Independent Gerry Georgatos (WA) – Australia must raise its Refugee intake to 50,000 per annum.

Migration to Australia on a per annum basis nears 300,000 per year however Australia keeps its Refugee intake at 13,750 per annum. Even if Asylum Seekers by sea reach three or four thousand in a year the Refugee quota is rigorously kept at 13,750. Less Refugees are allowed in from the Refugee holding camps.

However 300,000 migrants, skilled and unskilled, enter Australia each year and they are not in the equivalent desperation of Refugees who are displaced, living in Refugee camps, who cannot access Refugee camps, who cannot enter queues because there are often not any. Australia can and should raise its Refugee quota and demonstrate compassion and honour and its obligations as a global citizen.

Gerry Georgatos
Senate Candidate WA
Ecological, Social Justice, Aboriginal Party

Media Contact: Gerry Georgatos – 0430 657 309

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