists, please try a short experement. (I think staying in a room with a .03% concentration of ammonium cyanide for a day or two; it’d be interesting to see what’s left of you)

    patiently awaiting your informed response,
    -a scientist

  • Ygfi

    “Communist indoctrination and propaganda runs through the Dept. of Education”
    sadly, this is the opposite of reality… i was seemingly the only one at my high school who actually knew what a communist was, while the tall-tale myths about capitalism were as prominent as ever…

    aslo, climategate has been ‘debunked’ weeks ago, by real scientists, not these HiPP[O] who sadly don’t even grasp the concept of ‘scientific method’
    and please, if i see anymore claims of di-atomic cobalt, i might just snap!

  • Chris

    1. If there are Australians also being processed at Christmas Island, then we can have a discussion about preferential treatment. I note you completely ignore my suggestion that community processing would be cheaper than offshore processing. And yes, I have been to school. One of the things I learned about there – and since – was this thing Australia is a signatory to called the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. That treaty says that anyone has the right to request asylum as a refugee, regardless of where that request is made or how they got there. They’re locked up because the Australian government is ignoring the treaty it is a signatory to. You might also want to keep in mind that 95% of these so-called “illegals” are judged to be legitimate refugees.

    2. My figures are permanent migrants. You are quoting figures that include medium-term visas. It’s a problem Tony Abbott ran into recently when he vowed to cute migration to 170,000, when that is basically what it is already. Also, I live in a working class neighbourhood, in the suburbs, in the dingy part of town. I’ve not noticed any issues with social cohesion caused by migrants, and plenty caused by white kids.

    3. Actually, it’s not rubbish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_tower. As for cost: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_thermal_energy#Levelised_cost
    I also didn’t say we’d do the changeover overnight. That’s a classic example of reductio ad absurdum. Again, you are talking about infant mortality as though it has any relevance here. How would switching from baseload coal to baseload solar thermal affect the infant mortality rate? Aside from cleaner air, which might actually reduce IMR. Also, yes, countries with limited electricity generally have higher infant mortality rate. But that’s correlation, not necessarily causation.

    4. You said “Yes” to a question that began “Do you support or oppose…” Which one are you answering yes to?

    5. I said Labor, not Gillard. And I am serious: http://www.politicalcompass.org/aus2010

    6. I’m not being PC. And I’m not defending Sharia. I’m saying that painting moderate Muslims with the same brush as, say, the Ayatollahs is as unfair as painting moderate Christians with the same brush as Westboro Baptists. Which is the generalisation I was talking about.

    7. Thanks.

    9. Usually. There are also cases of people being in detention for years, without being informed how long they will be detained. Also, asylum seekers get *no* welfare payments, while refugees are eligible for only the same payments, under the same conditions, as any other Australian.

    10. If ‘not being questioned’ is your standard of proof for communist education, the fact that the proposed national curriculum is wide open for public discussion kind of ruins your argument, doesn’t it?
    It seems a lot like you’re calling anything you don’t agree with ‘indoctrination’.
    What evidence do you have of the ‘visa factory’ being alive and well?
    Australian students get far more government support than foreign students who get little to none. How is better treatment racist against Australians?

    11. You said financial resources. I assumed that meant you were saying compliance with disclosure requirements is more difficult, thus the reference to a micro-party that managed fine. If that was not you intended meaning, could you please explain in what way that EFA is supposed to be more understanding, and why.

    12. The controversy about those emails was a storm in a teacup. The newspaper that led the stories on that matter recently issued a full retraction, because it was total bull. If by ‘eminent scientists’ you mean climate sceptics, there are plenty more eminent scientists who disagree.
    Yes, there were times with much higher CO2 concentrations than now. Those times also had dinosaurs and the climate was dramatically different. And there weren’t coastal cities threatened by rising sea levels.
    Glaciers constantly slip into the sea. They still flow, just slower. It’s whether they’re replenishing that’s the issue – and the trend data suggests not. Something that is falling into the sea is bits of Antarctica.
    Carbon trading isn’t going to fix forests – at least not directly. But I didn’t say that. That’s called a strawman. It’s a tactic usually employed by people who don’t have much to back their claims. Carbon trading is not the solution to everything. It is one part of a much wider solution.
    That “3% of 3.5% of 1%” is annual output. It doesn’t take into account natural carbon sinking and imbalance in that cycle. And yes, those actual figures, not the cherry-picked ones, are a problem. I wonder, do you accept the science of the greenhouse effect?

    13. The link is you professed a pro-private enterprise sentiment in relation to public transport, and an anti-private enterprise sentiment in relation to water. I am in fact very supportive of water not being treated as another way to make money. I was simply asking you to explain the inconsistency between two of your positions, one pro-market, the other anti-market.

    What “cut and paste” method are you speaking of? Aside from the images and hyperlinks, I typed everything myself. And no, I don’t work for the Labor Party. Just because I disagree with you, and cite sources, does not mean I work for the Labor Party. I’m not even sure “man with ideas on the run” is even supposed to mean in this context, other than perhaps that you are trying to discredit me with a vague personal attack.

  • Ygfi

    “Infant mortality is higher in countries without electricity and most of the world’s electricity comes from coal, that’s a fact.”
    so you’re using countires for one statistic, and the world for another? explains why you don’t understand how graphs work, you don’t even grasp the concept of a sample….

    oh sweeeeeeeeeedeeeeeeeennn! show them how to not use coal, and be one of the most successful nations in the world.
    seriously, just, srsly…

    one final peice of advice; go to high school. they’ll teach you things like basic statistics, basic chemistry, hopefully the scientific method and what dedecive and inductive logic is…
    pitty you slipped though the system…

  • Chris

    Nick, would you care to provide some evidence to back up your claim that they are fraudulent?

    You can call me an appeaser all you want, but that won’t make it true, and it won’t change the fact that I’ve said nothing a rational person would construe as indication of such.

    I have heard of the medieval warm period. A time which was still, on average, cooler than current average global temperatures. Simply making wine somewhere does not mean it is warm, however – Tasmania has a wine industry. As does Sweden. And Canada.

  • Ygfi

    p.s. i hope i didn’t scare him of with my powers of logic and factual reasoning?
    i’d almost like do some calling of indoctrination of my own, but i think it’s a bit of a stupid place to do so… this is politics we’re talking about here after all.

  • Chris

    Historically, he just seems to call one an idiot, and say “no, don’t like that”.

  • Ygfi

    mind you, asking a climate change denier for rationality is like asking the military for full disclosure… it’s theoretically posible, but vested interests are like the superglue and duct tape for these guys’ arguments.

  • luckblade

    Nick Folkes only opposes the internet filter because it might cut his access to stormfront.org.

    While not directly related to Nick Folkes, his alternate contact Darrin Hodges has a great deal of information here: http://www.fightdemback.org/archive/people/hodges-darrin-aka-proud-to-be-an-infidel/

  • Chris

    Darrin Hodges is the #1 candidate for that ticket: http://www.aec.gov.au/election/nsw/index.htm

  • Nick Folkes


    I do not suppprt the views of Stormfront.

    Fightdemback is a racist outfit bordering on the insane.

    Members of Fightdemback are well known in the community for their double standards and anti-Australian rhetoric.

    I want to help protect Australia while infantile trolls like you would like to destroy Australia.

    I support the existence of the state of Israel something Stormfront subscribers do not, do you?

    Stormfront and Fightdemback share many similarities, they are both full of nutcases.

  • Nick Folkes


    “asking a climate change denier for rationality”…..I don’t deny the climate changes every day but anthropogenic climate change is a lie.

    “vested interest groups”, don’t make me laugh. The global warming crowd is an industry full of climate bed-wetters.

    Al Gore and Rajendra Pacchuari are not Scientists. These liars will not even have an open debate on the fabrication of changing climate science, what are they scared of? They have been exposed as frauds.

  • Chris

    Care to respond to some of the other points?

    Also, add in “What basis do you have for suggesting someone who provided two lines of text wants to destroy Australia?”

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  • Ygfi

    i’m well aware that al gore is not a scientist, and that would be why i havn’t bothered to pay attention to anything he’s done. and even if they were frauds, that means nothing; you might aswell say gravity does not exists because newton made up his story about the falling apple… the real issue is that while there is a mojority of valid science out there that passes through peer reveiw into the domain of scientifically credible, there is this highly paid pool of pseudo-scientists who do the bidding of oil companies and the like. while whatever these guys try to publish what they “find”, it’s extreamly rare that something passes peer review (unfortunately, not before the [again, well sponsored] corperare media gets their hands on them).
    but if you’re going to claim that “anthropogenic climate change is a lie.” you’d better have some sort of evidense to support this [you'd be the first]; rather than vauge conspirisies against the scientific community. (who are generally honest about the inaccuracy of their experements [part of scientific method]…)

    it’s a pitty that you’re still living in the dark ages, flinging unfounded insults does nothing for your depleated credibility.

  • [...] #2 for Independent Group D (NSW), Nick Folkes, responds to our … child-pornography, control-the-flow, fabians, flow, internet, labor, one-more, [...]

  • millstoneridge

    Thanks Nick for your insightful and accurate portrayal of what is happening in Australian society today.

    The leftist movement is full of extremists determined to take the Australia people back to the dark ages for reasons that they are yet to fully divulge. There are ongoing attacks on any person who dares to oppose leftist ideals and believe in the fraudulent science of climate change, Lord Monckton has proven that the science is fraudulent, and the video answer to Al Gore ‘The Global Warming Swindle’ is further proof of this fraud.

    Australian’s are a tolerant people, we have welcomed immigrants to this country with open arms, however, unlike previous immigrants who survived the horror of WWII, those arriving today appear unprepared to assimilate into Australians society. I believe that as in the past, all new immigrants should be encouraged to work on infrastructure schemes to help improve our great country, but alas, that will not happen as it is probably in violation of some irrelevent treaty somewhere in the world.

    I agree with your stance on abortion, although I am pro choice, it SHOULD NEVER be used as a form of contraception, but as a medical aid for the health of the mother, child or for rape victims. The baby bonus must go too.

    Gay marriage is not in keeping with family ideals. I have gay friends, they are lovely people, but they themselves feel that ‘marriage’ is forcing them to accept heterosexual ideals which they are keen to avoid. This policy is in keeping with Labor and Liberal policies.

    The Greens. What can I say that is positive about them? They are on some sort of power trip to promote themselves as the saviour of the known world, but in fact hate people and are really ‘watermelon greens’ red on the inside. These people will destroy Australian society and push it back to the dark ages. Peple will starve, freeze or die of heat exhaustion simply because they will not be able to afford cost of living increase. The people who will suffer the most will be the elderly, people who have worked and contributed all their lives, who will not be able to afford to live.

    Darrin Hodges? He has admitted his past and moved on. Moving forward.

    Thank you so much Nick for giving the Australian people hope. Our small movement will swell and I believe that the leftist extremists are truly scared of what we can do.

  • David

    I often wonder what the reaction to these boat people would be if they weren’t trafficking so much damn melanin into the country.

  • angrykanga

    Finally, Its great to see someone that has the intestinal fortitude to not be “PC”. Im sick to death of watching this beautiful country go down the tubes. This is the way that most people think & it is time that we as Australians take our country back! I wish you well Nick & please don’t give up we need more people like you in important positions to take control of the B.S PC that rules at the moment!

  • Ygfi

    “The leftist movement is full of extremists determined to take the Australia people back to the dark ages”

    now, don’t get me wrong here, but wasn’t it the right wing christians that have been fighting technology every step of the way? isn’t that why they’re more formally known as the christian dark ages? or was it really the communists burning people alive for not bowing down to the authoritarian tyrants, or for not worshiping a popular dillusion…
    hrm, maybe it was the communists; claiming that rainbows are actually just a cool refraction of light and not god’s something or other sounds like a good reason for those comunists to kill a man.

    but back to reality for a moment, “Peple will starve, freeze or die of heat exhaustion simply because they will not be able to afford cost of living increase” sounds pretty funny to me, since under collectivism, there won’t be a cost of living. (i mean, with money as obselite as it is already). and the only people that will lose out, would be those who are currently living with too much mone– actually, they’ll gain a lot when they’re freed from their slavery…

  • Nick Folkes


    My opposisition to illegal boat people is not due to their darker skin colour. To be honest I was a bit surprised of your comment. Luckily I’m not a lefty or I’d call you a ‘racist’.

    These illegals have broken Australian law by entering our waters illegally. Thry have paid orgainsed criminal gangs to ferry them into Australia. The Smugglers promise illegals the lure of endless welfare entitlements once processed in Australia.

    Do you think illegals should be paid welfare and given public housing when so many Australians are on a waiting list for public housing? The Labor Govt. have wasted well over $1,000,000,000 on illegals. This money should be spend on disadvantaged Australians.

    I often wonder what the reaction to these boat people would be if they weren’t trafficking so much damn melanin into the country.

  • Nick Folkes

    “I often wonder what the reaction to these boat people would be if they weren’t trafficking so much melanin into the country” – disregard David’s quote in my last post.

  • Chris

    “Illegals” don’t get any welfare. They get deported. Those judged to be refugees – 95% of those who arrive by boat – get the same amount of welfare, on the same terms, under the same conditions as everyone else.

    While Australian law may deal with method of entry and all that guff, the Convention on the Status of Refugees is also a part of Australian law in terms of those asylum seekers being judged refugees. The fact that they are judged to be refugees means that, by definition, they are not illegal immigrants. Because they have been officially recognised by the Australian Government.

    Does your continued referral to “illegals” mean that you oppose Australia upholding it’s obligations under the Convention? Do you oppose the Convention entirely?

    Also, address my points, please.

  • Nick Folkes


    You smelly old Communist.

    “now, don’t get me wrong here, but wasn’t it the right wing christians that have been fighting technology every step of the way?”. Europe was plunged into the dark ages due to comntinual attacks of Islamic Ottoman Empire.

    You have shown your total lack of intelligence by skipping over the Reformation in Europe. The Protestant Reformation brought about religious freedom which led to the Renaissance. The Renaissance brought about the greatest leap of technology known to man.

    Where are these utopian technology driven Communist nations?

    Why don’t you emigrate to North Korea or Cuba?

    Don’t even start me on “collectivism” – it was a total failure and muredred millions in the name of a Luciferian ideology.

  • Nick Folkes

    Chris a.k.a. ‘cut & paste’,

    You are indeed adolescent in your replies.

    You have not answered my questions.

    Stop being so inconsistent.

  • Chris

    If there are any questions I have missed, I apologise – even though you are the candidate, not I.

    How about you re-iterate any questions that I missed, and then we can both address each other’s points. That would be far more statesman-like than insulting someone who is asking genuine questions, instead of answering those questions.

    If you don’t want to address the points I have raised, I guess we’ll just have to conclude that you are either afraid or incapable of responding to an ‘inconsistent’, ‘cut & pasting’ ‘adolescent’. Which one is entirely up to you.

  • Ygfi

    if i smell communist, then you’re nose is hot on the trail… just look a little further left, and you’ll find me. but that’s not really relavent at all.

    what’s relavent, is that you seem to have misunderstood what the dark ages was about… it’s wasn’t caused by attacks by the ottomens, it was caused by religious and intelectual opression; and it wasn’t until intelectual freedom was re-established that we started to get new technology; and while religious freedom was let loose again at the same time, it only had a role to play in philosophy… i’m not quite sure where you get your facts from; perhaps you’ve spent too much time with religious institutions?

    as for the collective nations? where are they? they’re in developement. they’ve only been feasable since the 2nd world war, and people have only really had the freedom of communication and freedom of thought for about two decades; during which there has been an uphill battle against commercialism and indoctrinated capitalism…
    but you don’t even seem to understand what collectivism is, if you bring up something as unrelated as Luciferianism.

    but who am i kidding? i can’t expect a climat change denier to get their facts right; that would be like trying to get religious institutions to stop trying to oppress everyone with their religion.

  • Chris

    Oh, in relation to the Ottomans causing the dark ages, Islam didn’t exist when the dark ages began, which is generally regarded as when Rome fell. Even then, the Ottoman Empire didn’t arrive on scene until the end of the 13th century, didn’t get to Europe until the 14th century, and never once held any territory in western Europe.

    The Protestant Reformation certainly did not lead to the Renaissance, as the Renaissance was well under way – having started in 14th century *Florence* which was still distinctly Catholic – before the Reformation began in 1517. Also, the Renaissance was more a cultural movement than a technological one. There was also a Renaissance in the 12th century, which led to a re-invigoration of scientific thought in Europe. Is that the one you’re thinking about?

    What the Arab world did do was take much of the knowledge that existed in Europe at the fall of the Western Roman Empire and keep it safe, while expanding on it. A major contribution to the 12th century Renaissance was contact with and learning from the then-Muslim Arab states around the Mediterranean.

  • David


    Nick, if it’s purely an economic decision, and that’s the entire basis of your argument, you might want to dissociate from the people around you that set off the racist klaxon that the policies on your website have the tendency to do.

    To quote (because I know you’re such a fan of “copy and paste”) http://www.protectionist.net/primary-polices/:

    “To have sensible immigration programmes that will be geared towards accepting into our country only those people who will readily fit into our society, primarily from traditional sources such as Europe and Britain. To seek a homogeneous society where we can all live in harmony, free from the ethnic and racial strife caused by social-engineering experiments. End Third World immigration and Muslim immigration, and offer economic assistance to those who wish to be reunited with their people’s homeland.”

    Yep, clearly not racist at all.


  • sam

    Nick, great job. We need more people like you to stand up and bring out the current truths of australia.

    As for David and you’re comments on racism – just look around you. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that the government’s social experiment of multiculturalism has failed.
    Even the word ‘multicultural’ is nonsense – how can you have a “multicultural culture?”. It’s just a culture full of isolated groups who interact only when needed. Sad but true.

  • sam

    Multiculturalism = social division

  • Ygfi

    jeez, and i thought multyculturalism was a simple concept… it means peoples of differnt backgrounds brought together to form a single new culture.
    typical that it’s the same racist fools who deny climate change that don’t listen to reasonable debate.

  • Nick Folkes


    “i thought multyculturalism was a simple concept… it means peoples of differnt backgrounds brought together to form a single new culture”.

    Your polluted definition of multiculturalism is wrong. If these people came here to form a “single new culture” we wouldn’t have multiculturalism. By the way get a dictionary and do a spell check before posting your dribble.

    We had many different people here from different backgrounds before the failed policy of multiculturalism was forced upon us. We had a cosmopolitan society where migrants were called ‘new Australians’ and the Govt. policy of assimilation was in full swing and it worked well.

    Then the dregs of the gene pool decided to include people and cultures that could not assimilate into Australian society. There are cultures and people that are not compatible to our way of life.

    I’m tired of educating racist trolls like you. Love it how you link anthropogenic climate change deniers as “racist”.

    There is a dunce cap in the corner of Bob Brown’s rumpus room just waiting for you.

  • David

    Watching this one is going to be fun! I’ll go get some popcorn.


    (If you don’t want people to call you a racist, you should probably stop saying things like this : “Then the dregs of the gene pool decided to include people and cultures that could not assimilate into Australian society. There are cultures and people that are not compatible to our way of life.”)

  • Ygfi

    hey, i did what you suggested and found a dictionary… http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/multiculturalism
    so uhh, that was probably a bad suggestion on your behalf, as now you look like in idiot.

    and speaking of multiculturalism, if i recall correctly, SA was based on a huge number of different cultures, and we’ve got one of the most rich cultures in aus (until some of the up and comming generation that is, must have grown up with too much of the mainstream media pollution their small minds…

    and so far, it seems about half of the racists i’ve seen here also deny climate change… you might as well start denying that smoking is bad for your health…

    and i feel david covered the racism pretty well; otherwise i might have to dig up some quotes of yours…

  • Chris

    “More farudulent graphs”

    Jeez Nick, “get a dictionary and do a spell check before posting your dribble”

  • Nick Folkes

    The typical Socialist Anarchist is obsessed by race. The racist Socialist anarchist doesn’t talk policy or aspirations for the future just race. According to these infantile scata eaters anyone with an alternative opinion is a racist.

    The word has lost all its meaning. I should just call you fools ‘murderers’.

  • Nick Folkes

    Hey Ifyg,

    “hey, i did what you suggested and found a dictionary… http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/multiculturalism“.

    Moron, wiki is an online encycolpedia not a dictionary.

    “and so far, it seems about half of the racists i’ve seen here also deny climate change… you might as well start denying that smoking is bad for your health”………the climate bed-wetters are the racists and murderers.

    “When God said, ‘come forth and get brians, you came fifith and got sawdust’”

  • Nick Folkes

    We need to stop the racist lefties destroyiny society.

    Stop the racist Reds now!

    Say ‘no’ to totalitarian racism.

  • Nick Folkes


    ““Illegals” don’t get any welfare. They get deported. Those judged to be refugees – 95% of those who arrive by boat – get the same amount of welfare, on the same terms, under the same conditions as everyone else”.

    You are wrong again! Since Chris Evans abolished temporary bridging visas illeglas now get permamnet residnecy and are able to claim for the dole and they do get more money than pensioners. Illegals get a ‘hardship’ allowance.

    The acceptance rate for illegals in Australia is over 95% but in Europe these criminals with same ethnicity get cleared and accepted at much lower rates. These illegals have been rejected by the UNCHR in Indonesia and Malaysia – that’s a fact dribble boy.

    Answer my questions. Stop being emotional and shallow.

  • Nick Folkes

    I’m really disappoited in the leftie swill urinating over my knowledge and truth.

    I didn’t expect much from mentally challenged ghouls like you.

    You better get back to school and repeat kindergarten.

  • Ygfi

    lol nick, i actually lol’d… “The typical Socialist Anarchist is obsessed by race” was hillarious, as it’s so completely unfounded at all, and completely against ideology.
    “Moron, wiki is an online encycolpedia not a dictionary.” was again, rather hillarious, as while wikipedia is encyclopedia, wiktionary is a dictionary… “wiki” being opensource, as in, wikiquote, or wikispecies…
    “When God said, ‘come forth and get brians, you came fifith and got sawdust’” you might wanna find me a citation of where ‘god’ said this; aditionally, you seemed to have joined the wrong que, as you look to have gotten a bowel instead of a brain…
    but you’ve been spweing crap about the place, without justifying any of your claims…

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