September 18, 2012 March 7, 2012 November 29, 2011 October 24, 2011 October 14, 2011 October 6, 2011 October 5, 2011 September 30, 2011 September 29, 2011 September 28, 2011 September 22, 2011 September 16, 2011 August 30, 2011 August 16, 2011 July 13, 2011 July 5, 2011 May 26, 2011 May 24, 2011 May 11, 2011 November 25, 2010 November 18, 2010 October 16, 2010
In the wake of the hilarious post-election “journalism” and what is seemingly becoming an ever more unashamedly partisan press platform, I’ve decided that if there’s one thing in particular that’s going to motivate me, that’s having some goddamned truth in journalism, even if it means I have to write it myself.
There have been some absolutely incredible and some downright disingenuous claims made by our representatives in parliament in recent weeks. Those claims in and of themselves are nothing out of the ordinary, but the problem is much greater than that and it lies with . . . → :: Read More ::
September 3, 2010 July 28, 2010
We hear a lot about this shady deal, this bothersome, undemocratic, cynical whitewash, this usurpation of voters’ rights, etc… largely from members of the Coalition, ironically. Despite the group voting tickets and how-to-vote cards not being formulated as candidate nominations are yet to close, let’s actually get some facts on what the deal actually consisted of.
To sum it up, it’s pretty much the exact same deal the Greens do with Labor every election. Labor promises to give their second preference, and thus any overquota overflow, to the Greens on their Senate group voting ticket. The Greens . . . → :: Read More ::
July 26, 2010
YOU are the problem with Australian politics. You and your friends. Hell, maybe even your family too. It’s not the Liberal Party’s fault for being so obsessively xenophobic and scaremongering – their approach has been proven to work. It’s not the Labor Party’s fault for being slightly more tolerable than the Liberal Party by offering almost the exact same policies – their approach has been proven to work. It’s not even the media’s fault for failing to provide critical and objective analysis of all the parties running for the various State and Federal elections. It’s YOUR fault, and here . . . → :: Read More ::
July 22, 2010
Labor’s proposed Mandatory Internet Filter has made a lot of enemies for the party, particularly as a policy that seemed to be more something one would expect of the Howard-era socially conservative Coalition. The potential for the expanded filter, as currently proposed, to be abused is of great concern to almost anyone interested in civil rights. But it didn’t start out quite so bad for Labor, who took to the 2007 election a proposal to block child pornography. Techies were concerned about the potential for a filter to be detrimental to network performance, but the general populace didn’t pay . . . → :: Read More ::
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