Former Queensland MP, Peter Pyke, who is standing as a candidate for the Senate in the Federal Election today announced his intention to offer Queensland voters an alternative to electing the Greens to the balance of power in the Australian Senate.

“The Greens might look good,” says Pyke, “but they are just another Labor Faction run by faceless men and women with their snouts in the trough.”

Pyke is a former-ALP State MP who resigned from Queensland Labor in 1996. In 2003, Peter Pyke joined the Queensland Greens and was almost immediately made their State Election Campaign Director. He soon discovered a backroom deal done by Greens’ powerbroker Drew Hutton to run the Queensland party dead at State level in exchange for ALP preferences in the Senate. The Queensland Greens have never won a State seat.

With the support of the State Election Campaign Committee, Pyke issued a media release cancelling all deals and was immediately attacked by Hutton who at the time held no office within the party but made all decisions regarding election priorities and strategy.

“Hutton tried twice unsuccessfully to expel me from the Queensland Greens and in that process it seemed he called all the shots in the party with the support of a powerful group I identified as a Labor front,” says Pyke. “There were issues around money which troubled me as well.”

Pyke says he left the Greens after only a year with a view that they were just as bad as anyone else, but had a ‘scary social engineering agenda’.

“Look at the Greens attitude to coal and coal-fired power stations, which is where Queensland makes a lot of money and gets its power,” Pyke says. “The Greens would pull the switch on that and ramp up the mining taxes, killing the goose that laid the golden egg.”

“The Greens will have us all barefoot and riding bicycles,” he says.

Pyke says if he is successful in getting elected to the Australian Senate, Regional Queensland would gain another Senator and a Senator’s office.

“If elected, my HQ would be in Toowoomba but I’d get myself a mobile office and spend three months of the year out in the Regions giving remote Queenslanders access to a Senator’s office. That’s a promise!” he says.

“And, as when I was a State MP, my office would be a one-stop shop for all issues and no-one would be fobbed off. Senators exercise a lot of influence and I have the experience and know how to use that for the benefit of all Queenslanders.”

“If I get elected to the Senate, it could mean I’d hold the balance of power. That would mean a whole new ball game for all Queenslanders,” he says.

Mr Pyke said he is acutely aware of the lack of services and infrastructure for Queenslanders who live outside the SEQ and would dedicate himself to changing that.

Peter Pyke has lived in Toowoomba for the past 11 years. He is a self-employed IT contractor and electrician and former-policeman who is also a writer and researcher into politics and police.

He is also the CEO of the new Republican Democrats centre party which just missed out on registration prior to the election.

The Republican Democrats were launched nationally on 22 June this year. They combine the moderate elements of both major parties with a fresh approach to politics and say they represent a viable low-risk option to voters seeking to place their Senate votes elsewhere than with the high-risk Greens.

Check out Peter Pyke’s policies on the party’s website at

Authorised by: Peter Pyke, 135 Russell Street, Toowoomba, 4350.

0427 388 598 au

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